2015 PAIS Conference
School Security Presentation
Providing Best Practices Security
in a Culture of Trust
by Randal S. Doaty, Director of Security
The Hill School, Pottstown, PA
Randal S. Doaty
Speaker Background & Perspective
- 13 years municipal police officer – former Chief of Police
- 27 years Pennsylvania licensed private investigator
- 20 years as volunteer Emergency Medical Technician
- Past parent of private boarding school student
- Former trustee on the Board of Trustees at The Perkiomen School
Presentation Vocabulary Terms
- Culture of Trust – an environment and a relationship between a private school and their students extending high levels of trust and confidence through honor systems which are intended to build responsibility and character.
- Parental Trust – the confidence parents place in an independent school when the institution becomes the professional, privately paid caretaker of their minor children.
- Best Security Practices – professional standards and procedures that are accepted or prescribed as being correct and most effective in modern school security practices.
- Vigilance – a constant state of readiness, a watchful eye and the preparation to respond to modern day risks and dangers potentially found in a school setting.
Four Key Questions for Your School to Consider
1) Is our school fulfilling the trust paying parents have placed in our school to employ the best practice security measures needed to remain vigilant for modern day risks and dangers now found in our school settings?
2) Are we eroding or violating the traditional private school “culture of trust” relationship between our school and our students by implementing modern, best practices security measures?
3) Should independent schools have a higher standard of school security vigilance than our peer public schools?
4) Should an independent boarding school have a different standard and level of school security vigilance than an independent day school?
Security Practices List
___ In-house vs. contract security services philosophy
___ Security coverage to be same as student presence – day vs. boarding school
___ School security manager background – former police vs. security pro
___ Written and updated emergency critical response plans
___ Student and faculty emergency response training time set aside
___ Table Top Drills for administration to test emergency response thinking
___ Comprehensive building & grounds plan book for use by emergency services
___ Armed or unarmed security philosophy discussion
___ Campus policy for resident weapon storage and concealed weapon permits
___ High visibility security profile – uniformed officer and marked cars
___ Low visibility security profile – video monitoring, plain clothing
___ Door access control and management systems
___ Wide area video recording, capture and review
___ Wide area motion detection monitoring
___ Drill practices and philosophies – fire, lockdown, mass evacuation
___ Mass alert notification systems
___ Campus wide audible alert system
___ Simultaneous 911 dispatch triggered with mass notification
___ Personal security device app philosophies –
___ Establish and build police relations and enhanced data sharing
___ Promote police simulated emergency drill exercises on campus
___ Direct police radio communications
___ Establish contraband confiscation and disposal practices
___ Internal affairs vs. external affairs security participation and involvement
___ Transportation services to be seen as a security management function
___ Fleet GPS tracking and management
___ Driver training and vehicle operater management
___ Visitor ID badges and alert systems
___ Contractor and service provider ID and background checks
___ Information and data collection systems
___ Security utilized as an emergency medical responder
___ Adequate alarmed monitoring – burglar, heat, carbon monoxide, smoke
___ Gated, lock access pedestrian entry systems
___ Gated, controlled vehicular entry
___ Take-out food delivery monitoring & controls
___ Posted public vs. private campus and building restrictions areas
___ No trespassing signs and notifications
___ Lighting and illumination investments
___ Anonymous information reporting system
___ Periodic, independent security assessment evaluations
Security Session Notes
Speaker Contact Information:
Randal S. Doaty, Director of Security
The Hill School
717 E. High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
(610) 858-3524 – cell phone