Updated 02/07/2017


Getting started

Setting up the Template

Drop Zone

Submitting the Process in Oracle



This quick reference guide provides the steps for using the ARC AFFREALLOCATE PAC Process to reallocate anagency’s existing Program Activity Mapping in Oracle.

This procedure allows users to alter the PAC Mapping Allocations without the need to delete the current mapping and enter new mapping when only changes to allocations are necessary. Data will not need to be rebuilt in order to reflect the different allocation percentages.

Important Information:

  1. This process serves two purposes:
  2. To allow the customer to be able to reallocate PAC mappings when those allocations change without the need to re-build data.
  3. Allows activity to be reported in the File C or Treasury Award Input File to reflect reallocation.

2.The process follows similar rules and validations as the AFF PAC MAPPING LOADER.

Re-mapping Rules:

  • The mapping(s) that are being re-allocated MUST exist and NOT be disabled and must have the same OLD_ALLOCATION_PERCENTAGEs listed as the existing mapping(s).
  • New allocations MUST add up to 100%
  • Only one ORG’s data at a time can be loaded with the template.
  • The GL period which you are allocating through must be open.

Getting Started

Users completing this process must possess appropriate access privileges:

  1. Requires access to the drop zone for the applicable operating unit.
  2. Requires the ARC-PROG ACT ACCT responsibility in order to run the ARC AFFREALLOCATE PAC Process.

3.Requires responsibilities profile option is set for ARC AFF PAC REALLOCATION ALLOWED.

4.Requires access to the QRG website to obtain the template.

Supervisor must request access by completing an Access form for new users or by emailing the Oracle Support team for existing users.

Setting up the Template

Refer to the record layout tab of the ARC AFFREALLOCATE PAC Processtemplate for the specific instructions on how to complete the template.

Upon completing the template, be sure to click the Format Data/Save File button under the Instructions tab to format the template before interfacing into Oracle. Verify all your date by scrolling from left to right and reviewing your data.

Use the Copy Paste Special using Values only when pasting from other mediums.

Upon clicking the button it will allow you to save the file to the appropriate drop zone location.

Drop Zone

The file (completed template) is placed into the drop zone:


Z:\ARC\Drop Zones\DropZone\outbound– chose the appropriate instance (see data base names below)\ssbload\3-digit identifier for customer.


This process is specific to the customer and may be completed by an automated process such as FTP or the file may be received by Operations and placed in the drop zone.

Submitting the Process in Oracle

  1. Navigation

Access the appropriate responsibility, i.e. ARC-PROG ACT ACCT and navigate to View and Requests from the menu bar. The Find requests window is displayed.

Follow the steps below to submit the request

Step / Field / Action
1. / Click the Submit a New Request Button.
The Submit a New Request window is displayed.
2. / Click the Single Request Radio button. click OK.
The Submit Request window is displayed
3. / Name / Enter ARC AFFREALLOCATE PAC Process and tab.
4. / Operating Unit / Select the appropriate operating unit from the list of values.
5. / Parameters / Filename: Enter the name of the file to be processed saved under the drop zone location.
Note: Include the file extension, which may be “.txt” or “.dat”.
Period:Enter the ending period of data that you want to deallocate/reallocate through.
** Verify GL period is open for selected ending period**
(Example: If you enter period 2016-06 then the deallocate/reallocate process will process all data from 2016-00A1 up to and including 2016-06.The deallocation and reallocation journals will then be entered in the 2016-06 period.)
6. / Click OK.
7. / Click the Submit button.
This kicks off the ARC AFF REALLOCATE PAC Process.
The process Should complete with a Phase of Completed and a Status of Normal.
8. / Once the process has completed normally, follow the steps below to validate the invoices.
  1. Understanding what happens under the drop zone

Once the import process completes, the file you dropped is renamed and is placed in the Archive folder to allow a new file to be added to the drop zone using the same name.

Historical data is maintained under the Archive folder.


If you receive a Red Error/ Yellow Warning message:

Click the View Details and View Log button and determine why the process failed.

Use the table below to address any errors/warnings received.

Error Category / File log Error Message / Description / Completion Status / Corrective Action
(File Log) / Error retrieving a single organization. Make sure the MOAC settings for your responsibility are set to a single value. / Error / Contact the Oracle Support Team.
Program related
(File Log) / Unexpected error getting organization code! / Could not retrieve the organization code. / Error / Verify organization code is entered correctly on template.
Profile ACCESS related
(File Log) / This User account is not authorized to run the ARC AFF REALLOCATE PAC Process. Profile Option “ARC AFF PAC REALLOCATION ALLOWED” must be Yes / User does not have access to run this process. / Error / Contact the Oracle Support Team to request profile option be set to Yes.
GL Period NOT open
(File Log) / Accounting Date: <ending date of period chosen> is NOT in any open period. / The ending date for the period the user chose is not in any open GL period. / Error / Verify the proper period was utilized. If necessary, contact the Oracle Support Team to request a GL period be opened.
Lookups error
(File Log) / ERROR: Exception when reading lookups for lookup type <lookup type> and lookup code <lookup code> / A program lookup does not exist in the application. / Error / Contact the Oracle Support Team.
file related
(File Log) / Error moving data file to process directory SSBLOAD / Error / Contact the Oracle Support Team.
No data to process
(File Log) / No Data to process. The file is EMPTY. / Warning / Verify the template was populated.
(File Log) / Required Fields are MISSING or INVALID. Please see template for Required Fields. / Error / Verify required fields are populated appropriately on template.
(File Log) / Imported data has multiple or incorrect ORG’s assigned. ORG codes should be <what the ORG code user entered> / Multiple or incorrect ORG codes found in data. / Error / Verify ORG code on template is valid and that there’s only one ORG code per template (file).
(File Log) / New allocation percentages need to total to <some value> % for this AFFs PACs. They currently total <some value> / Allocation percentages do not total to 100% / Error / Verify new allocation % totals to 100%.
Deallocation failure
(Completion Text) / Error during loading DEALLOCATION journals…..rolling back / Error encountered assembling transactions for DEALLOCATION / Error / Verify AFF string does not violate CV rules. If not, contact the Oracle Support Team.
Reallocation failure
(Completion Text) / Error during loading REALLOCATION journals…..rolling back / Error encountered assembling transactions for REALLOCATION / Error / Verify AFF string does not violate CV rules. If not, contact the Oracle Support Team.
Update PAC Allocations failure
(File Log) / record number> records were updated in xx_data_act.pac_data ONLY ONE record should be updated at a time. / More than one record was updated and should not have been. / Error / Verify only one PAC mapping record (to update) is populated on the template.
Update PAC Allocations failure
(File Log) / record number> records were updated in xx_data_act.reallocate_pac_data. ONLY ONE record should be updated at a time. / More than one record was updated and should not have been. / Error / Verify only one PAC mapping record (to update) is populated on the template.
Audit related
(File Log) / Error <sqlerrm> encountered writing to audit trail table. / An error occurred updating the audit table with the allocation changes the user made. / Informational, does NOT cause the program to end in Error. / Contact the Oracle Support Team.
Audit related
(Completion Text) / Error creating new generic audit record / Initial creation of the Audit record process failed. / Error. / Contact the Oracle Support Team.

ARC AP Invoice Interface, Page 1 of 7