In attendance:
Mr R Aston
Mr D Forbes
Mrs M Moore
Mr I Richards
Mrs L Ridge
Mr A Lovell
Dr R Srivastava
Mr Mel Smith
Mrs M Weekley
Apologies :
Mr S Farror Hayton
Mrs F DSouza
The meeting mainly dealt with identifying what the purpose of the group was and what had been achieved by the group so far. The group has grown strong with regular meetings and good contribution from the members.
RS informed that Liz Arbos (Secretary) had left the group due to personal commitments. RS asked if the members were happy to take on secretarial role in turns and it was agreed that this will happen from the next meeting onwards. The secretary will be responsible for taking down the minutes.
It was agreed that no new members were to be enrolled unless they were from unrepresented groups.
The members discussed about the TV information screens and suggestions were made to make them more informative and to reach out to a wider audience.It was felt that the group could be better advertised.
RS informed the group about Dr Iriso leaving and two new partners joining. RS also informed about medical students from Leicester medical school sitting in for teaching purpose.
The group felt that the agenda for subsequent meeting should be set in advance.
1. The group to think of ways to reach out to more people ( group to think about this)
2. Chose topic for the next patient survey ( group to think about this)
3. A brief information about the working of the practice / impact of appraisal of doctors / impact of changes in local NHS (RS to prepare this)
The next meeting is to be held on 05/02/2012 at 1:30 pm