Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th March 2010 at BrynOffaSchool, Pant.
PRESENT: Cllrs. Mrs. D. Gaskill, Cllrs.L. Northcott-Hammond , J. Jaffrey, P. McConville R.M. Melling, B. Robinson and the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne. There was one Member of the Public present – Mr. Chilvers.
10/29APOLOGIES A. Brown (work) L. Griffiths (hol)T. E. Mason (hol), I. Pollitt (Play),Mrs. J. L. Smith (hol) and Shropshire Councillor A. Walpole.
10/31POLICE REPORT PC Pete Daleattended for the report. There had been an incident of damage to items at the playground in Pant. PC Dale had taken this up with the parents of the person responsible. He reported that CSO Gordon had taken a job with the Youth Team in Shrewsbury, but he will be replaced in April. CSO Hannah had also taken another post and will also be leaving May. It was agreed to send a letter of appreciation for the work of the two CSO’s. There had been no crimes reported in the Parish, only a report of suspected stolen property being dumped and the two serious traffic accidents at Maesbury and Chirk. PC Dale was asked to visit the Limeworks car park occasionally.
10/32Mr. Chilvers was invited to speak; he said he had not attended for any specific issue and just wished to observe.
10/33SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT Cllr Walpole had given his apologies. The
Chairman reported that the next LJC meeting will be held on the 29th March at
Morda Village Hall and the supermarket applications had been deferred for 3 months to investigate highway matters. The report on the air quality in Pant was still queried, as the Commons Environmental Audit Committee on Air Pollution had recently reported and it was queried whether the Council could get further information on this. It was agreed to raise this item at the next LJC meeting.
10/34MINUTESof the meeting held on the 25th February 2010were proposed by Cllr
Melling and 2nd by Cllr Jaffrey with all in favour.
10/35CORRESPONDENCE Leaflet on Shropshire public transport, letter from the
Northern Marches Leader Action Group, SUCS invitation to see the work on the restoration of the Montgomery Canal at Redwith on the 10th or 14th April with a tour followed by lunch at Canal Central, LJC Summit at Shrewsbury TFC and a letter from TARCA.
10/36ROADS AND FOOTWAYS The embankment strengthening works north of Pant,
were progressing well and a few of the early problems had been sorted out in liaison with Amey. Questions were asked on the crossing patrol and the email would be re-circulated. It was agreed to invite the new Headmaster and Governors to a future meeting.
10/37VILLAGE MAINTENANCE The quotation for the Grounds Maintenance was
considered and it was RESOLVED to continue with RPS Landscapes. The Clerk updated Members on the claims for 50% of grounds maintenance costs from Shropshire Council, which were being pursued.
10/38PLANNING There were no applications to consider.
10/39L D FCORE STRATEGY Final Plan. Agreed to makethe following comments: Community Safety As road accidents are the most significant cause of
accidental deaths in Shropshire and account for 56% of all accidental deaths, which have a significant impact on costs to services - health, fire and rescue etc., as well as the economy and emotional impact on residents, there should be efforts to improve the major road network in the county.
Transport and Access This section has no mention of the A483, which is a strategic route. There is no reference to poor air quality in Pant on the A483, which has far greater vehicle movements than Shrewsbury Town Centre which is cited as a problem.
The Spatial Vision for Shropshire by 2026 Targeted improvements to the county's transport infrastructure does not include any mention of the A483, only the A5, A41, A49 and A53 are mentioned.
Development Strategy NW Shropshire 750+ dwellings on the A5/A483 land is far too high. This would put extra traffic on the A483, which unless upgraded, will still have substandard junctions, high volumes of traffic and poor air quality for residents.
A final comment on the document in general is that there should have been road numbers shown on the maps, as it was difficult to work out exactly where the sites are.
10/40RIGHTS OF WAY The new right of way in Pant had not been cleared or way
marked and it was agreed to report this. The need for a Paths Liaison person had been mentioned to various village organisations. Mr. Chilvers asked to speak and the Members agreed, he queried footpath maintenance and responsibility for stiles and his questions were answered by The Clerk.
10/41 ROCKWELL MEADOW Cllr Northcott-Hammond left the Chamber for this item.
Letter from Cllr Northcott-Hammond was read to the meeting, informing of his change of address and his desire to relinquish the rental of Rockwell Meadow. Further letter read from Mr. Pierson, the new owner of the Brambles expressing his wish to rent Rockwell Meadow. The Clerk reported that Mrs. Roberts of Rockwell Lane had also expressed interest in the rental, but had since withdrawn. It was agreed to advertise the rental of Rockwell Meadow at £150 per year, to include clauses to protect the nature of the field and the organic hay. A copy of the advert to be sent to Mr. Pierson and the final decision to be taken at the May meeting. Cllr Northcott-Hammond rejoined the meeting.
10/42FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS. The Clerk reported on the internal audit services of JDH Business Services, Mold. They could collect the books etc. and return them within 5 days, all staff were suitably qualified abd the cost would be in the region of £80. It was Proposed by Cllr Jaffrey, 2nd by Cllr Melling, with all in favour and therefore RESOLVED that JDH Business Services be appointed as Internal Auditor for the 2009/10 accounts.
The date for the External Audit of the 2009/10 accounts and Annual Return had been received from Mazars, the Return had to be approved and signed by the Council before the 30th June 2010 and the deadline for receipt at Mazars was the 28th August 2009.
It was Proposed by Cllr Northcott-Hammond and 2nd by Cllr Jaffrey, with all in favour that the list of accounts be paid.
10/43LLANYMYNECH VILLAGE HALL. Request for financial assistance with costs of repair to the Village Hall roof. It was suggested that this could be covered by insurance, so more information was required. The donations budget had been cleared for the current financial year.
10/44ANNUAL PARISH MEETING Arrangements. The Speaker had been unable to attend on the 15th, the MP’s would be prevented from speaking during the pre-election period and the AM Mick Bates had an interest so would also be unable to speak. It was therefore, agreed to change the date to the 22nd April.
921 V E. Byrne 517.05 SalaryMarch
922 V & W Electrics Ltd 305.50 Lighting Maint x 2
923 SALC 15.00 Standing Orders