Venue Stickford Community Centre at 7.30pm.
There were 2 residents present for this meeting of the parish council
Official Attendees from the listing below see Y for attending and N for non attendance.
Chairman Mrs Pamela Bryant Y
Vice Chairman Mr Robert Catlin Y
Councillor Mrs Lesley Reeson Y
Councillor Mr Robert Morley Y
Councillor Mr Graham Bradley Y
Councillor Ms Teresa Key Y
Parish Clerk Mr John Spencer Y
ELDC Councillor Mr J Swanson Y
LINCS C. Councillor Mrs V Ayling Y
1 The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting then introduced the new co opted councillor
Ms Teresa Key who signed the declaration of office.
The Chairman also announced the meeting would be audio recorded.
2 No apologies
3. Public forum:-
a) A resident asked if the meeting could be recorded on their mobile All present agreed
b) A resident thanked whoever cleaned up around the glass bins.
4. There were no declarations of interest raised.
5. The Police did not attend and no report was received
6. Our L.C.Councillors’ report:-
a) The Chairman thanked the councillor for the grant of £300.00 to help with the War Memorial
b) Stated that Lincolnshire County Council has increased it share of the council tax by 3.95%
c) Concern about the use of Back lane i.e. passing and using soft verges
d) Electoral Review. It would seem that if the proposal is agreed then Stickford would become part of
the Wainfleet ward, the chairman showed a map of the proposed changes
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7. Our ELD Councillors’ report:-
a) The ELDC council tax will rise by 4.6%
b) A list of other cost saving proposals are, no footpath lightning, reduce public toilets, no small
sweepers. Town market under review, 10 public car parks are to become free parking, no call
connect. An e-messenger poster for residents to sign up for ELDC news. The council no longer
distributes a residents’ magazine to all homes.
c) The green bin cost of collection will rise from £25.00 to £35.00, with a collection once a month in
year 2017/18.
d) A charge for a bulk pick up by ELDC will be £25.00 per two items for collection
e) There is to be no councillors grant money from now
f) Advised the council to reserve money for local elections
g) It was noticed the planning do not get input from local councils, but there is evidence that this
is not the case, investigation continues.
h) ELDC has many databases. Efforts are being made to ensure that there will be only one improved
database for the District Council.
i) The ELDC website to be improved.
j) As per comments para 6d above is approved then the Spilsby Fen ward will no longer exist.
k) The use of bird scares is under review
8. The parish meeting held 8th December 2015 were approved
Proposed Councillor R Morley 2nd Councillor L Reeson
9. Review of issues raised on 8th December 2015 meeting
a) The new seat was agreed and Councillor to consider how remove old seat and fit new one
b) The Dry Dyke in field near number 1 Hagnaby Road is still under investigation about who is
responsible for it, the matter had been reported to ELDC, they in turn referred it to Lincolnshire
Highways, no report has been received from them.
10. Financial matters :
a) Pay to LALC £17.00 for 4th edition of good councillor guide.
b) Pay Stickford Community Centre £32.00 for rent covering 2 meetings
c) A quote from PC world was explained by the clerk. The Government grant of £409.50 had been
received for help in the purchase of the equipment–all agreed to proceed
Proposed by Councillor L Reeson 2nd by Councillor R Morley.
d) The request from LALC to pay next year’s affiliation fee of £160.63 by end of March was not
accepted, and will be paid in the new financial year.
e) The Bank has accepted the council’s application for a 3rd signature but still retain any 2 from 3
f) Still no update from the pension regulator.
11, War Memorial update. There has been no start date for refurbishment. The question of toilet facilities
during the work is still under review.
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12. The Parish web site is ongoing
13. Correspondence:
a) Information for councillors about East Lindsey Area Forum meetings in April 2016
b) Email received from ELDC for possible visit by Councillor Craig Leyland on 5th July Parish
Council meeting
c) More dates for Code of Conduct and DPI training in April 2016
d) Letter from Memorial clock maintenance Andrew Skiba: unable maintain clock in the future
e) Letter from Royal British Legion at Tattershall to say Mrs Barrack was no longer the contact. It was
agreed to contact Spilsby Royal British Legion to arrange a new contact
14 Planning.
i) Full planning permission for Miss S Dell, planning application S/168/01998/15.
ii) A.R. Craven Farms Ltd, Planning application S/120/02512/15. Observation sent 5/2./2016
iii) Mr & Mrs Mangion application S/168/00421/16 Change of use of store
iv) ELDC councillor reported no decision on St Helen’s cottage ref EC/168/00517/15
15. New Co option detail
A new cooption notice was shown and all agreed to display on main notice board
16 Any other issue from councillors
a) Is it possible for the parish council to get a road sign for locally known Poppypole Lane.
Clerk to investigate
b) There seems to be some confusion about the wording of the open parish meeting and the AGM
of the Parish meeting in May. Councillors to make enquiries.
17 Date of next meeting and close the meeting.
a) The next meeting will be the annual meeting of the parish on May 3rd starting 7.30pm
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