WEDNESDAY, June 4, 2008

Informal meeting at Uma Mirani’s House, Somerville, MA

Present: Rick Rosa, John Feehan, Joy Marzolf, Val Feehan, , Uma Mirani, Charlie Benoit,

Julia Cichowski, Al Bozza,

Absent: , Jim Carrozza, Steve Whitford, Shawn Cormier

Guests: 1

Meeting Chaired by Rick Rosa

Old Business:

Newsletter: we are folding and mailing tonight!

GAFC: Committee volunteers include Al, Uma, Joy (in the afternoon), Rick. Val and John are out of town, Charlie cannot make the event. Al will put together details of what needs to be done to setup and man the


Cotting School Visit/Check: in process of being planned by Al; should be in June. Al will let everyone know.

Member diving in GOT: member asked about guest access, wanted some passes. Rick informed him guests must pay to enter the aquarium even if they know the guest diver.

July Speaker: unknown at this time. Al is working on. Val suggested (as did Rick) Jim Sullivan, or Heather Knowles and Dave Caldwell. There’s lots going on about Stellwagen Bank.

Tropical Hunt: need to start planning. Also, asked Al if we could get more posters to hand out to dive shops. Al said he’d work on that. A PA system has already been arranged. Al wanted to buy tents and possibly a banner with our name on it so we could use at all our events forthcoming. Val had received a catalog from Crestline that had some items in it. She will forward the info to Al for review and consideration.

Prizes/Raffles (shore dive goodies, GAFC, Tropical, etc.): can we see about getting some items donated for this? Joy mentioned she has an autographed book we can use. We do still have the NEADC polo shirts, t-shirts,

Tank stickers, etc. Do we need anything else for the events to sell? On another note, does anyone know what we have for inventory of any of this stuff???

Holiday Party, yes or no: Board said No this year.

Dry Dive: will we have one this year? Is it getting too late? Jim is not here to find out. Rick will follow-up.

Other Issues/Topics:

Board meeting for July: too close to the holiday, and three board members are on a boat dive that night, so we need to reschedule. It was suggested we go for the 2nd Wed. of the month. Everyone agreed that would be acceptable.

Boat Dives: John mentioned there are still slots available that we need to fill for various dives coming up.

New Member Dive 6/21: Rick cannot lead, needed someone else to do it.

Meeting adjourned at 845PM (we stayed to talk after that!

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