Minutes of a meeting of the Management Committee

held on11th September 2017 at Shirley Lodge, Bosham


Sue Wilkins (Chair) / Tiffin Jones (Vice Chair) / Tony Clark (Treasurer)
Carole Wright / Paul Pridmore / Jan Copsey
Heather Birchenough / Barbara MacWhirter / Leafy Scott (part)

Apologies: Scilla Jutton-Holland


Action points in bold italics. Newsletter items marked in margin


The minutes of the lastmeetingwere accepted with the amendments that Leafy Scott was not present, as reported, but that Barbara MacWhirter was present.


  • At the last meeting, Barbara had suggested a street theatre production of The Canterbury Tales for next summer’s festivities. However, having reread the script she withdrew the idea on the basis that the script was simply too rude to perform in public! She also handed out flyers for the Open Day, which will be combined with Bolton Twill, and asked for these to be distributed. In response to Paul’s question, she confirmed she was in touch with the Men’s Sheds organisation.
  • Carole said she has now sent publicity material for both the Open Day and Star Quality to all usual magazines.

spring production

Leafy attended for part of the meeting to talk about her ideas for the spring production. She thanked the Committee for the opportunity of running a playreading of her own plays but, having given it further thought, she agreed that none of them would be suitable as a companion piece to Black Comedy. She had therefore considered other plays and mentioned two she would be happy to direct in the spring. One of these is The Dinner Party by Neil Simon and the other is Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley. It was agreed we should run both of them at playreadings and the date of 6th October was agreed for the first of these. Tiffin will order scripts from the Dorking library in Scilla’s absence on leave.

working party

Sue has sent an email, which formally launches the Working Party (WP), together with the agreed brief to the WP members: Barbara, Hilary Strong, Barry Jarvis, Linda Hull and Margaret Edwards. Since then, she has heard from Hilary that she and Barry suggest the next step would be for Barbara, as the WP Committee representative, to convene the first meeting. Barbara will do so asap.

treasurer’s report

Tony said there had been an ”unexciting trickle” of subscriptions received, including one from Allan Brown. Otherwise there was nothing to report.

On the matter of the Village Hall, Tony said there had been a meeting of the Trustees which was called to further consider potential refurbishment items. This had been somewhat sidetracked by a rumour of a possible reinstatement of a new Village Hall project which three members of the Parish Council are progressing. However, as this was far from certain at this stage, it had been agreed that a programme of refurbishment would proceed to the next stage which is to be costed. Tony reassured us that any resulting action would be planned in order not to clash with hirers’ planned activities.

autumn production – star quality

Tony reported that rehearsals have started and costume and props are in hand. Other points mentioned were:

  • Pat Thompsett, doing wardrobe for Star Quality, has suggested that members are asked if they are holding any wardrobe items from previous productions. It was agreed that it would be useful to have a list of these, both for this production and also for the future. Pat will do a write-up for the next Newsletter.
  • Flyers have been printed and will be available for handout on the Open Day.
  • Tony will be away for 10 days during the run-up to Bolton Twill but will ensure all necessary planning is in place before he goes.

old time music hall

Sue said she had had a meeting with Gwen Howells to discuss progress. Gwen has a list of people who have expressed interest and will contact all of them to confirm what they will actually perform. She can help if people having nothing in mind. It is proposed to hold a meeting for all on 10th December to finalise the programme. Details regarding ticket cost, catering, timing, bar, etc., is to be proposed by the organisers.

website update

Paul confirmed that Heather is working with him on development of the website.

health & safety

Tony advised that the annual Hall inspection has been carried out and all necessary action has been taken.

TECHNICAL MATTERS – nothing to report.

diary dates

Events already arranged are:

September / Tuesday 19th / - / Murder Mystery, Too Many Elephants by Leafy Scott, for the Rotary Club at Chichester Park Hotel.
October / Friday 6th / - / Playreading of The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley, led by Leafy Scott at Funtington Church Hall, 7.30 pm.
October / Saturday 7th / - / Bolton Twill for Star Quality and Open Day.
October / Friday 20th -
Saturday 21st / - / Improvisation workshop led by Jenny Dean on the theme of ‘Games People Play’. Funtington Village Hall.
See note 1 below.
November / Friday 10th / - / Provisional: playreading of The Dinner Party by Neil Simon, led by Leafy Scott, at Funtington Church Hall, 7.30 pm.
See note 2 below.
November / Tuesday 21st -
Saturday 25th / - / Autumn production of Star Quality.
January 2018 / Saturday 6th / - / Old Time Music Hall and supper


  1. Take-up has not been too good for Jenny’s workshop to date. Sue will ask Jenny for a write-up/ reminder to go into the Newsletter and will talk to her about target numbers and a cut-off date for registration. Tony asked to be advised asap if the Workshop is to be cancelled so he can cancel the Hall reservation.
  2. Playsets for The Dinner Party appear to be unavailable from the Dorking Library of Performing Arts. Sue will investigate with Winchester library.


Jan will distribute the updated Members List with the next Newsletter.

items carried forward

  • Date to be set for auditions for Spring Production, to be included in Star Quality programme.
  • Old Time Music Hall meeting.


Monday 16th October, Monday 6th November, Monday 11th December