Date Claimer & Call for Presenters
Seminar #1 2017
Submissions are called from people willing to share their professional work with participants via presentations/workshops. Session presenters are not required to pay a registration fee for the event.
Date / Saturday 11th March, 2017Venue / Corinda State High School, Pratten Street, Corinda
Theme / Tectonic Shifts: Changes and challenges for assessment and learning in English
Elaboration / Assessment, as evidence of and tool for learning, has always been important to English teachers. This is true now more than ever, when the landscape of the Senior school is undergoing a tectonic shift; potentially a fundamental change to the way we position ourselves as leaders in our classrooms and our faculties. It’s an important time to reflect on what we value about our units of work and tasks – their deep connection with the students who learn with us, the relative professional independence we have. Critical too, will be how we embrace new challenges, including the imperative of greater student independence and agency, and opportunities for reinvigorating our classroom practices.
Our first seminar for 2017 will explore a diverse range of ideas related to assessment and learning in the English classroom. Tectonic Shifts suggests a broad range of possible workshops and papers, including but not limited to:
· exemplary units of work and assessment tasks (not limited to Senior)
· formative, standardised, and summative assessment
· preparing for external assessment
· leadership in English.
Format / Keynote address plus suite of supporting presentations/workshops
Keynote speaker / Claire Wyatt-Smith, Professor of Educational Assessment and Literacy and Institute Director of the Learning Sciences Institute Australia
Timings / 8:45 – 9:20 ETAQ AGM
9:25 – 10:25 Keynote address with questions
10:25 – 11:00 Morning tea
11:00 – 12.00 Workshop session A (you may propose a 2 hour workshop over both sessions)
12:10 – 1:10 Workshop session B
Convenor / Julie Arnold
Submission requirements / The following information is required for inclusion in the flyer/program:
1. a session title
2. an abstract outlining the presentation/workshop (max 250 words)
3. brief biographical details (max 80 words)
4. proposed session length (1 hour or two hours)
5. prepared (or not) to repeat a session
The information should be emailed to the convenor at the address shown above.
Due date / Expression of interest in offering a workshop would be appreciated by end of 2016 with submissions required by Monday 23rd January, 2017.