Tuesday 10 February 2015 at 7.30pm in the CCPS Staffroom


Jeanette Cope, Trent Moses, Craig Curtin, Leanne Ambrogio, Clare Dunstan, Martina Frost, Tom Huckerby, Alyssa Rainier,Olivia Shah,Susie Jacobs, Justine Briggs, David Gee, Stephanie Leong, Tim Johnston, Anna So, Cecilia Crosby, Danielle Lawson, John & Alicia Spyrou, Natasha Hasemer, Sarah Joyce, Keith Bentwitch, Megan Wood, Rolland Lindsay, John Patterson, Sue Twblen, Sarah Rouchan, Paula Saunders, Sarah Dandy, Nick Bacon, Robert Cowperthwaite.


Margie Byrom,Tim Warren,Corinne Campbell


-Moved by C.Dunstan

-Seconded by L.Ambrogio




  • J.Cope welcomed everyone and hopes active participation continues for the coming year.
  • So far it has been a good start to the year. New Kindy kids have done their “Best Start” interviews which has been a success.
  • Information evening next week to formally meet teachers and ask questions.
  • Carnival is done and first term events are underway.
  • Corrine Campbell has been at TOWN (Taking Off With Numeracy”) programme.
  • Discussion regarding composite classes.
  • Currently 494 students enrolled this year.
  • Department wants to take back one of the extra classrooms.
  • Bubblers from last year’s year 6: quotes are in and approved.
  • Shell project: still no news. J.Cope to follow up.




  • Class lists to be distributed this week.
  • Tea and Tears morning tea went well.
  • Welcome afternoon tea this Friday. Will consist of healthy options as part of an overhaul of our food based fundraising activities to educate kids on healthier eating. Sports teams coming along.
  • 3 Cocktail parties this term: K, 1 & 2.
  • Sushi Day in the planning.
  • Term 1 Disco for March.
  • Fun Run will be this term.


  • Goal this year is to raise $150,000 through P&C fees and events.
  • Hoping for more from P&C fees as this will be communicated why and how it is spent. The video made last year helped and we are looking to increase our % of parents (currently 53%) who contribute. Other schools such as Chatswood and Cammeray have an 85% contribution rate.
  • Fee of $275 per child to be on Term 1 account. This goes towards extra teacher resource and technology. Letter will go out to all parents again.
  • Need more volunteers for big events like spring fair.
  • Half year party is scheduled for May. Need help with sourcing silent auction items.


  • S.Joyce updated the meeting on the 4 bands at CCPS with a parent co-ordinator for each band and new treasurer Christine Kelly.
  • Online registration has been a success with 133 kids participating.
  • Band is solely run by parents.
  • Just spent $17,000 on instruments.
  • This is the first year the Band will have their own bank account.
  • Band Camp is 22/23 April this year.
  • 2 major events each year: Ryde competition and UNSW competition.
  • Also perform at Easter Parade and Jazz Fest. Would like to have more exposure at other school events, perhaps science under the stars?
  • Discussion regarding the cleaning of the Shell.
  • Discussion regarding band leaders and the leadership programme. Agreed to keep separate.




Kids Castle OOSH

  • J.Cope provided some background and history of the development of Kids Castle.
  • J. Cope raised the issue of increasing time needed and the difficulties experienced in running the centre over the last year or so by volunteer parents. Privatisation is an option and one that can also provide a significant source of funding to benefit learning programs of the whole school.
  • In seeking the way forward, thoughts and ideas from the school community are being sought.
  • Discussion included the paying of rent to the school by Kids Castle who has happily offered to draw up a proposal for their new business model and present for vote at their AGM in March. This can then be considered by the school community.
  • Kids Castle is an incorporated entity registered with the Department of Fair Trading. Decisions about the running of Kids Castle need to be voted on by members of Kids Castle (ie parents of the children who attend). This would be done at the Kids Castle AGM which is set for March.
  • Discussion around offering vacational care. The demand is there from parents and this would be an additional income stream. J.Cope happy to go ahead providing regulatory approval is granted by the authorities.
  • Discussion that the school would charge Kids Castle rent and Kids Castle has happily agreed.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday 10thMarch 2015 at 7.30pm in the Teachers Staffroom.