Minutes of the Physics Division ES&H Committee
January 9, 2006
John Emes
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres
Kathie Hardy
Ron Madaras
Frank Rosado
Jim Siegrist
Tony Spadafora
Cathy Thompson
Marty White
Misc. Safety Info
- Michelle Flynn: New person in charge of self assessment
- Concern regarding IFA & MESH: Need to pay more attention to authorizations, etc.
Student Work Policy
- Decision Tree (?)
- Who can work alone/Who can’t: Depends on experience
- Other than desk work, two or more people are required
- Group leader will decide what activities are high-risk, etc.
LBNL Director’s Expectations
- PI’s are being held responsible for safety practices in labs
- Many safety violations: Laser locks turned off, etc.
- All labs must be inspected by 1/20/2005
- Michael Levi’s spaces to be walked through today – 1/9/2006
- Much more attention will be given to safety
- Discussion on EHS Supervisor Training
- Responsibilities/Expectations: EH&S (Handout)
- ES&H Daily Checklist (Developed by J. Siegrist)
- These are activities that the PI should be doing that hasn’t been getting done
- Try to give attention to at least one or two items per day/week
o Check training profiles
o JHQ Completion
o Training course completion
o Provide hazard comm.
o Provide OJT
o Discuss ES&H
Jim Siegrist Address to ESH Committee
- Handout – “Hierarchy of Injuries”
- Must concentrate on “near misses”
- Why aren’t “near misses” and other accidents publicized?
- What’s our role?
o Need for some kind of reporting system, checklists, etc.
o Pay attention to what’s going on with your group and their safety practices
o Director wants to see a strengthened line of accountability
o Walkthrough of workspaces by January 20
o Pay attention to repeated problems
Additional Safety Comm Issues
- Physics is still trying to work out who will turn in safety activities reports
- Research budgets could be cut for those who continually violate safety rules
- After hours policy will be finalized in writing
- Safety survey/interview: Let Kathie Hardy know if any changes should be made
- Student meeting coming up January 25