
Investing in your future

Section 1:

1.  Find the estimated costs of attending the following schools. Please include a name and cost of each of the following (go directly to website of school to find specific information)

a.  State of California Junior College*** ______

b.  California State University, or UC ______

c.  Private College located in California______

d.  Out of State College of your choice______

e.  Tech. School located in California______

Include the following for each of the schools listed above:

I.  TOTAL ANNUAL COST = in-state tuition, fees, room and board and books; excludes grants or scholarships {Start with School website}


III.  ESTIMATED COST after receipt of grants and scholarships for one year and four years based on your family’s yearly income

*** A junior college is usually attended for 2 years with the individual receiving AA degree or the individual will transfer to a 4 year college/university.

IV.  It may be difficult to find percentage of students receiving scholarships or grants or ESTIMATED COST after receipt of grants and scholarships for one year and four years based on your family’s yearly income – Why do you think it is an issue? Are student eligible for grants/scholarships if they attend a junior college? (Answer these questions in lieu of II and III).

Section 2:

1.  What is the difference between a SCHOLARSHIP and a GRANT?

2.  Find the four (or 2 year) graduation rate for the school of your choice? (Make sure you include school name and graduation rate – you need to research this to find the answer!)

Section 3:

1.  What are the (short &/ or long term) financial benefits of getting an education from one of the schools mentioned above? Provide proof for your statements.

2.  What are three different ways that people can pay for college if their parents can’t afford it?

3.  Do you know what university/ college you are going to attend in the fall? Why? If you are not attending a university or college – what is your plan?


□  Cover Page, Typed and in sentence form; minimal spelling and grammar errors (5)

□  Section 1: I a – e in a table (see reversed side for example). II and III in sentence form. Please read IV, if you are having trouble answering II. (20)

□  Section 2: Please state what site used to obtain your answers for 1 & 2. Sentence Form (5)

□  Section 3: Minimum of 1 paragraph answering all three questions with support and evidence (10) {State the websites you obtained your information – failure to do so will be a zero for this section}

Date Assigned: 3/8/19

Due Date: 3/15/16 (Beginning of Class)

Days in the Computer lab: 2 (3/8/16 & 3/10/16)

Point Value: 40

Helpful websites – USE SCHOOL WEBSITE FIRST!!!

· - Students receiving scholarships and grants, 4 year graduation rates,

· go to net price calculator then input your university/ college

· percent of freshmen receiving grants; graduation rates, acceptance rates

I.  Total Annual Costs

(Change to schools name)

***Use for the First year of School only****

Replace with school Name / Tuition AND
fees / Room and Board / Books for 1 year / TOTAL ANNUAL COST
(first year only) / Percentage of Students receiving scholarships and grants / Estimated cost after receipt of grants/ for
1 year 4 years
State of California Junior College
California State University, or UC
Private College located in California
Out of State College of your choice
Tech. School located in California

First year info:

·  No units completed

·  Living on campus in resident halls

Estimated student gross income______

Estimated Parent gross income______

·  Estimated other gross (non-taxable – social security etc.) ______