
Minutes of the Meeting of Louth Town Council

and its committees

held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth

on Tuesday 28TH NOVEMBER 2006


The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch (in the Chair)

Councillors:Mrs. E. Ballard JP, B. Burnett, J. Dean, C. Finch, J.E. Gains, A. Grist, M. Jones, M. Knight, G.C. Lindsay, A.M. Lione, J.R. Macdonald, Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders, T.F. Marris, Mrs. M. Ottaway, F. Robertson, K.A. Sharp, D. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanorand Mrs. P.F. Watson

The Town Clerk, Mr. C. Brightmore JP and his Secretary Mrs. L. Phillips were also present.

  1. Prayers
    The Meeting opened with prayers led by Reverend Canon S. Holdaway.
  2. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors F.G. Coonghe, F.W.P. Treanor and Mrs. P.F. Watson. These were approved by the Council.
  3. Council Minutes
    The Notes of the Town Council meeting held on 14th November 2006 (10-14-06MINS) were confirmed and signed as a correct record.
  4. Mayor’s Announcements
    The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch announced that she had attended 29 events since 19th October. She said that she had thoroughly enjoyed every one of them, especially those involving children like the launch of a book produced by the children of Donington-on-Bain School, bonfire night, the Christmas crib service and the switching on of Louth’s Christmas lights. She asked Councillors to show their hands if they thought that they would attend the Carols for All Church Service at St. James’ Church on 21st December. It was anticipated that 20 Councillors plus their partners would attend. She also asked Councillors to indicate if they expected that they would attend the Mayor’s Christmas Get Together on 19th December. 13 Councillors raised their hands. Finally, the Mayor congratulated the Town Clerk on becoming a grandfather for the third time. SkylaRae was born on Saturday 25th November at 7pm weighing in at 8lb 1oz.

Thissection of the meeting closed at7.33pm.

Signed______(The Mayor) Dated______


  1. Presentation by Mr. Pat Fowler of ELDC regarding the Industrial Estate
    Mr. P. Fowler gave a brief presentation on the two waste facilities that are to be built on Louth’s Industrial Estate. He reported that there will be two individual facilities, a Waste Transfer Station and a Household Waste Recycling Centre which, together, will replace the facilities currently provided at the Kenwick landfill site. Mr. Fowler passed around a letter which summarised the details of each facility. He said that there are no plans for any waste disposal, composting or sorting to take place at these facilities, they will simply be reception sites and the waste will be transferred somewhere else. The two facilities are only for domestic waste. Councillor T.F. Marris asked where business owners in the town should take their commercial waste. Mr. Fowler said that no local provision for this had been made and he would take this issue back to ELDC for discussion. Councillor T.F. Marris said this issue must be looked into as otherwise local businesses would be disadvantaged and it was felt that the instances of fly tipping might also rise. Mr. Fowler said that all loads taken to the Waste Transfer Station will be discharged and loaded within a building which will eliminate the escape of waste, reduce noise and allow for odours to be controlled by an odour control system. He said that the maximum number of refuse collection vehicles delivering loads to the Waste Transfer Facility would be 23 on any one day. However, he acknowledged that a significant increase in traffic on the Industrial Estate would be seen due to the public using the Household Waste Recycling Centre. However, he said an increase would be seen no matter what is built on the Industrial Estate. Councillor B. Burnett declared an interest as Portfolio Holder of Property at ELDC. He asked Mr. Fowler if any alternative sites had been considered, and was a risk assessment carried out with regard to the effect on the businesses currently residing on the Industrial Estate and any businesses who might wish to reside there in the future. Mr. Fowler said that only LCC could advise on sites and they would also have carried out any risk assessment. Councillor B. Burnett remarked that it might be prudent for ELDC to carry out its own risk assessment since the loss of business due to inappropriate development would adversely affect the District Council’s own balance sheet. Mr. S. Fry of Fenland was invited to speak and he told Councillors that they had not been consulted on any of these issues by the District or the County Council. He said there appears to be no plan for the Industrial Estate and no zoning. The two, facilities proposed do not give the right image for the Industrial Estate and as Fenland’s business is concerned with hygiene he felt that the two proposed facilities do not mix well with Fenland. He said that he is concerned that an incinerator might be built in the future. Mr. Fowler said that typically an incinerator needs a very large area of land and he allayed fears by saying that an incinerator would not fit on this site. Mrs. Stephenson was invited to address the meeting and apprised the Council of her concerns. Mr. Fowler agreed to ask Mr. P. Robinson, Director of Community Services, to attend at a Council meeting in January to further discuss the Town Council’s concerns re. future development of the Industrial Estate.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman, Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders,announced that a courtesy letter had been received from ELDC informing the Council that Mr. Ashcroft from Southwold Hunt Kennels has been granted permission to use Louth Cattle Market on Tuesday 26th December for the Boxing Day Hunt meeting. She also announced that Louth Eastfield Infant School and Lacey Gardens Junior School are not to be merged. A copy of the adjudicator’s determination is available to view in the Town Clerk’s office. She announced that two public exhibitions to explain the Louth Coastal Catchment Flood Management Plan are to take place, one at Skegness Embassy Centre on 4th December 2006 from 1pm to 6pm and one at Louth Library on 5th December 2006 from 1pm to 6pm. It was agreed that the Town Clerk will endeavour to obtain a copy of the consultation document for all Councillors. The Chairman also announced that she had received a letter from Mr. W. Baker regarding the sacking of ULHT’s executives. It was agreed that the Town Clerk should write to ULHT and express Louth Town Council’s disgust over the general situation.

