2D Animation


Jewellery / Sculpture

Drawing / Painting



This booklet has been compiled to help you prepare for the 2016 VISUAL ARTS CAMP at the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus.

This camp is for selected High School students from years 8-11 across the Riverina region. It has been organised as a joint venture between the NSW Department of Education and Communities and the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus.

The Visual Arts Camp will offer you the opportunity to spend 3 full days concentrating on developing your skills, understanding and approach to art making. You will be undertaking specially devised workshops with tertiary lecturers in professional studio spaces and facilities. You will also have the opportunity to work with students from across the Wagga Wagga, Cootamundra, Albury, Griffith and Deniliquin networks who are also serious about making art. This will be an exciting, challenging and very rewarding experience that will strengthen your art making through focused projects, helping you further understand how artworks are imagined, shaped and extended by research.

You will have the opportunity to work on projects in Jewellery / Sculpture, Printmaking, Drawing, Painting, Photoshop and 2D Animation.

The secret to the success of your camp is: Get involved, learn all you can and make new friends. ENJOY….


Should you wish to contact your son/daughter or the Staff of the School during the Week of the VISUAL ARTS CAMP please use the following numbers –

Mandi Hatton

Camp Coordinator,

Deniliquin High School,

Harfleur St, Deniliquin 2710

P:03 5881 1211

Mobile: 0401 028 534


Di Alexander

Arts Coordination Officer

Educational Services, Public Schools NSW

Ph: 02 69373814

Mob: 0428550202 (W) 0427205157 (P)


Mr Andrew Totman

Head of Art and Design Department

Business, Arts and Service Industries

TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Wagga Campus

Ph:02 6938 1233

Mob: 0409 398 782


Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga campus.

Phone: 02 6938 1300


Full Time Students staying at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga should arrive there on Monday 10 October at 5:30pm for room allocation and dinner at 7:00pm.

Day onlyStudents attending day program only should arrive at Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga campus by 9.15am Tuesday 11October 2016.


Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus,Cnr.Macleay and Coleman Streets, Wagga, NSW 2650.


Students will be staying the night at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga.


Students will have breakfast and tea and light supper at Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga and will be transported to and from Borambola by bus every morning and afternoon.

Lunches, morning and afternoon teas will be provided byBorambola Sport and Recreation Centre. Light supper will be available.


The VISUAL ARTS CAMP will conclude at approximately 2:30pm.

Students will need to vacate their cabins at Borambola on Friday morning prior to the morning workshop and theirbags etc can be stored at the TAFE. Please have names clearly visible on the bags.

Parents and carers will be invited to view the students' works at TAFE at 4pm prior to leaving.


*SUITABLE CLOTHING (or protective clothing) for working in the Studios. (i.e. Clothes may be stained, dyed, painted or otherwise unintentionally damaged in Studio activities).

*ENCLOSED FOOTWEAR(Joggers or similar) MUST be worn at ALL TIMES. (NO thongs, sandals etc)

*HAIR should be tied back during workshops.

*ANY MEDICATION you may require….please inform the attending teachers.

*A USB / flashdrive to save digital work on.

*Cameras, Radios, CD players, Mobile Phones etc. for your personal use OUTSIDE the studios. HOWEVER any valuables ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Staff will NOT be responsible for the safety of these items.

*A small amount of money. All meals etc. are provided, but a small amount may come in handy for extras.

*In case of wet weather, a waterproof jacket.

RESPECT – Department of School Education Student behaviourrules apply during the camp. Consideration of other people’s safety, welfare and feelings are of primary importance.


Please also bring any other materials/images that you use as ‘inspiration’ for your art making.

Whilst all materials will be supplied for the Visual Arts Camp Workshops and Studio Sessions, it would be useful (where possible) for you to bring the some basic equipment with you to the camp. This isbecause it is expected you will work outside of Studio Sessions in your Visual journals or on developmental studiesbetween studio sessions. Your teachers may be prepared to let you borrow some items from School. Requested basic equipment items:

Visual Journal / Sketchbook or other (according to your usual habits)

Notebook or pad for reference notes

A range of graphite drawing pencils – HB, 2B or other

Eraser, Scissors, Ruler

Any art materials you usually use and/or prefer (optional)

Brushes – as available…..you may have favourites that you like to use.


During the Visual Arts Camp,there will be 6 workshops and related studio sessions. All students will attend three full day workshops during the camp. Day 1 will see all students participate in a workshop exploring painting and drawing techniques. The workshops offered on days 2 and 3 will be based on student selections. Every effort will be made to accommodate all students’ choices of workshops and Studio Sessions within the scheduled program. We hope you will be pleased with the combination of workshops that are offered.

Below is a sample schedule of workshops and each student will receive their INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM at registration outlining their workshops and locations.



Monday - 10October2016
Full time Residential students only
5:30pm arrive by private transport Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga
Allocation of Rooms
Dinner 7.00pm
Day 1 - Tuesday 11October 2016
9:30am to 12:30pm / Full Time (Residential) Students travel to Wagga Wagga by bus (supplied by Borambola)
Arrive at the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus
Welcome and introduction to staff and program
Morning session Painting / Drawing Workshop
12:30pm to 1:30pm / Lunch
1:30pmto 4:30pm / Afternoon session Painting / Drawing Workshop
4:45pm to 6:15pm HSC talk
6:15pm Bus to Borambola
Day 2 - Wednesday 12 October 2016
9:00am / Full Time (Residential) Students travel to Wagga Wagga by bus (supplied by Borambola)
Arrive at the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus
9:30am to12:30pm / Workshops
12:30pm to 1:30pm / Lunch
1:30pm to 4:30pm / Workshops
4:30pm Bus to Borambola
Day 3 - Thursday 13 October 2016
9:00am / Full Time (Residential) Students
-pack up and have Breakfast
-travel to Wagga Wagga by bus (supplied by Borambola) with bags
Arrive at the Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus
Years 8-9 half day workshops . Yr 10-11 on Full Day workshops
9:00amto12:00pm / Workshops
12:00pm to 12:45pm / Lunch
12:45pm to 3:45pm / Workshops
3:45pm Exhibition and wrap up session
4:30pm depart TAFE with private transport.

PLEASE NOTE: The workshops run on each day will depend on preferences of students. These are only examples of what could run each day.

Printmaking: Students will learn how to create dry points, mono-prints and etchings.

Painting/Drawing: The class will learn to paint from still life and depict images from a story line.

Jewellery/Sculpture: Student will learn to develop an image from a design sketch to the creation of a small jewellery object, ring and necklace.

Photoshop: This class will give the student unrivalled image editing power. Photoshop allows students to unlock creative thoughts by delivering state-of-the-art imaging solutions and design tools.

2-D Animation: Animation is about bringing the two dimensional image to life. If you have spent time populating your books with new characters in fantastic worlds then this is the ideal class for you to bring them to life.

Exhibition: Each student will have the opportunity to display and exhibit works created during the week in the TAFE gallery facility. Parents and carers are welcome to view these works at 4pm on the final day.


Riverina Institute of TAFE NSW, Wagga Campus Location:

Borambola Sport and Recreation Centre, 1980 Sturt Highway, Wagga Wagga location: