CSc 668/868: Object Oriented Programming

© 2008 by Dr. Barry Levine

Topics 8

Note on Group Work 11

CSC 868 Oral Presentations 12

An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 14

Macro Level Process 21

Object-Oriented Analysis 22

Object-Oriented Design 22

IMPLEMENT A STORE/POST (Point of Sale Terminal) SYSTEM 23


Databases 25

Object-Oriented Analysis 26

Conceptual Model for POST (objects found in the real world – nouns drawn from the requirements/specification) 28

Object-Oriented Design 30

High-level Stages in the STORE/POST Software System: 31

POST Assignments 32

Sample File I/O API 34

Use Case View 38

Logical View 38

Relationships 38

Component View 39

Some Notes on Java 40

this in Java 40

this Used in Method Calls 41

Enumerated Types and Type Safety 42

Architectural Design (Appendix 2) 43

Architectural Patterns 43

Model-View-Control 43

Client-Server 43

Reflection 44

Layers 44

Package Structures 44

Java's Remote Method Invocation - RMI 46

Distributed Garbage Collection 49

Object Registration 49

RMI Example - Accounts used by ATM's 49

Steps to run this example (JDK 1.5 on Windows XP): 53

RMI Example - Remote methods returning remote objects 55

Steps to run this example (JDK 1.5 on Windows XP): 59

RMI Client-Server Implementation of the POST Problem 62

Main Objects Shipped from Server (Store) to Client (POST) 62

Main Objects Shipped from Client to Server 62

Objects on Client (POST) 63

Objects on Server (Store) 63

Comments 63

Object Oriented Programming Principles 64

Documentation 64

Message passing versus function calls 64

Quality of an Interface 65

Inheritance (type/subtype relationship) 67

Subclassing heuristics 67

Software Reuse 70

Subclass/Subtypes 71

Polymorphic Variables 72

Reverse Polymorphism 72

Replacement vs Refinement 74

Implementation Issues 76

Covariance and Contravariance (Overriding methods) 78

Covariant Return Types 78

Multiple Inheritance 79

Polymorphism (deals with types) 80

Forms of Polymorphism 80

Visibility and Dependence 82

Coupling and Cohesion 82

Law of DemeterÔ 85

Overriding versus Shadowing 87

Overriding: Accessibility and Exceptions 88

A Note on Protected Variables and Methods 90

Frameworks and Patterns 91

Another Look at Classes 92






Software Engineering Concepts 95








Unit Testing 99

Squeak/Smalltalk - 80 101

Identifiers: 102

Message Expressiongs 102

SELF 103

Class Variables 104

Generators 105


Reflection and Persistence (Appendix 5) 116

Reflection 116

Reflective Systems 116

Strategies 119

Static Structure 120

Runtime Classes 121

Runtime Type Information in Java 122

Dynamic Instantiation 124

Dynamic Instantiation in Java 124

Dynamic Instantiation in C++ (The Prototype Pattern) 125

Persistence 126

Databases 126

Data Streams 129

Output Streams 129

Input Streams 130

Object Streams 130

Databases 136

Connection 137

Statements 137

Result Set 138

Programming and Design Principles 140

Challenges in modern programming 140

Coupling and variabilities 140

What is a good design? 140

Documenting policy 140

Object Oriented Analysis and Design 141

Event Notification (Appendix 3) 144

Overview 144

Design Patterns 144

The Publisher-Subscriber Pattern 146

Dynamic Structure 147

The Publisher-Subscriber Pattern in Java 148

Example: Monitoring Devices (continued) 148

Java Foundation Classes (JFC) 151

Constraint Networks 153

Programming Note 157

Some Important Design Patterns 160

Model-View-Controller 160

Adaptor Pattern 160

Chain of Responsibility Pattern 160

Decorator Pattern 160

Observer Pattern 160

Proxy Pattern 161

Strategy Pattern 161

Streams Pattern (Pipes and Filters, Dataflow) 161

References 161

Refactoring to Patterns 162

1. Compose Method Refactoring 162

Example 162

Benefits and Liabilities 164

2. Replace Conditional Logic with Strategy 165

Example 165

Benefits and Liabilities 168

3. Replace Conditional Dispatcher with Command 169

Example 169

Benefits and Liabilities 172

4. Replace Type Code with Class 173

Example 173

Benefits and Liabilities 174

Frameworks. Toolkits, and Polymorphism (Appendix 4) 175

Overview 175

Frameworks 175

Example: Application Frameworks 176

Example: Client-Server Frameworks 176

Object-Oriented Concepts 177

Polymorphism 177

Abstraction 178

Working with Unknown Classes 181

MFW: A Framework for Music Applications 182

Heterogeneous Collections 182

Virtual Factory Methods 183

Factories in Java 185

Inner Classes 185

Local Classes 186

Anonymous Classes 186

Closures, Functors, and Thunks 187

Power Types as Factories 189

Toolkits 191

Generic Methods 194

Singletons 195

Example: A Simple Application Framework 195

Calculator 196

The Console Framework 196

Example: Pipelines 200

PIPES: A Pipeline Toolkit 203

Programming Notes 208

Stereotypes 208

The Java Collections Framework 209

More on Design Patterns 209

Adaptor Pattern 210

Façade Pattern 212

Comparison between Façade and Adaptor Patterns 213

Encapsulation 215

Bridge Pattern 217

Composite Patterns 219

Delegation (Appendix 6) 220

Objects as States 220

Delegation Defined 222

Adapters 223

Handle-Body Idioms 224

Shared Bodies 225

Presentation and Control (Appendix 7) 230

The Model-View-Controller Architecture 230

Static Structure 231

GUI Toolkits 232

Views and View Notification 232

Example: MFC's Document-View Architecture (Develop word processor) 233

Building an Application Framework (AFW) 236

