Minutes of ScOPT Annual General Meeting – Thursday 22 January 2015

Glasgow Caledonian University 3.30pm


Darren Chapman– Learning Network West

Rona Gray – East Lothian Council (Chair)

Shane Sheridan- Independent PT

Charlie Grace – Independent PT

Fiona McQueen- East Dunbartonshire Council

Ros Surtees– Dumfries & Galloway Council

Anne Conlin- Learning Network West

Eddie Mc Cauley- Learning Network West

Karen Foster- Moray Council

Isabel Martin- Independent PT

Teri Anderson- NSPCC

Fiona Mossman- Clackmannanshire and Stirling Council and Independent PT (Minutes)


1. Welcome to ScOPT

Rona Gray, welcomed new and long standing members to the ScOPT Annual General Meeting.

2. Apologies

Moira Harris – Dumfries and Galloway Council

Moira Dunworth – Independent PT

Jon Bolton- Focused On Learning

Eleanor Kennedy- Independent PT

Freida Park- Independent PT

Joy Moore- Mid Lothian Council

Gillian Ferguson- Dundee City Council

Marianne Hughes- Mid Lothian

Tony Hayler- Learning Network West

Scott Rintoull- East Lothian Council

Stephanie Buchanan-North Lanarkshire Council

Deirdre Fitzpatrick- Harmeny Education Trust

3. Minutes of Previous AGM

The minutes of the last AGM were approved.

Proposed – Rona Gray

Seconded – Ros Surtees

4. Treasurer Report & Accounts

Members received a copy of the Treasurer Report and Accounts, completed by Rona Gray on behalf of previous Treasurer, Janet Stewart, who resigned during the year.

Treasurer Report Accounts

Proposed – Fiona Mc Proposed – Fiona M

Seconded – Charlie Gracie Seconded – Ros Surtees

Rona advised that we are delighted to share that we are to receive funding from the Scottish Government and the Learning Network West. The Scottish Government have provided funding towards supporting the costs and expenses of running ScOPT. This will be used for travel costs for Independent Committee members as well as refreshments and venue costs for meetings.

The Learning Network has agreed to contribute 50% of requested funding for website development. Please see later agenda item for details.

It was noted that we will continue to sell the toolkit. We will shortly be able to do so via the website and this will payable via Paypal.

Charlie thanked Rona for stepping in and doing this on top of being chair over the last 6 months

5. Membership Secretary Update

Fiona McQueen advised that membership is now free. In her role Fiona has formally welcomed 65 new members in the last 6 months with our welcome email. We currently have 293 members. Fiona advised that there is still a misconception that there is a charge for membership and asked attendees to share with colleagues that membership is free.

Ann Conlin suggested a short paragraph could be put into the next bulletin for Learning Network- Focus in Feb with a Hyper link to membership to support those in the West to join up easily and also to clarify that there is no longer a charge.

6. Chairs Report

Members received a copy of the Chair’s report from Rona Gray. A summary of this is that our committee numbers dropped to 6 with two members resigning during 2014. As a result the committee agreed to focus on the website, toolkit sales and the roadshows. We were unable to hold a conference in 2014. Rona added that many colleagues had shared that they had missed being able to go to the conference this year.

Roadshows were held in place of the conference. Rona plus one of the committee met with PT’s in local areas. Two have been held already in Stirling/Falkirk and West Dunbartonshire. There are plans to have two more in the Tayforth and Southeast. The Scottish Government have given funds to ScOPT in part to enable the Committee to travel and run these events

Rona shared that capacity wise it has been a hard year. The low numbers in the committee and work demands have made it difficult to meet as a committee and to be quorate at these meetings. We have successfully used Skype and Moira Dunworth participated in a meeting from Spain. However in the local authority meeting venues the use of Skype is not always possible.

ScOPT have contributed at a range of meetings in relation to the PDA in Practice Learning, the SQA Review of this qualification and the review of the social work degree. In addition, four committee members held workshops at or attend the International Practice Learning Conference held in

Glasgow. Ros Surtees of the Committee closed this conference as well as speaking at the Civic reception in Glasgow City Chambers. Ros was heavily involved in the organisation of this conference, working alongside our colleagues in Whiting and Birch. Ros noted that this strengthened links nationally and internationally and had been an amazing experience.