  1. Declarations of Interest
    The following personal interests were declared:

Councillor B. Burnett

  1. Agenda Item 6 (6) - Planning Applications – 02459/06 Listed Building Consent – ELDC – Town Hall, Eastgate – as a member of ELDC.

Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP

  1. Agenda Item 6 (1) - Planning Applications – 00707/06 Listed Building Consent – Mr. P. Tipper – 38 Upgate, Louth, LN11 9EX – as an acquaintance of the applicant.
  2. Agenda Item 6 (1) - Planning Applications – 00710/06 Planning Permission – Mr. P. Tipper – 38 Upgate, Louth, LN11 9EX – as an acquaintance of the applicant.

Councillor C. Finch

  1. Agenda Item 6 (6) - Planning Applications – 02459/06 Listed Building Consent – ELDC – Town Hall, Eastgate – as a member of ELDC.
  2. Agenda Item 8 – Louth Community Travel Zone – as a member of the CTZ Steering Group.

Councillor A. Grist

  1. Agenda Item 6 (6) - Planning Applications – 02459/06 Listed Building Consent – ELDC – Town Hall, Eastgate – as a member of ELDC.

Councillor T.F. Marris

  1. Agenda Item 6 (11)- Planning Application 02657/06 – Mr. J. Laking – Plot 3 at 132 Newmarket, Louth as an acquaintance of the applicant.

Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson

  1. Agenda Item 7 – Correspondence from LCC re. Interconnect 51 – Louth to Grimsby Bus Service Bus Stop Infrastructure Improvements.
  1. Minutes of the Meeting
    The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 31stOctober 2006 (10-31-06MINS) were discussed, and subject to the following amendments approved for signing by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting: 1) Change the numbering, 2) show Councillor J.R. Macdonald’s apologies, 3) include reference to retention of the Lindsey Ward Heart Unit and that the PCT should work more closely with local GP’s in the section about Shaping Acute Services in Lincolnshire.
  2. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
    The Town Clerkreferred Councillors to minute 298 Mins-10-31-06 (section regarding the sale of plots 70, 71, 72 and 81Fairfield Industrial Estate). He apprised Councillors of the contents of a letter he had received from ELDC regarding this, which in summary said that ELDC has not previously consulted with Louth Town Council over individual sales of plots of land on the Industrial Estate and it is not expected that the policy on consultation will change in the future.
    Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson arrived at 8.23pm
    The Town Clerk also announced that Louth Town Council’s application for Free Trees for Parishes has been accepted and the trees can be collected in January 2007.

  1. Applications Received by the Local Planning Authority
    The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule (PA/Sched/112806).
    It was resolved:
  2. (5) 02343/06 - Planning Permission –Anglian Water Services Ltd – Louth Reservoir, Horncastle Road, Louth, LN11 9QT– to object on the grounds that the proposed design of the mast is too obtrusive in such a prominent location. With the innovative designs currently available it is felt that a less obtrusive design should be employed.
  3. (8) 02471/06 – Planning Permission – Mrs. E.A. Lawrence – Land at Cistercian Cottage, Stewton Lane, Louth - to object as this development is contrary to policy DC1 as the location is classed as being in open countryside.
  4. To support all remaining applications with the proviso that the internal signs applied for in (6) 02459/06 – ELDC – Listed Building Consent – Town Hall, Louth should be made of the correct materials for a Listed Building, not PVC, and the following grammatical errors in the proposed signs should be corrected: TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE, REGISTRAR’S OFFICE.
  5. Correspondence
    The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:
  6. From: LCC – Re: Interconnect 51 – Louth to Grimsby Bus Service Bus Stop Infrastructure Improvements – It wasRESOLVED following a proposal by Councillor C. Finch that the Town Clerk should obtain more time to enable Councillors to go out and check the proposed sites. The Town Clerk is also to obtain additional information regarding height of raised curbs, width of pavements at sites etc. This is to be a future agenda item.
  7. From: LCC – Re: Louth Community Travel Zone - Councillors discussed an e-mail prepared by Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders and it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should use the contents of this e-mail in formulating a reply to LCC.
  1. Planning Decision
    The Committee noted the following decision which was at variance with the Town Council’s recommendations:
  1. ELDC have granted Full Planning Permission for N/105/01372/06 (Land rear of 16 South Street, Spital Hill, Louth). Louth Town Council resolved to objecton the grounds the proposed building is sited inappropriately and would lead to an unacceptable loss of amenity to other residents. The design is inappropriate for a conservation area and would lead to over intensification of the site. The application is against planning policy H12, A4, H2c and H2 8.25. The Town Council requests that this go to the Development Control Committee – as per Minute 126 (1) of MINS 07-18-06.

