ISO 17078 Task Group MeetingPage 1
ISO 17078.1, .2, .3, .4 Meeting Minutes
November 11, 2003September 2 - 3, 2004
Cleon DunhamOilfield Automation Consulting
Jim HoltBaker Oil Tools
Wayne MabrySchlumberger
David McCalvinSchlumberger
Murat OcalanSchlumberger
Zlatko SalihbegovicWeatherford Artificial Lift Systems
Roger StinsonAltec
Meeting Venue:
- Thursday, Friday,September 2 - 3, 2004.
- Schlumberger office, 1325 Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas77077.
Meeting Minutes:
- Administrative
- The meeting convened at 8:30 am on ThursdaySeptember 2 and adjourned at 3:00 pm on the Friday, September 3, 2004.
- ISO 17078.1
- The ISO editors have worked on the wording of 17078.1.
- Their workhas been reviewed by David McCalvin and John Yonkers.
- Some of the editor’s rewording is not acceptable.
- David and John are working to maintain the technical integrity of the document.
- This will be addressed by ISO Work Group 4.
- Once the editor’s rewording has been addressed, the document goes to the ISO member countries for a final “up/down” vote.
- After the up/down vote, editorial comments made by the ISO secretariat are reviewed by Work Group 4.
- When the document is then finalized, it is printed and made available for sale.
- ISO 17078.2
- ISO Work Group 4 has raised a few more issues on 17078.2.
- They want us to reduce the number of design and functional test levels from four to three.
- We agree to reduce the levels of design validation to three levels. We’ll do this by merging V2 and V1 into a new V1, changing V3 to V2, and changing V4 to V3.
- We agree to reduce the levels of product validation testing to three levels. We’ll do this by merging F2 and F1 into a new F1, changing F3 to F2, and changing F4 to F3.
- They want wording changes on the annex dealing with valve modeling.
- We will work on this at the next meeting in San Antonio.
- We need to review the grandfather clause of the elastomer testing requirements.
- Work Group 4 has proposed wording for this; it is acceptable pending further editorial review.
- Work Group 4 suggests we review the environmental grade requirements in Annex B.
- A section from the SSV document has been pasted into draft of 17078.2.
- But, we plan to use the wording from the most recent version of 17078.1.
- ISO 17078.3
- Work on 17078.3 was the main focus of the meeting.
- The following sections were addressed:
- Forward
- Introduction
- Clause 1 – Scope
- Clause 3 – Terms and definitions
- Clause 4 – Symbols and abbreviations
- Clause 5 – Functional requirements
- Clause 6 – Design requirements
- ISO 17078.4
- The following sections were addressed:
- Forward
- Introduction
- Clause 1 - Scope
- Clause 2 – Normative references – deleted from this document
Prepared by:
Cleon Dunham
Oilfield Automation Consulting
September 3, 2004