Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc.
Minutes of General Meeting held on Tuesday 16 March 2010 at 10.00am at MAV, 60 Collins Street Melbourne
- Attendance
Name / Organisation / Name / Organisation
Karyn Siegmann / Bayside Library Service / Elaine Richmond, / High Country Library Corporation
Anne Holmes / Boroondara Library Service / Julie Kyriacou / Latrobe City Library Service
Chris Kelly / Brimbank Library Service / Michael Byrne / Maribyrnong Library Service
Jenny Mustey / Campaspe Library Service / Michael Scholtes / Melton Library Service
Peter Carter / Casey Cardinia Library Corp. / Sue Kelly / Mildura Library
Tania Paull / Central Highlands Regional Library Corp. / Chris Payne / Mitchell Shire Library Service
Sally Wade / Corangamite Regional Library Corp / John Ruddle, / Monash Public Library
Katrina Knox / Darebin Libraries / Sally Jones / Moonee Valley Library Service
Joseph Cullen / Eastern Regional Libraries / Genimaree Panozzo / Moreland Library Service
Beck Henshall / Frankston Library Service / Barry McGuren / Melbourne Library Service
Janet Palmer / East Gippsland Shire Library / Camille Cullinan / Swan Hill Regional Library Service
Nerida Dye / Gannawarra Library Service / Stephen Dempsey / Wellington Shire Library
Wendy Down / Glenelg Libraries / John Murrell (President), Janet Aumann / West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation
Sue Henczel / Geelong Regional Library Corporation / Paula Clark / Wimmera Regional Library Corporation
Karen Ward Smith, Natalie Brown / Greater Dandenong Libraries
Elisabeth Jackson / PLVN / Debra Rosenfeldt. Melanie McCarten, Cathy Milward-Bason / State Library of Victoria
Dan Harper, Katie Brickwood / DPCD / Lloyd Brady / MAV/Swift
Name / Organisation / Name / OrganisationTrish Smyth / Kingston Library Service / Lynne Makin / Upper Murray Regional Library
Suzanne Gately / Hobsons Bay Library Service / Christine Mackenzie / Yarra-Plenty Regional Library
Geoff Carson / Mornington Peninsula / Anne Rasmussen / Stonnington Library Service
Tony Iezzi / VAILS / Anna Cook / East Gippsland Shire Libraries
Anne-Maree Pfabe / Monash Library Service / Carolyn Macvean / Goldfields Library Corporation
Damien Tarquin / Port Phillip Library Service / Rhonda Rathjen / Wyndham Library Service
Cheryl Smith / Goulburn Valley Regional Library
Item No. / Resolutions
- Minutes
- Business Arising
- Correspondence
Moved Anne Holmes, seconded Michael Scholtes That the correspondence be received. Carried
- Strategic Plan
5.1Goal 1 – Leadership
5.1.1 ACPL / At its last meeting the ACPL heard a presentation on the Library Advocacy project.
Framework for Collaboration is under revision
A planning retreat will be held on 28-30 July – venue to be determined. This will be a professional development opportunity to look at trends in the industry and will lead in to detailed planning for the next round of Statewide Projects. It is intended that project charters will be completed for approval in March 2011.
5.1.2 MAC / Meeting held with Minister for Local Government to discuss projects to be submitted for funding. Living Libraries and an IT project are supported by the Minister. Review of LLV and DX has been funded. Minister requested more work on a possible collections project and a review of the distribution of funds and the sustainability of public libraries. He also expressed a wish to meet with MAC regularly.
5.1.3 PLVN Marketing / Executive are considering a draft brief for a marketing strategy designed to market public libraries to various levels of government and to other organisations. This will be sent to a number of marketing firms for quotes.
Related to this, a proposal has been received from the Library Agency for a lobbying campaign directed at the Federal Government and aiming to increase funding to libraries. Part of this is a proposed National Year of Reading in 2012. Library Agency is requesting $10,000 from each state association to support this.
Questions were asked about the process involved here and the need for a more detailed proposal.
Moved Genimaree Panozzo, Seconded Michael Scholtes:
That PLVN support in principle an ALIA proposal to develop a lobbying program. Carried.
Sue McKerracher will be invited to speak at our next meeting.
