/ Royal Air Force Recognition
Review Form
RAF/AS 2 /

Parts one, two and three of this form are to be completed by the Scout Leader responsible for the review and sent with the programme or itinerary of the visit to the Reviewing Officer two weeks before the agreed review. Please cross through sections if they are not relevant, e.g. if only the Scout Section holds RAF Recognition.Initial Reviews require the support and signature of the District Commissioner. If you need advice on completing the form, please contact or telephone 0345 300 1818.

PART ONE – Details about the Section/Grouprequesting the Review

(1a) Contact details for the Group

Name of Section

/ RAF No
(if known)

Name of Group

Scout District
Scout Area / County
Scout Leader
(Responsible for the Review)
Address of Group
(Where the Reviewwill be held)
Daytime Telephone / Mobile
Email Address

(1b) Details about the membership of the Section/Group

Section / Total
Air Scouts
Air Explorer Scouts

(1c) Details about the Leadership Team

Please indicate the number of Leaders, Young Leaders, Section Assistants, etc.that are involved with the Sections being Reviewed.

Section / Number of adult leaders / supporters / Number of Young Leaders / Total
Air Scouts
Air Explorer Scouts

(1d) Details of Awardsand Activity Badges earned

Please provide the number of each Award/ Activity Badge that have been achieved by current members of the Section/Group.

Badges / Number held at Review / Awards / Number held at Review
Air Navigation Badge (Scouts) / Chief Scout’s Award Gold
Air Researcher Badge (Scouts) / Chief Scout’s Award Platinum / Bronze DofE
Air Spotter Badge (Scouts) / Chief Scout’s Award
Diamond / Silver DofE
Air Activities Stage 1 / Queen’s Scout Award / Gold DofE
Air Activities Stage 2 / Chief Scout’s Award Bronze (Beavers)
Air Activities Stage 3 / Chief Scout’s Award Silver (Cubs)
Air Activities Stage 4 / Challenge Awards (total held)
Air Activities Stage 5 / Number of young people holding at least 1 challenge award
Air Activities Stage 6 / Number of young people holding at least 3 challenge awards
I confirm that the Troop / Unit / Group* meet the minimum standards as outlined in ANNEX B of GAI 1101 (October 2016).
Signed: ______Date: ____/____/______
Name: ______(Scout Leader responsible for the Review)
*please delete as appropriate.

(1e) Details of the programme in the Air Scout Group

Please provide from your Section/Group programme since your last review.

Outdoor and Adventure

(1f) Details of flying opportunities (in the past 3 years)

Description of opportunity / Total number of flights or launches
Powered Flight (Services)
Powered Flight (Civil)
Gliding (Services)
Gliding (Civil)
Hang Gliding / Paragliding / Parascending
For Initial Reviews only:
I am happy that the Troop / Unit / Group* is of a suitable standard to be considered for RAF Recognition.
Signed: ______Date: ____/____/______
Name:______(District Commissioner)
*please delete as appropriate.

PART TWO – Arrangements for the Review

(2a) Names of personnel who you have invited to attend this review.

This can be an opportunity for Sections/Groups to recognise the achievements of young people.

Name of person invited / Role

(2b) List the members within the Section/Group

Please complete this section during the review.

Air Scouts / Air Explorer Scouts / Leaders / Young Leaders / Skill Instructors/Helpers / Beavers / Cubs

(2c) List the main activities that will be showcased during the review

Activity Planned / Comments and Observations by Reviewing Officer

PART THREE – The Review (Including self-assessment)

Note to the Leader responsible for the Review

Please assess your Section/Group against the criteria statement shown and indicate how closely you believe you meet it by ticking the appropriateself-assessment box.

(3a) Review

Area One – Aviation Knowledge and Participation

1.Aviation Activity and Training

The range of access the Scouts have to aviation opportunities and training is…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
The widest possible range
A good range
An adequate range
A less than adequate range

2.Aviation Knowledge

The Scouts level of knowledge about the Royal Air Force and its role, and aviation knowledge and principles is…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Very knowledgeable.
Reasonable knowledge.
Limited knowledge.
Very little/ no knowledge.

3.RAF Scheme Participation

The Scouts take part in arranged activities/events as part of their programme and make use of ATC/RAF facilities…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Once or twice.
Do not actively participate in the scheme.

Area Two – Membership

4.Age Ranges

The Scouts are part of a…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Large mixed Section (30+) with a good number of members at each age across the full age range.
Medium size mixed Section (20+) with a good number of members at each age across the full age range.
Section that does not have members at each age across the full age range.
Small Section (less than 20) that does not have members at each age across the full age range.


The Scouts are…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Very smart on parade, in correct uniform which included all badges.
Smart on parade, but not all Scouts had correct uniform.
Not all attentive whilst on parade, and a number did not have correct uniform.
Poorly paraded with little regard for uniform and awards.

6.Role of Young People

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Young People play a full part in the leadership of the Section by active and frequent involvement in the Section Leadership Forum, by running Section ceremonies and parades and by teaching skills.
Young People are involved in the leadership of the Section through occasional meetings of the Section Leadership Forums. Older Scouts help others to learn new skills and assist with aviation skills.
Young People have limited involvement in the running of the Section. The Section Leadership forum meets infrequently and older Scouts generally can’t or won’t help in training new members of the Section.
The Section has few, if any, young people in the older part age range. The Section forum rarely meets if at all.

Area Three - Adult Leadership and Support

7.The Section…

Self-assessment / Reviewing Officer
Is led by a strong team of well trained and experienced Leaders, Assistants and Instructors, who together provide an excellent programme of activities.
Is led by a team of Leaders and other adults with an adequate level of training and experience and committed to provide a good Balanced Programme.
Is led by a small team of Leaders, but it needs more members to increase the skill and experience required to deliver a good Balance Programme.
Has a serious Adult Leader shortage and despite the efforts of those involved, is failing to deliver a satisfactory programme.

Please note there is no pass or fail mark and the assessments above cannot usefully be compared with an assessmentmark awarded at another review.

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RAF Recognition Review RAF/AS 2 (version January 2017)

3b) Reviewing Officer’s General Comments and Observations

(3c) Reviewing Officer’s Recommendations

Having reviewed the______
Air Scout Troop / Air Explorer Scout Unit / Air Scout Group*, on the
____/____/______(date), it is my recommendation that
RAF Recognition is: Renewed / Withheld / Reviewed again in six months*
*please delete as appropriate.
Name(s) of Reviewing Officer(s)
Appointment / Rank
Date / / /
At the end of the review, please forward the completed paperwork to your Wing H.Q. at the earliest opportunity.

PART FOUR – To be completed by the Headquarters of the Air Cadets and The Scout Association.

Recognition is hereby Renewed / Withheld / Reviewed again in six months*

*please delete as appropriate.

Signed: / Date: / / /
Name: / (On behalf of the Commandant Air Cadets)
Signed: / Date: / / /
Name: / Education Department, The Scout Association

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RAF Recognition Review RAF/AS 2 (version January 2017)