AFW 1.0: A CUI Application Framework 236

Design 236

Implementation 237

Example: Account Manager 241

AFW 2.0: A GUI Application Framework with Multiple Views 243

Design 243

Implementation 243

Commands and Command Processors 249

AFW 3.0: A GUI Application Framework with a Command Processor 250

Design 250

Implementation 251

Example: Polygon Viewer Customization of Version 3.0 of AFW 259

Design 262

Implementation 262

Mementos 264

Static Structure 264

Resource Managers 265

Integrating Patterns in the Design of a Hierarchical File System 267

Four main benefits of patterns: 267

Goals for the system: 267

Application of the Composite Pattern 268

Intent of the Composite Pattern: 270

Applicability Section - use Composite when 270

Directory 271

Include a mkdir command 271

mkdir version 1 - problems: 272

mkdir version 2 - simplification via uniform treatment: 273

mkdir version 3 - use of downcasting: 274

Adding Symbolic Links: Proxy Pattern 275

File System Class Structure with Composite and Proxy 277

Visitor Pattern 278

Visitor Code With No Common Operation Behavior 279

Visitor Code With Common Operation Behavior 281

Modifications to Code Using Visitor 282

Visitor Benefit 282

Deleting Files and Directories within a Single User Protection Framework (e.g. single user on a PC, not a multi-user system under e.g. UNIX) - the Template Pattern 283

Summary of Design Patterns Used in the File System Design 287

Active and Distributed Objects (Appendix 8) 288

Multi-Threading 288

Implementing and Scheduling Threads 288

Inter-Thread Communication 289

Active Objects 289

The Master-Slave Design Pattern 289

Java Threads 290

Scheduling 291

Thread States 291

Preemptive vs. Nonpreemptive Scheduling 291

Example: Bouncing Balls 291

Producer-Consumer Problems 295

Example: A Joint Checking Account Simulation 296

Monitors 298

Direct Communication 301

Example: A Date Client 302

A Server Framework 303

Design 303

Implementation 303

Example: A Command Server Framework 305

Indirect Communication 307

Proxies 307

Conclusion 310

Documentation and Coding Standards 311

Sample Coding Standards 313

Summary of Notes Mentioned in the String Class 317

Miscellaneous Issues 318



General Comments: 318

Names: 318

General Programming 319


SCRUM: An Empirically-Based Process for Software Project Management 321

Principles behind the Agile Manifesto 321

Overview 322

Scrum Summary 325

Scrum Components and Processes– Definitions and Functionality 326

Scalability 354

Management Issues 355

Scrum Notes for 668/868 356

Weekly Deliverables (due each Friday) 360

Squeak Smalltalk Exercise 361

Project Information 363

Project Milestones (Deliverables include mockups, specs, architecture diagrams as determined by the indicated milestone) 364

Final Project Deliverables 364

Object-Oriented Programming

CSc 668/868

Dr. Barry Levine

Thornton 949, x81661

Course Number: CSC 668/868

Course Title: Advanced Object Oriented Software Design and Development

Number of Credits: 3

Schedule: Three hours of lecture/discussion per week.

Prerequisite: Senior or graduate standing, and at least a C grade in CSC 413, or consent

of instructor.

Catalog Description

Basic principles of object oriented analysis and design utilizing UML, advanced object oriented programming principles, design patterns, frameworks and toolkits; Agile software design processes. Development of a mid-size programming project working in teams. Paired with CSC 868. Students completing this course may not take CSC 868 later for credit. Extra fee required.


1. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

2. Some Notes on Java

3. Architectural Design

4. Java's Remote Method Invocation – RMI

5. Object Oriented Programming Principles

6. OOP and Software Engineering

7. Software Engineering Concepts

8. Unit Testing

9. Squeak/Smalltalk – 80

10. Reflection and Persistence

11. Programming and Design Principles

12. Event Notification

13. Design Patterns

14. Refactoring

15. Frameworks. Toolkits, and Polymorphism

16. Delegation

17. Presentation and Control

18. Active and Distributed Objects

19. SCRUM: An Empirically-Based Process for Software Project Management

20. Documentation and Coding Standards

Course Objectives and Role in Program

The prime objective of the course is to teach the student to analyze, design and implement object-oriented software systems by means of a mid-sized project. Students will learn the application of software architectures in various settings, including the application of design patterns, frameworks and toolkits. The ability to architect software systems is basic to all subsequent courses in which software development is an integral part. In addition, many of the concepts facing the prospective developer in modern software technology, such as Refactoring and team-oriented Agile software development processes are examined in detail and integrated into general software practice.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course students will be able to

· Utilize processes and artifacts to work effectively in a team-oriented development environment

· Apply various software architectures, including frameworks and design patterns, when developing software projects

· Develop Smalltalk applications

· Program distributed applications in a Java environment

· Effectively construct medium-sized object-oriented programs.


