St. Albert Ringette Association

2012 Annual General Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2012, 7:00 pm

Morinville Room

Servus Credit Union Place


Glen Dennis,

Trish Hogan,

James Findlay,

Travis Sawchuk,

Bobbi-Jean Robertson

Todd Stahn,

Deb Stahn,

Sam Siffledeen,

Kent Eklund,

Todd Koslowski,

Melissa Scott,

Leah Schultz,

Ryan Bodnarchuk,

Dwayne Girard,

Cristin De La Mere,

Cindy Debruijn,

Taryn Moorhouse,

Steve Knoppers,

Suzy Shigeta,

Keri, McEachern,

Ron Heiga,

Melanie Verkerk,

Carolyn Reich,

Jerry Veldhuis,

Laura L’Heureux,

Lisa Fedoriw,

Sandra Fenton,

Frank Tosto,

Candace Ketsa,

Leon Palmer

7:05 PM Meeting called to order by Glen Dennis

Additions to AGM Agenda- none

Move to adopt Agenda for AGM meeting 2012-

Moved: Deb Stahn Seconded by Todd Stahn


Minutes from 2011 SARAAGM Meeting were distributed and no questions arising-

Move to adopt the 2011 SARA AGM Minutes.

Motion: Suzy Shigeta Seconded by Trish Hogan


Executive Reports distributed for information and reviewed.


Early Bird registration starts May 1-June 15.

Question from SARA member-did their daughter receive the team’s allotted power skating sessions with Donna Stewart? Comments from other members; some did receive, some didn’t. The information was not clear from coaches and managers regarding the sessions.

ACTION: Ensure this is communicated to Coaches for 2012-2013 season.

Financial report presented by Travis Sawchuk. There were no questions arising.

Move to accept SARA Financial Statements as presented.

Motion: Todd StahnSeconded by Trish Hogan


Move to accept appointment of Auditor-Al Henderson.

Motion: Deb StahnSeconded by James Findlay


First call for Nominations:

President-Glen Dennis. Nominated by Deb Stahn, seconded by Todd Stahn

Vice President-Trish Hogan. Nominated by Glen Dennis, seconded by Bobbi-Jean Robertson

Treasurer-Travis Sawchuk. Nominated by James Findlay, seconded by Glen Dennis

Registrar-James Findlay. Nominated by Glen Dennis, seconded by Trish Hogan

Secretary-Melissa Scott. Nominated by Leah Schultz, seconded by Todd Stahn

Appointed Positions:

Ice Allocator - Scott Petter is resigning. No volunteers stepped forward.

Coach and Player Development-Candice Ketsa

Coach Coordinator-Todd Koslowski

Statistician-Kerri McEachern

Referee in Chief-Position -

Black Gold Rep-Todd Stahn

Special EventsGalaxyland- Leah Schultz

Special Events Rain Maker Rodeo – Melissa Scott

Division Coordinators

U6-Todd Koslowski



U14-Frank Tosta



Zone 5 “AA” Rep-Dwayne Girard and Dianne Pasnoosny(spelling?)

Information Update:

LTAD – This has been a very long and painful process that has yet to be resolved with a definitive direction. There will be clear communication regarding LTAD in the near future and for the upcoming season there will be no change to the U12 Division relative to tiering.

Ringette Alberta held a strategic planning meeting last weekend which was attended by Glen Dennis. The results will be communicated shortly to member associations. Some of the highlights included more involvement at the local level with support as well as better communication. The focus is on the future and processes to advance the sport of Ringette with player, coach, official education.

AGM for Ringette Alberta is May 5 in Red Deer and there are 11 members attending from SARA. There were not enough nominations for the Ringette Alberta Board vacancies therefore the Board can appoint applicants to vacant positions. Glen Dennis has submitted his name and interest to the positions.

The Provincial Championship Tournament format is open for discussion and changes will be forthcoming. As it stands today a local association applies and can be selected to host with very little time to plan and prepare for the event. The discussion will provide options to be reviewed including applications a year or two in advance similar to Ontario. More information will follow after the AGM on May 5, 2012.

The Alberta Winter Games team selection format will change this year. Teams will be selected through a tryout process within the Zone rather than an individual home association team. This is not a Ringette Alberta initiated change rather a provincial direction.

Ringette Alberta will also be reviewing the Board Governance and structure in order to create efficiencies in the decision making and advancement of the organization.

Ringette Alberta has started conversation with various Zones within the province as well as local associations regarding the “AA” program. “AA” provides many opportunities for our Ringette Players including a chance to participate at the National and World level. The more athletes we can expose to the “AA” program the better. This is in the discussion phase and will be presented for information and input at the Ringette Alberta AGM on May 5, 2012.

There were questions asked regarding the U10 phasing/tiering and a possible Zone 5 pilot project. At the present time there is not direction set and from the meetings that were held there is very little support at the Zone and Provincial level for the program. Sherwood Park has completed a lot of work in relation to the program and has based it on the development of the athletes going forward. SARA used the format for the U-10 Summit this spring which had some success and also some challenges.

SARA created an award to recognize outstanding contribution to Ringette in St. Albert. The award has been appropriately named the Glenn Stadnyk Outstanding Volunteer Award. The very first recipient of the award is Glenn Stadnyk.

Glenn has been involved with St. Albert Ringette for more than a decade contributing to every aspect of the sport. This is a well deserved recognition for his outstanding contribution.

Second Call for Nominations:

President – no additional nominations: Glen Dennis acclaimed

Vice President - no additional nominations: Trish Hogan acclaimed

Treasurer - no additional nominations: Travis Sawchuk acclaimed

Registrar - no additional nominations: James Findlay acclaimed

Secretary - no additional nominations: Melissa Scott acclaimed

Remaining appointed and volunteer positions have not been filled. There was a suggestion from members to pay the ice allocator or offer free registration. The positions have been and remain to be volunteer. There are provisions within the Bylaws and policies to possibly off an honorarium for work performed.

There was also a concern brought forward relative to a family being unable to afford the registration or team fess associated with playing Ringette. SARA has a Benevolent Fund to help off-set costs of registration fees should a member advance a request on their or another’s behalf.

Two draws for free registration for 2012 season:

Winners were Melissa Scott and Glen Dennis

8:30 PM

Motion to adjourn 2012 AGM SARA meeting-

Moved: Deb StahnSeconded by Candice Ketsa