This section of the meeting closed at 9.05pm

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______


  1. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman, Councillor G.C. Lindsayhad no remarks to make.
  2. Declarations of Interest
    No interests were declared.
    Councillor F.W.P. Treanor arrived at 9.07pm.
  3. Minutes of the Meeting
    The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 14th November 2006 (11-14-06MINS) were discussed, approved and signed by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting subject to them being renumbered.
  4. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
    The Town Clerkreminded the Committee that a liaison meeting between Louth Town Council and East Lindsey District Council will take place on Thursday 30th November from 7.30pm in the Council Chamber. He also told Councillors that the Council’s Secretary, Mrs. L. Phillips, has updated the Council’s web site so that it is now produced in Microsoft Frontpage and is capable of holding data regarding Council Minutes, Accounts, and Agenda etc. He told the Committee that the new web site will be up and running very shortly, as soon as our web services provider has prepared the server for it. Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway reported that the Town Council Newsletter, also produced by Mrs. L. Phillips, had been received very well by the general public.
  5. Exclusion of Press and Public
    Followinga proposal by the Chairman, Councillor G.C. Lindsay, seconded by Councillor C. Finch it was RESOLVED that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the following agenda item (Brown’s Panorama) as matters of a confidential nature were to be discussed.
  6. Brown’s Panorama
    TheChairman, Councillor G.C. Lindsay,referred Councillors to a tabled summary of costings he had prepared. He told Councillors that Kiffy Stainer-Hutchins & Co had now presented a fixed quotation for the work required. He invited the Mayor and Chairman of the Art Restoration Working Group, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch, to speak and she proposed that Kiffy Stainer-Hutchins & Co be appointed to carry out the conservation of Brown’s Panorama, this was seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders. A lengthy discussion ensued. Councillor F. Robertson asked for an amendment to be made to this proposal and proposed that the company Dian Hall Conservation of Nottingham be appointed to undertake the work. The Chairman called for a vote to be taken on the amendment and Councillor C. Finch asked that any voting on this issue be recorded. The results of this vote (for Dian Hall Conservation to be appointed to undertake the conservation of Brown’s Panorama) were as follows:
    KEY:  = voted for X = voted against AB = Abstained

Ottaway /  / Grist / X / Skinner /  / Jones / X
Dean /  / Knight / X / Sharp / X / Marris / X
Ballard / X / Lione / X / C. Finch / X / Makinson-Sanders / X
Robertson /  / Gains / X / Macdonald / X / Burnett / X
Treanor / X / Watson / X / M.W. Finch / X / Lindsay / AB

It was RESOLVED that Dian Hall Conservation should not be appointed. A vote was then taken on the original proposal which was to use Kiffy Stainer-Hutchins & Co. as the Conservator. The results of this vote were as follows:

Ottaway /  / Grist /  / Skinner /  / Jones / 
Dean / X / Knight /  / Sharp /  / Marris / 
Ballard /  / Lione /  / C. Finch /  / Makinson-Sanders / 
Robertson / X / Gains /  / Macdonald /  / Burnett / 
Treanor /  / Watson /  / M.W. Finch /  / Lindsay / 

It was RESOLVED that Kiffy Stainer-Hutchins & Co. should be instructed to carry out the conservation work required on the Brown’s Panorama and that the matter should go to FOG so that they might decide on how to organise the financing of the project.

This section of the meeting closed at 10.05pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______


  1. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman, Councillor J.P. Dean had no remarks to make.
  2. Declarations of Interest
    There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the Meeting
    The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 14th November 2006 (11-14-06MINS) were approved and signed by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting subject to them being re-numbered and it being noted that Councillor Sharp was Chairman that night in the absence of Councillor Dean.
  4. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding
    The Town Clerkhad nothing to report.
  5. Cemetery Chapel – Carpets
    The Committee considered 3 quotations for the supply of carpets in the Cemetery Chapel. It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should instruct T. Marris Carpets Ltd to undertake the re-carpeting of the Cemetery Chapel.

The meeting closed at 10.14pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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