There will be further investigation of possible funds from the Collaborative Purchasing project
5.2Goal 2 Collaboration and Partnerships
5.2.1 Statewide Projects / Being the Best we Can – Christine Mackenzie. More pilot studies have occurred. Bayside Library Services rated 3 and a half stars. There will be a report available online soon.
Building Knowledge for Library Advocacy- Katrina Knox Draft report has been received. 10 key facts have been established about the use of libraries and the value which people place on them. The final report will be finished by early September.
Shared Leadership – Carolyn Macvean. There will be a presentation from participants at the City Library on 26 March 10.00-2.00. The participants will be invited to the planning retreat in July and also encouraged to attend PLVN meetings.
Digitising Victorian Newspapers – Anne Holmes. Travelling exhibition – Trish Smyth. Work should start soon following an agreement with the NLA to have the material available on Trove.
Think Tank Projects
5.2.2 State Library / Printed report circulated. It is intended that the new Framework for Collaboration will go to the Library Board together with proposed new Statewide Projects early next year.
Frontline costings were circulated. There are already 400 indicative trainees. If numbers get to 768 cost will be $200 each.
Moved Karen Ward Smith, seconded Chris Kelly That the revised costings for Frontline are noted. Carried.
5.2.3 PLVN Projects / Collaborative Procurement.
Reminder to send feedback to the MAV
Collaborative tendering for LOTE will probably not proceed due to lack of commitments from libraries, many of whom are using Procurement Australia services.
Meeting of LOTE libraries to be organised to discuss possible collaborative cataloguing
ICT Disability Projects – Katrina Knox.
Commonwealth Govt is looking at grants for public libraries to assist with adaptive technology. PLEASED and JAWS were nominated.
5.2.4 DPCD Projects / Dan Harper reported on behalf of DPCD.
Recurrent grants will be paid on 7 April
No information yet on amounts for next year. Suggested libraries budget for same as this year
Reminder to fill in acquittal form for Living Libraries grants
Some costs of storm damage may be able to be recouped from National Disaster Fund. This does not apply to damaged books. Dan can provide details or see NDT website.
All libraries have now signed up to LibraryLink Victoria, Milbur Consulting has been appointed to look at LLV and the courier service and will produce models on how they should work efficiently,
Annual Survey Working Group.
Comments and suggestions for the Survey have been sent to the Working Group.
5.2.5 Swift / Proposal has been received from Australia Post covering inter and intra-library deliveries. This may be cheaper than the existing courier but further investigations necessary.
1.2.6Subcommittees Access Subcommittee Review Participation Subcommittee Customer Service Subcommittee / Michael Scholtes (Convenor).
Report and recommendations of the Gulliver Review Working Party were circulated prior to the meeting. After extensive discussion the following resolutions were passed:
- PLVN cease to provide the Gulliver suite of databases from July 1 2010.Moved Joseph Cullen, seconded Karen Ward Smith
- PLVN members be advised of availability of selected databases through Electronic Resources Australia (National Library) List of ERA databases circulated with report.
- PLVN to provide separate collaborative prices on behalf of Victorian public libraries for Ancestry, Global Books in Print and Choice magazine ( either directly or as part of Gale OneFile) Moved Karen Ward Smith, Seconded John Ruddle
- PLVN to investigate a procurement process for the above databases in view of legal advice provided and either negotiate a procurement process through the MAV or seek an alternative procurer for collaborative purchase.Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Karen Ward Smith
- PLVN to advise ERA of its intentions and request a quote for provision of additional databases – Ancestry, GBIP and Choice. Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Karen Ward Smith
- PLVN to advise the State Library of Victoria of the decision for PLVN to cease providing database subscriptions through the Gulliver consortium. Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Karen Ward Smith
- The Gulliver Special Interest Group be thanked for its work and the Community Access Subcommittee be asked to suggest public domain alternatives and ideas for marketing of online resources.Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Karen Ward Smith
- That the BRUCE scheme continue unchanged where vendors are prepared to continue to offer this service. Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Karen Ward Smith
Carolyn Macvean (Convenor)
Committee has been working on revised costings for Frontline – see State Library report. Living Libraries added as a SIG
Katrina Knox (Convenor)
Minutes of last meeting to be put on the website.
