Welcome Exhibitors! We’ve prepared these Guidelines to streamline the registration process. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Pre-Register (via fax, e-mail or snail-mail) until midnight, Tuesday 8 January 2008. There will also be on-site Registration at set-up, Thursday, 9 January, 2008, 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM sharp!
The Classification Index (Judging Schedule) is almost identical to the one used last year. Descriptions and examples of what is (or is not) in a class have been updated or added. The Schedule lists all the classes in which a plant, cut flower, artwork, exhibit, etc. may be entered.
Whether you pre-register or register on-site, please read these Guidelines and the Judging Schedule before you fill out the Entry Form.
Here are some general definitions to use with the Judging Schedule:
- A hybrid is a cross that is made with one genus.
- A hybrid is Primary (P) if both parents are species; Near-Primary (NP) if one is species, other hybrid. Ex. Paph. Wossner Jade (malipoense x niveum), Paph. Sizzler (malipoense x Cabaret).
- Intergeneric hybrid means that two or more different genera are used in the cross. Ex.: Bc. (Cattleya x Brassavola); Mkra. (Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Vanda).
- In a complex hybrid, both parents are hybrids. Example: Paph. Maud Green (Maudiae x Acteus).
- A Multifloral Paph is one that bears three or more flowers (open at the same time) at maturity.
- A Miniature-Multifloral Phal / Dtps. hybrid carries multi-branched inflorescences at maturity with flowers that have no more than 7.6 cm (3”) natural spread (NS).
There are specific classes for Paph. P/NP, complex and multifloral hybrids and for Phal. and Dtps. Miniature-Multifloral hybrids.
Usually, an intergeneric hybrid should be entered in the first class in which one of the parent genera is listed (alphabetical order on the Schedule). For instance, enter Beallara (Brassia, Odontoglossum, Miltonia, Cochlioda) in class 078, "Brassia species, hybrids, and intergeneric hybrids, and enter Colmanara (Oncidium, Odontoglossum and Miltonia) in class 081 "Miltonia/Miltoniopsis intergeneric hybrids …"
The exception occurs when a genus is specifically excluded from the intergeneric class. In the Cattleya Alliance, for instance, grexes containing Cattleya are excluded from some intergeneric classes:
Brassocattleyas are excluded from class 019 - Brassavola and Rhyncholaelia hybrids other than above excluding Cattleya; Laeliocattleyas are excluded from 021 - Laelia hybrids and intergeneric hybrids other than above, excluding Cattleya; but Cattleytonias are included in 020 "Broughtonia hybrids and intergeneric hybrids, Including Cattleya; Epicattleyas are included in 018.
Read the Schedule carefully, paying particular attention to the definitions of all classes in the alliance. When in doubt about the genera involved in a complex intergeneric, check E-AOS Awards or Wildcatt. To find the affinity and appropriate class for an obscure species, consult Dressler's "Orchids and their Classification". Do not guess or put a plant into “Hybrid / Species - Other"! Plants entered in the wrong class will usually not be judged. If you are still uncertain, ask the Registration Clerks for help.
Many plants are eligible for important special awards and trophies in addition to the basic plant class. These include First Bloom Seedling (meristems not eligible), Plants Grown under Artificial Light (Classes 128 and 130). If you have a plant that falls into any of these classes, list it as a separate line item on the Entry Form in addition to the regular entry for the class.
Please use the Entry Form (provided) or similar document for all registrations. Clearly print or type all information EXCEPT Exhibit No., Exhibitor Number and Assigned Ticket Number. Registrar will assign an Exhibit Number for each display and an Exhibitor Number for each person that has a plant or other item entered in a display. The Orchid Show Management program generates the Assigned Ticket Number.
Plant Name should include:
- Genus and species or hybridregistered name, clonal epithet, AOS awards (if any)OR parent names of an unregistered hybrid
2. & 3 Parent names of a registered hybrid ...
Examples:1. V. denisonia 'Tim' CBM/AOS
2. & 3. species or leave blank
1. Ascda. Princess Mikasa 'Kinda Blue' HCC/AOS
2. & 3. Ascda. Royal Sapphire x V. coerulea
1. Aerangis biloba x citrata
2. & 3. leave blank - this is an unregistered primary hybrid
Pre-registrations will be accepted through midnight Tuesday 8 January 2008 via e-mail, fax or snail-mail. (You may register additional plants on set-up day. Pre-register allplants or items that you have hopes of showing; printed Judging Tags will be availablewhen you arrive at setup. If you decide not to use a particular plant or item, mark the tag DELETE and return it to theRegistration desk.
If you register at set-up, please use an official Entry Form or similar document, print clearly, and follow above examples as a guide. Bring complete and accurate Entry Forms to the Registration desk as early as possible on set-up day so that we can accommodate everyone in a timely, organized and rational manner. Judging tags will be returned to you as soon as practical only after all items on your Entry Form have been entered into the Orchid Show Management database.
To be eligible for any CAIOS Show Ribbon, Trophy or Special Award, a plant, exhibit or exhibit item must be in the database. If, for any reason, you decide not to show a plant or item that was entered into the database (pre-registered or registered at set-up), write DELETE on the Plant Tag and return it to the Registration Desk so that it can be removed from the database.
All plants (registered or not) may be considered (pulled) for AOS Judging. If awarded, the exhibitor bears responsibility for payment of any fees associated with such award. If you have a plant that you specifically want to have judged by AOS, please ask for an AOS entry form. If you do not want a plant considered for AOS Judging, please ask us for a “Not For AOS Judging” card.
We look forward to a smooth Registration process and a great show! With your cooperation, it will happen!
Best regards,
Richard Phillips
Judging Chairman
PS – Pre registration / registration contact
fax 508 999 7135
phone 508 999 7135
15 Star of the Sea Drive
Dartmouth, MA02748
Table of Contents
Classification Index – Printed on 9/4/2006
Exhibits Classes 001-012Page 1
Cattleya AllianceClasses 014-029Pages 1-3
Paphiopedilum/CypriprediumClasses 032-042Pages 3-5
Vanda/Phal. Alliance – Vanda Classes 044-058Pages 5-6
Vanda/Phal. Alliance PhalaenopsisClasses 060A-076Pages 6-8
Oncidium AllianceClasses 077A-091Pages 8-9
Cymbidium AllianceClasses 092-101Pages 9-10
Dendrobium AllianceClasses 103-107Pages 10
Masdevallia/Pleurothallid AllianceClasses 109-110GPage 11
Lycaste AllianceClasses 111-114Pages 11
Miscellaneous GeneraClasses 115-126Pages 12
Special EntriesClasses 127-130Page 13
ArtworkClasses 131-137Page 13
NOTE TO EXHIBITOR: Generally, the first number in each group or Alliance denotes the trophy to be awarded for the class. DO NOT REGISTER YOUR PLANT OR ITEM IN THESE CLASSES: 014, 032, 044, 060A, 060, 077A, 077B, 077C, 092, 103, 118A, or 201-206.
The “2008 CAIOS Fillable Form” is available as a separate form. Be sure that you save the file with your name before sending it via e-mail. i.e., 2008 CAIOS Eckstrom 1, 2008 CAIOS Eckstrom 2, etc.