ASU America Reads

Activity Plan and Report

Date:1-21-2014 / Activity #:
Tutor:Deirdre Edwards / Student(s):Christopher Edwards / Grade:1
List Materials:Racecar print-out, pencils, markers, word problems (both easy and hard), cups, ball, empty bucket (or trash can), marbles, scratch paper
Reading Material:Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs Before Dark
Reading / Standard(s):Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
Plan:We will popcorn read Dinosaurs Before Dark (I will read a page and then he will read a page). Every two pages I will pause and ask comprehension questions such as “who is the main character?” or “why did they do _____?” We will stop reading after ten minutes. I will then explain to Christopher what characters and settings are. Then, I will ask him to tell what the setting is, who the characters are, and what is happening in the story. He will master this standard when he can accurately answer the afore questions.
Writing / Standard(s):Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.
Plan:Since Christopher loves racecars, I will have a print out of a race car with a lot of empty space in the middle. I will then ask Christopher to describe a race that he recently watched on TV. I will also explain to him that he must use “temporal words” such as next or then. He will then write his story on the body of the car. I will also write about a race that I saw. When we are finished, we will read our stories to each other.
Activity / Standard(s):Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Plan:I will have word problems prepared ahead of time in cups that are sitting in a line on the floor. (Examples of the word problems: “Christopher is watching a race. In the front of the pack, Christopher sees 8 red cars and 4 blue cars. How many cars are there altogether in the front?” “There are 18 triceratops drinking from a lake. A T-Rex comes near the lake and scares away 13 of the triceratops. How many triceratops are left at the lake?” “There are ⌘ cars in a race of only green and yellow cars. There are a total of 19 cars racing and 5 of them are yellow. How many green cars are racing?”) I will also set up an empty bucket nearby. Christopher will roll a ball towards the cups. When he knocks over a cup, he will take out the word problem and solve it, with my help if needed. When he has finished solving the problem, Christopher will crumple up the word problem and toss it into the empty bucket. He will then start over rolling the ball towards the cups. Christopher will master this standard when he can solve, with 80% accuracy, the types of problems listed above.
Alternate Plan/Differentiation:If the activity is too easy, I will have harder word problems written. (Example: “There are 24 triceratops and 37 t-rex’s in the forest. How many dinosaurs are there total in the forest?” etc.) I will sub out the easier problems with these harder problems. If the activity is too hard, I will help him understand what the question is asking using marbles. (Example: If the problem asks him to solve 8+7, I will have him count a group of 8 marbles and a group of 7 marbles and then, we will combine the groups and he will count how many marbles there are in total.)
Activity Report
Reading / Reading Standard(s)
____ Met/Mastered
____ Needs additional work
____ Too difficult – Tutor will adjust
Writing / Writing Standard(s)
____ Met/Mastered
____ Needs additional work
____ Too difficult – Tutor will adjust
Activity / Activity Standard(s)
____ Met/Mastered
____ Needs additional work
____ Too difficult – Tutor will adjust