Rona Gray made an appeal for committee members and or helpers to support us with the planning and delivery of the next ScOPT conference. Isabel Martin has noted that she wishes to be a helper.

7. Website Update

Update- Charlie Gracie gave an update on the work of the web team. Charlie, Fiona Mossman and Moira Dunworth take it in weekly turns to be on duty to support and maintain the website using a rota system. Charlie noted that planned developments will make the site more dynamic and responsive and commented that the website is key in raising the profile of ScOPT and practice learning.

Charlie added that part of the work we do involves checking on whether member registrations are genuine enquiries. We receive spam registrations although this is happening less due to using “capcha” to filter out these requests. Once checked the web team forward details of new members to Fiona McQueen who sends out our welcome email.

Karen Foster fed back that she liked the new website advising it was easy to navigate and find things

Charlie made a request for contributions from the committee and from ScOPT members that can be posted onto the website. The web team are currently sourcing (already drafted) items for posting. The contributions of the committee and members would add breadth and depth to the information on the website. The web team can format or tweak contributions but require information to be provided in the first instance by others to widen the range of contributions provided.

Fiona noted that we currently have a “What do you think page” up and running where we are looking for PT’s to comment on and discuss the review of the social work degree.

It was noted that all of our website posts are shared on Twitter and that Moira regularly attends conferences relevant to the work of ScOPT and sends tweets from these events.

Website development- we are delighted to be working alongside Jon Bolton form Focused on Learning. Jon provides the web team with IT advice and support and has offered to host a depository of online practice learning resources on our website.

In order to develop the depository Moira Dunworth submitted a funding proposal to a number of organisations. The Learning Network West have agreed to provide 50 % of the funding for this development work. This will involve the collation of practice learning resources from PT’s across Scotland who wish to share these resources online.

In addition it will also be possible to host open or closed discussion forums on the website. Ann Conlin fed back this would be a valuable way for Independent PT’s in the West to have their own forum to sharing good and difficult practice in a safe and secure environment. Ann indicated that this was a significant factor in their decision to offer financial support. Fiona Mossman indicated that she intended to make use of this for practitioners involved in Practice Learning in Clackmannanshire and Stirling.

Committee Member Nominations and Resignations


Janet Stewart

Catherine McClintock

Nominations submitted prior to the AGM

Jon Bolton

Proposed by Moira Dunworth and seconded by Fiona Mossman

Charlie Gracie

Proposed by Fiona Mossman and seconded by Moira Dunworth

Fiona Mossman

Proposed by Moira Dunworth and seconded by Jon Bolton

Fiona Mc Queen

Proposed by Fiona Mossman and seconded by Rona Gray

Karen Foster

Proposed by Rona Gray and seconded by Fiona Mossman

Ros Surtees

Proposed by Rona and seconded by Charlie Gracie

Nominations submitted at the AGM

Rona Gray

Proposed by Ros Surtees and seconded by Fiona McQueen

Moira Harris

Proposed by Ros Surtees and seconded by Charlie Gracie

Ann Conlin asked if it was possible for a member of staff from the Learning Network to be a co-opted member of the committee. This was agreed to and it was noted that colleagues from the Network would take it in turns to attend.

As noted Isabel Martin has offered to be a helper. Teri Anderson will check the NSPCC team for committee members from Glasgow area

Ann Conlin offered to help the committee recruit from the voluntary sector through the Network contact lists.

Rona requested that we appoint office bearers at the first meeting of the committee. Rona is willing to continue as Chair and Fiona McQueen has offered to take on the role of Treasurer.

Creative Thinking- The Future of ScOPT

Ros Surtees facilitated a 30 minute session at the end of the meeting using Edward de Bono’s Thinking Hats. The group came up with a large range of ideas and proposals for the future development of ScOPT that will be used to at the first Committee meeting. This will be a half day development slot in February



Ros asked that it be noted that James Lochrie is available to do an input at future roadshows on Working with Men and Domestic abuse.


This requires to be revised and will be discussed at the next committee meeting.