Submit your report via email to and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the website.
CASFAA Committee Report
Executive Council Meeting Date / January 31 to February 2, 2010Executive Council Meeting Location / Santa Ana, CA
Committee Information
Committee Name / High School Relations CommitteeChair(s) (contact information) / Angelina Arzate
760.744.1150 ext. 3249
Committee Members (place an * by first-time volunteers) / Gregorio Alcantar - California State University - Northridge
Kathy M Campbell Palmer - TG
Roseanna v Coelho - Cosumnes River College
Despina E Costopoulos - California Student Aid Commission
Daniel B Dabek - Occidental College
Edward C Flores - University of California - Los Angeles
Lynn Fox - University of the Pacific
Mary Gill - Not Affiliated with an Institution
Amy Kasper - TG
Doris A Keller - Not Affiliated with an Institution
Lily A Marquez - Samuel Merritt College
Tricia Masek-Lang - EDFUND
Maureen Mason-Muyco - Solano Community College
Melissa M Moser - Orange Coast College
Yolanda P Ojeda - Center for Employment Training
Linda A Purtill - Educational Credit Management Corporation - ECMC
Yesenia Ramirez - Cerritos College
Patricia Robles-Friebert - Educational Credit Management Corporation - ECMC
Carina Sanchez - ALL Student Loan Corporation
Kim Thomas - National Student Loan Program
SILVIA VERA - Cerritos College
Committee Goals
Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)Goal 1: Provide consistently high quality training and professional development opportunities that meet the needs of our diverse membership base
Goal 2: Play a leadership role in public policy at the state and federal levels
Goal 3: Increase membership and encourage balanced representation and support for all segments by CASFAA
Goal 4: Maintain and strengthen the fiscal stability of the Association
Goal 5: Provide opportunities for all interested members to participate actively in CASFAA activities and to serve in a leadership capacity within the Association
Goal 6: Provide members and other constituents with relevant, timely information about Association activities and other financial aid issues
Goal 7: Enhance and institutionalize effective governance and planning systems
Summary of Activities
Summary of Activities (provide a description of how your activities to date are meeting your goals)Preparing for initial committee meeting tentatively scheduled for mid-February2010 to complete the following:
- Review/Update & Assign member roles/subcommittees/tasks including—
Archives/Procedures Manual: Responsible for archiving all items related to HSRC updating binder)
Committee Secretary: Responsible for taking minutes at the meetings and forwarding a copy of the minutes to the committee.
Fund Development: Participate in FD Committee to provide input on available sources of fund generation available to HSRC; continue to offer schools the opportunity to sponsor/advertise in the High School Counselor workbook; monitor/track HSRC budget (determine best cost efficient workbook design).
High SchoolCounselor Liaison North: Responsible for recruiting high school counselors in Northern California tosit in on meetings and serve as advisors.
High School Counselor Liaison South: Responsible for recruiting high school counselors in Southern California to sit in onmeetings and serve as advisors.
Mission Statement: Fine tune 2009’s Mission Statement given budgetary changes
Newsletter:Responsible for submitting articles on HSRC for CASFAA newsletter.
Pilot Project for Alternative Sites & Partnerships: Partnering with College Board for a pilot workshop
Site Selection Committee: Responsible for coordinating the host sites and dates for the High School Counselor workshops.
Survey Monkey: Responsible for updating questionnaire for workshop attendees, submitting e-mail list of attendees for Survey Monkey distribution and reporting results to HSRC.
Workbook Coordinator:Designated EdFund contact for the High School Counselor workbook.
Workbook Reviewers: Responsible for reviewing and editing workbook and reporting suggestions/changes to HSRC.
Budget Information
Approved Budget / $ 2010 budget not yet determinedBudget Expenditures to Date / TOTAL = $0.00
Event Information (complete if applicable per location)
Event Name
Number / Cost of Registration / Subtotal
Complimentary Registrations (if applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events. Include a summary of evaluations for each location.
Suggestions for Future Committee
Should your committee’s event be continued?Calendar of Events/Timelines
Date / Committee Member Responsible (if applicable) / DescriptionFebruary 2010 / First 2010 High School Relations Committee meeting