5.2.7 Public Libraries Advisory Committee (ALIA) – Karen Ward Smith / State Associations met in Melbourne in February. Discussed internet filtering and the proposed Lobbying project.
Summer Reading Program has been handed over to Public Libraries Australia.
5.3 Goal 3 - Innovation / Nothing not already elsewhere in agenda.
6. Accounts and finances
6.1 Financial report to 28 February 2010 / Noted that Picture Victoria invoices still need to be sent out.
Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Michael Scholtes That the financial report be adopted. Carried
6.2 Accounts for ratification and payment / Accounts for ratification:
Date / Creditor / Details / Amount
30/11/09 / MAV / Salary and Admin for November / $ 3,936.47
14/12/09 / Vicnet / Cost of developing Calendar / $ 410.00
21/12/09 / Voyager Travel / Deposit for GPLT (note that all participants have paid) / $ 20,520.00
22/12/09 / State Library / Childrens Workshop costs / $ 436.00
31/12/09 / MAV / Salary and Admin for December / $ 3,936.47
28/01/10 / Inticon / Domain name registration / $ 33.95
28/01/10 / National Library / LA second half year / $113,444.65
31/01/10 / MAV / Exec Officer and Admin for January / $ 3,936.47
01/02/10 / High Country Library Corp. / Catering for December meeting / $ 420.00
02/02/10 / Dept. Education and Early Childhood / Packing of magnets / $3,000.00
09/02/10 / ATO / GST for October –December quarter / $ 16,195.00
Moved Karyn Siegmann, seconded Jenny Mustey That the accounts for ratification be approved. Carried
Accounts for Payment
Date / Creditor / Details / Amount
26/02/10 / City of Greater Dandenong / Lunch for Executive meeting / $50.60
01/03/10 / State Library of Victoria / Drupal upgrade for wwebsite / $55.00
01/03/10 / State Library of Victoria / Local studies mailing list / $55.00
Moved Chris Payne, seconded Chris Kelly, That the accounts for payment be approved. Carried
7.General Business
7.1 Library Careers / Chris Kelly drew attention to the Age Careers Expo and the Information Evening at the State Library.
7.2 PLVN Website / Suggestions for changes and additions are welcome. News of new appointments is particularly requested.
7.3 Future meeting and workshop topics
7.4 Industrial issues- Geoff Pawsey presentation / A national Local Government Award was approved in December last year. It does not apply to Victoria at this stage – we continue to operate under existing Award which is now deemed “transitional” until end of 2013. A Local Government forum will be organised after discussion with unions and Workforce Victoria.
The new Award includes the following:
- Standard 38 hour week
- Span of hours 8.00am-9.00pm Monday – Sunday
- Weekend penalty rates of 20%
Geoff also raised the issue of a Multi-enterprise agreement such as has recently been negotiated for kindergarten teachers. He is interested in talking to regional library corporations about this and will be conducting preliminary discussions with the ASU.
7.5 Wheeler Centre presentation / Chrissy Sharp, Director of the Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas spoke about the history of the Centre and the current program. This can be found on the website – which now has a link on plvn website.
Specific opportunities for collaboration with public libraries include:
- Web-based projects
- Libraries encouraging people to visit the centre
- Promotion of library events under the City of Literature umbrella
- Partnerships for events
- Possible re-institution of Writers on the Road.
7.6 Review of Librarianship education / Sue Reynolds from RMIT spoke about the review which involves 11 institutions teaching library-related courses. The review is looking at employers’ expectations of graduates now and in the future and the gaps between these and reality. What should be the core subjects in courses? It was noted that 95% of students in graduate programs want to work in libraries.
PLVN will be nominated as a participant in the study.
7.7 Mailing lists and Infonet / Noted that some rationalisation of mailing lists is proposed. It was also suggested that archival material on Infonet should be transferred to PLVN website. Exec Officer will have discussions with Vicnet .
7.8 Future meetings / Meetings for 2010 as follows:
8 June- 60 Collins St
14 September (AGM) – 60 Collins St.
7 December – Country venue to be determined
The meeting ended at 3.55pm
Next Meeting _ 8 June 2010 at Room 1101, Level 11, 60 Collins Street Melbourne. 10.00am -4.00 pm
PLVN General Meeting 16/03/10 Minutes