PRESENT Cllr J Paget (Chairman)

Cllr T Mitchell

Cllr G Palmer

Cllr J Beacham

Cllr I Collings

Cllr H Dottridge

Cllr F Humphries

District Councillor S Davis


INATTENDANCE5 members of the public

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS None – In respect of declarations of interest, advice has been sought by the Parish Clerk from Keith Donoghue (Society of Local Council Clerks Regional Advisor). The content of Mr Donoghue’s email was read out and it was agreed that any Councillor having an interest in a matter that is on a Parish Council meeting agenda should declare their interest and this should be recorded in the register. That Councillor should then abstain from any discussions involving the matter where there is a declared interest or perceived interest.


These Minutes, already circulated, required 4 spelling/grammar amendments and Cllr Beacham reported that the section entitled ‘Naming of roads in Woollard, did not contain a true reflection of the discussions. A revised report of this matter was read out by Cllr Beacham, this report was accepted and will be used in substitution of the current report in the Minutes. Minutes Proposed: Cllr T Mitchell - Seconded: - Cllr J Beacham


Proposed South West Keynsham development

Cllr Paget, Cllr Mitchell and Cllr Palmer attended a meeting at Keynsham Town Council on Tuesday 26th February 2008 to discuss the proposed development in South-West Keynsham. Cllr Mitchell reported that the meeting was attended by members of Keynsham Town Council, Compton Dando Parish Council representatives, members of BANES Planning and Highways departments. The outcome of the meeting was reported by Cllr Mitchell as follows, a draft Master Plan needed to be drawn up to form the basis for consultation Taylor Wimpey had agreed to produce this draft, but work carried out to date had not proved satisfactory to BANES Council’s Property Services. Geoff Webber of BANES was reported as saying that a prerequisite of the draft Master Plan is that all the various landowners involved must be prepared to endorse the Plan, and as yet there was no progress in reaching such agreement. One of the areas in which there is some contention is the balance between development for employment uses and development for housing. The outcome of the meeting was that the delays in agreeing the Master Plan would mean that no development can be expected to start within the next 1 – 2 years. Cllr Paget also reported that a section of land between the two development areas is under the ownership of the Woodland Trust and under their constitution it states that this parcel of land cannot be developed. Also, BANES has some control over the land to be developed by Taylor Wimpey, as access into and out of the site for development can only be made via the BANES piece of land. Cllr Paget also reported that work by BANES Highways was already under way to develop a model plan for the whole of Keynsham road systems that would include not only this site but development of the new Tesco (plus 50 homes), development of the Fry’s site, re-development of the leisure/shopping area of Keynsham and extension of the ring road at Hicks Gate roundabout. The impact on villages such as Queen Charlton and Chewton Keynsham will be taken into consideration by BANES when planning the road systems. Reports of drainage works having already begun on this land are unfounded only test holes have been made to access the substructure of the land to be developed South West of Keynsham.

Precept 2008/2009

Cllr Paget reported that he had received some queries regarding the percentage increases on the Council Tax Bills for 2008-2009, especially the increase of 41.4% of Parish Council Tax. This high increase is required to cover the cost of increases in street lighting charges (electricity) and the Parish Clerk’s salary (from 4 hours per week to 6 hours), the production of a Parish Council website and a grant towards a Parish Plan.

Parish Councils Airport Association.

Cllr Palmer reported that she had received a message from Hilary Burn that the walkway planning application 07/P/3214/PAI decision has been delayed until at least 18th March when the Luton Planning Officer visits North Somerset Planning Department. It will then go to South Area Committee to be determined on 16th April. Hilary has suggested that it would be good if representatives of the various Parishes could attend the area meeting at North Somerset Council to add pressure to DistrictCouncillors in determining the application. Cllr Palmer confirmed that she would try and attend.

Dead oak tree – Fairy Hill – The Parish Clerk had received a copy of a letter addressed to Mr Osbourne which had been sent by Mr Cassidy (Arboricultural Officer from BANES), the contents of which she reported to the Parish Council. A plan referred to in the letter detailing trees to be felled was not attached and the Parish Clerk confirmed that she would contact Mr Cassidy to acquire a copy of this plan. It was apparent from discussions that the dead oak in question was not one owned by Mr Osbourne and Cllr Humphries reported that five months had now passed and the problem had not been resolved.

Parishes Liaison Meeting – Wednesday 20th February Town Hall Keynsham

Cllr Collings attended this meeting and reported that one of the main issues on the agenda was flooding. The outcome of the discussions at this meeting were that any areas prone to flooding within our parish should be reported to Cllr Gerish of BANES where they will be listed and prioritised for run off water drainage works. It was suggested that the Councillors should forward details, to the Parish Clerk, of any particular flooding areas that they are aware of. Also at the Parish village meetings that are forthcoming the Parishioners would be asked if they know of any particular problems. Once the information on areas prone to flooding is collated the Parish Clerk will then write to Cllr Gerish with full details.

Naming of roads in Woollard -

Cllr Dottridge confirmed that she had checked Police HQ records for the possibility of there being another Hunstrete Lane in the area and her investigations found that there were no other lanes with this name close to our Parish. Cllr Beacham confirmed that he had sent Martin Laker the results of the decision made on the naming of the road in our section of the Parish and that he reported that he was aware that Pensford and Publow had also made contact with Mr Laker regarding their decision. The Parish Clerk agreed to write to Mr Laker confirming that the Parish Council is in agreement with the decision on the road name. Cllr Humphries reported that his old map of Woollard was not available at present for Cllr.Beacham to check if there are any recorded historical names for this section of the lane.