Student teams will propose and develop a medium-sized project of their own.

Project Meetings

We will have ongoing meetings to discuss the term project - you will bring project documentation to these meetings (class diagrams, etc.) so I can assess your design efforts and relevancy to your proposal


Squeak Smalltalk (free) is available for download (see ilearn)

Java is available on the PC’s (free) – you MUST use an IDE such as Netbeans

Grading (approximate)

CSc 668 CSc 868

Labs........................50% Labs........................40%

Class Participation.....5% Class Participation.....5%

Term project............45% Term project...........40%


Note: Students enrolled in CSc 868 are required to provide a presentation of a course-related article found in the current Computer Science literature. All students are required to be present at the 868 presentations. Up to 10% of the lab points will be deducted from the grade of students who do not attend the presentations.


Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications, Mark Guzdial, Prentice Hall, 2000

Applying UML and Patterns - an Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design by Craig Larman, Prentice Hall , [1998] (Optional)

Core Java 2 - Volume II-Advanced Features (5th Edition) by C. Horstmann & G. Cornell, Prentice Hall, [December 10, 2001] (Optional)

Recommended References:

Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, Addison Wesley, Reading, MA. 1995.

· "Software Patterns", Communications of the ACM, October, 1996.

· Refactoring to Patterns, Joshua Kertevsky, Addison-Wesley 2005

· Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, A. Shalloway & J. Trott, Addison-Wesley, 2002

· Pattern Hatching Design Patterns Applied, J. Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1998

· Agile Software Development with Scrum, Ken Schwaber & Mike Beedle, Prentice-Hall, 2001

· IEEE Computer, Special Issue on Agile Software Development, June 2003

· Refactoring; Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler, Addison-Wesley, 2000

· Framework-Based Software Development in C++, Gregory F. Rogers, Prentice Hall, 1997

Note on Group Work

In most cases programmers work in groups (for better or worse) so it's important that you check out and learn about group dynamics while in fact, many CS programs require students to work in groups in most courses.

There are many recipes for success/failure that you should learn. Therefore, if you are struggling with your group during the term I EXPECT you to check things out with me BEFORE you reach an untenable situation - be proactive!

I will act as facilitator, not judge. My goal will be to help you resolve issues so you can continue in a productive manner.



In summary,

· All group members are expected to contribute to the best of their abilities

· Each group member MUST participate in teamwork and group work, attend meetings and be courteous and responsible

· All group members get the same grade UNLESS the instructor is told or discovers that somebody is not contributing fully

You will select a group leader for each group

Role of group leads

· Organize and schedule meetings

· Single point of contact with instructor

· Help resolve issues

· Can request meeting/input from instructor

· Participation in creating deliverables (a bit reduced for group lead tasks)

· Responsible for submitting documents, as described at the end of the Reader

CSC 868 Oral Presentations

The additional requirement for people enrolled in CSc 868 is to present a review of an article found in the Computer Science literature on Object-Oriented Programming. You should peruse the literature in the library (SFSU library or UC Berkeley library or...) to determine a topic you are interested in studying. Then bring a copy of the article to me for PRIOR approval. You will present your review to the class during a regular meeting. We will agree upon a time for presentation. The presentation should last approximately 30 minutes (the time will depend on the article; in any case, you should practice your lecture to ensure that it doesn't exceed 25 minutes. This is to allow for any questions). I will give suggestions for each presentation.

Library references are:

- ACM SIGPLAN (especially the conference proceedings on object-oriented programming).

- IEEE Software

- Software: Practice and Experience

- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

- Communications of the ACM

- Computer Language

- The Journal of Systems and Software

Unlike the 868 programming assignments, the reviews will be done on an individual basis. You are required to receive my approval on your proposed review ... (be sure to plan ahead since it is possible that I will not approve your initial request).



DO NOT BRING ANY NOTES...YOUR PRESENTATION SHOULD FOCUS ON YOUR SLIDES (people have a tendency to use notes as a crutch and simply read from them)

Of course, if you spend most of the time reading from your slides then it will not be enjoyable nor very interesting for the audience. Please see me for any suggestions.

After presenting a complete reference to your article you should present a coherent outline of the presentation (frequently refer back to this outline to help the audience follow the flow of your talk). You should give an introduction, overview of your presentation,

then the main body of your talk and end with any conclusions.

BE SURE TO USE PICTURES AND EXAMPLES to help the audience understand

your talk.

The weight of the review is approximately 15% of your grade for 868. In any case, if you do not present a review then you will not receive a grade higher than a "C" for the course.

After I approve your article you need to send me the following information:

Your name,

Title, author(s), date of pub, where published

An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Macro Process