Keynsham & Chew Valley Strategic Partnership Meeting

The Parish Clerk has received a copy of the Minutes from the meeting held on the 13th February 2008, together with the first draft of partnership terms of reference and a letter to be sent to local community groups (e.g. the Women’s Institute, church groups and community associations) who may wish to get involved in the partnership. A copy of the latter has been sent to the Compton Dando Community Association. Parish Councillors were asked for suggestions of local groups within the Parish who may wish to become involved in the partnership. Cllr Dottridge suggested the local neighbourhood watch organisations. The Parish Clerk reported that only one or two representatives would be able to attend each meeting and that she need to know numbers by the 28th March 2008 so that she could advise Keynsham Town Council of the number of attendees for the next meeting on Thursday 3rd April 2008 in the Council Chamber of Keynsham Town Hall.

Parish Hall and Millennium Green

Cllr Collings reported that the Grid in the watercourse outside the Parish Hall had now been repaired and was safe. The repairs were organised by Cllr Beacham who reported that this had been done free of charge. Cllr Paget on behalf of the Parish Council thanked him for organising the repairs. Cllr Paget added that although the grid was now safe, under no circumstance should anyone endanger themselves clearing the water course, and that they would not be covered by insurance if injured whilst clearing debris from the water.

The Compton Dando Parish Hall audited accounts were handed over to Cllr Collings for returning to the committee and a bill for the auditing costs was given to the Parish Council (a cheque for this will be signed at the next Parish Council meeting).

Cllr Paget reported that the Parish Hall Management Committee has taken steps to apply for the Hall Mark Award which is an accreditation that helps when advertising the Hall for use, as it is a quality standard recognised by the government. The inspectors of the Hall Mark Award committee will be visiting the hall and looking at the hall paperwork and documents in the next few weeks.

Cllr Paget reported that the ‘flood’ problem survey had not been received but it was hoped that we would be in possession of this for next months Parish Council meeting.

Hinton Organics.

Cllr Paget reported that as some Parishioners are aware of Cllr Beacham’s involvement with the Hinton Organics site and having discussed the situation with Cllr Beacham it has been agreed that Cllr Beacham will declare an interest and abstain from any further discussions regarding this matter in the future.


Public footpath BA8/66 – St Mary’s Church, Compton Dando

The Parish Clerk received a letter from the Compton Dando Community Association regarding the poor state of repair to public footpath BA8/66. The Clerk confirmed that she had forward a copy of this letter to Colin Hudson (Public Rights of Way Officer at BANES) for his comments. The Parish Clerk reported that she had received a reply dated 14th March from Mr Hudson informing the Parish Council that the path had been added to their list of Public Rights of Way work, however this list is long, the works have to be prioritised and their budget for the next financial year has been cut. Mr Hudson requested the contact details of the vicar and/or church warden in order that he may discuss this matter further, the clerk confirmed that she had forward these details.

Mains water pipe renewal, Compton Dando.

Cllr Paget reported that he and the Parish Clerk had met with Daniel Contractors Limited and Bristol Water to go over the plans for the renewal of the mains water pipes through the village of Compton Dando. The work is to commence the middle of April for 4 – 6 weeks, with work commencing at the Hunstrete end of the village. The work will entail passing new pipe through the existing pipe work and this will be completed in 100 metre sections. During the period of work on each section the mains water will be turned off for up to 12 hours, residents affected by this will be notified in writing prior to the turning off of the supply and alternative water supplies will be offered either in the form of bottled water or bowsers. During the working sections it is proposed that the roads will be kept open and traffic control will be put in place. There are two short periods of road closures proposed and full details will be posted on the village notice board and residents living close to these areas will be notified. The parish clerk will be in constant contact with the contractors and will put regular up-dates of work progress on the notice board. If any Parishioner should have any concerns regarding this matter they can contact the Parish Clerk on 0117 9860552 or email her at .


CA/537 – The Tithe Barn, Woollard , Pensford Bristol – Application to carry out work to trees subject to a tree preservation order or within the conservation area. – It was agreed that the works notified should be ACCEPTED as the trees are causing significant damage to the historical buildings, retaining walls and the well within the site.

08/00865/FUL - The Barn House Watery Lane Burnett BS31 2TF – Erection of stable block and equipment store on land west of the Barn House (retrospective application) – Mr J Holroyd. OBJECT IN PRINCIPLE on the grounds that the development by reason of its location may be detrimental to the wildlife and adjacent watercourse as there seems to be no system for handling the run-off waste effluent.


07/03754/FUL – Tucking Mill Farm Tucking Mill Lane Compton Dando BS39 4LF – Erection of a stable block and integral storage on land adjacent to Tucking Mill – Mrs S Brand REFUSED on the grounds of:

1.  The proposed development by reason of its size, bulk and location and inappropriate dominance of the vehicular parking and turning area on site, would be detrimental to the character and openness of the Bristol/Green Belt. This would be contrary to policies D2, D4, GB1 and GB2 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals and waster policies) adopted 2007.

2.  The proposed development, by reason of its location, would result in an unacceptable impact on the character and local distinctiveness of the surrounding area and detrimental to the wildlife and adjacent watercourse contrary to – policies NE1 and NE15 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals and waster policies) adopted 2007.