Track Two:Team-Identification/Discernment for Holy Orders
The Episcopal Diocese of Nevada
Aspirant to Nominee to Priest
(Revised October 2017)
Track Two:Team Identification/Discernment:This is the process by which someone has been identified for possible ordained ministry through the two-step process within their parish of:
1)A group class in Basic Discipleship, and
2)A group class in Gifts Discernment
This type of discernment is for a Total Ministry Team that will be made up of various people serving various ministry positions within your parish.Presumptively, if this discernment process leads to ordination, the person will continue to serve in their sponsoring parish.Once identified through this two-step process, the discernment process continues as follows:
To the Sponsoring Priest:
Thank you for agreeing to support the Aspirant in the difficult process of discerning the best route for them to serve God.Your role in their discernment process is vital from the first moment they contact you through the time they are made a Postulant.
You will be the primary support for the Aspirant as they discern through the stages of Aspirant, Nominee, to Postulancy.Though the discernment process is involved, it is the intention and hope of the COOL that the Aspirant never feels lost or abandoned in the process.Please have contact with the Aspirant a minimum of once a month, whether in person or by phone.
The COOL does not want you, the sponsoring priest, to feel lost or abandoned either.You are invited to contact the Chair of COOL or the Bishop’s Canon anytime you need something explained in more detail.The Bishop’s office can give you the updated name and contact information for the Chairperson of COOL.
The early stages of the discernment for ordained ministry are a confidential matter.Please maintain confidentiality at all times, including the fact that you are meeting with the Aspirant for discernment.At this point, the parish should not be informed that the Aspirant is in discernment, because if the Aspirant decides during the process that they are not called to continue towards ordination, the Aspirant will be protected from having to explain his or her decision to the whole parish.If the Aspirant chooses to tell the congregation they may, but it is recommended that they be encouraged to wait to share about their process until after a decision is made about Postulancy.
1.During initial meetings with the Aspirant, the sponsoring priest ascertains that the basic canonical requirements have been met for entering this process.Those requirements are available on the Aspirant Checklist Form[FORM ‘A’]
2.The sponsoring priest discerns if there are obvious reasons why the Aspirant should not continue in the discernment process.If it is clear to the sponsoring priest that the Aspirant should not continue, the sponsoring priest should make it known to the Aspirant and then continue discernment about how God may be calling the inquirer to lay ministry.The sponsoring priest may also review and encourage ministries, both within and beyond the parish, that engage the Aspirant.
3.When the sponsoring priest is satisfied that there is a basis for further discernment about a call to ordained ministry, the sponsoring priest calls together a Parish Discernment Committee.Please refer to the Sponsoring Priest’s Checklist [FORM ‘B’]for steps in establishing and keeping track of the work of the Parish Discernment Committee.The sponsoring priest is NOT a member of the PDC, but will select a Chair of the PDC and give them a copy of the Parish Discernment Committee Guidelines[FORM ‘C’].
4.The work of the Parish Discernment Committee is contained within the study of the book Ears to Hear:Recognizing and Responding to God’s Call by Edward Little.If the Aspirant, parish, or PDC members cannot afford to purchase the necessary books for each member to have one, the sponsoring priest may contact the Chair of the COOL to arrange financial support from the Diocese.The books should be purchased together and distributed at the first meeting of the PDC.
5.The PDC is an Advisory Committee to help inform the sponsoring priest and the vestry of their experience with the Aspirant.The information submitted by the PDC to the sponsoring priest is NOT a definitive decision as to whether or not the Aspirant continues the discernment process.The information provided by the PDC is a source of information used to advise the sponsoring priest and the vestry in their discernment as to whether or not to nominate the Aspirant for Postulancy.
6.Upon completion of the Parish Discernment Committee meetings:
- The PDC submits to the sponsoring priest the Aspirant Recommendation Form[FORM ‘D’]
- The Chair of the PDC and the sponsoring priest meet with the Aspirant and discuss the recommendations of the PDC
7.The sponsoring priest then submits the Aspirant’s Recommendation Form [FORM ‘D’] to the vestry or comparable body.It is the vestry’s responsibility to vote whether or not to nominate the Aspirant.
Prior to a vestry vote, the sponsoring priest is to inform the vestry of Title III Canon 6 Sec. 2 (a) which states “a confirmed adult communicant in good standing may be nominated for ordination to the Diaconate by the person’s congregation or other community of faith.The Nomination shall be in writing and shall include a letter of support by the Nominee’s congregation or other community of faith committing the community to:1) pledge to contribute financially to that preparation; and 2) involve itself in the Nominee’s preparation for ordination to the Diaconate.
8.Nomination for Postulancy by the vestry
- If approved by the vestry, the sponsoring priest and vestry complete the form Nomination for Postulancy by Priest and Vestry with Letter of Support[FORM ‘E’].This form is given to the sponsoring priest
- The Aspirant completes the form Acceptance of Nomination for Postulancy[FORM ‘F’],and gives the form to the sponsoring priest
- The sponsoring priest submits one copy of boththe Nominationby Priest and Vestry and Letter of Support for Postulancy and the form Acceptance of Nomination for Postulancy[FORMS ‘E’ AND ‘F’]to the Chair of COOL, and another copy of the same materials to the Bishop’s Canon.
9.Upon receiving the materials listed in 7c, the Bishop’s Canon will contact the Aspirant to inform them that they are now a Nominee and to advise him or her to contact the Bishop for a meeting.
10.When the Nominee meets with the Bishop, he or she will also meet with the Bishop’s Canon to obtain a History Packet, Spiritual Autobiography and Confidential Packet and to be assigned an Individual Discernment Guide.
11.During the time that the Nominee is completing all medical/psychological evaluations, background check and other paperwork, he or she will also have a series of meetings with the appointed Individual Discernment Guide.These conversations will serve the Nominee as he or she further discerns the nature of their call.At least one conversation with the IDG and the Nominee will also include the spouse or partner of the Nominee if the Nominee is partnered or married.This meeting is not for purpose of discerning the Nominee’s call but to offer pastoral support and guidance to the spouse or partner.Following these meetings, the IDG will prepare a report to be presented at the appropriate meeting of theCOOL.
12.When all paperwork is completed, the Nominee will submit all forms together with a passport photo to the Bishop’s Canon, who will give copies to the Bishop and to the Chair of COOL.Some of the material (e.g. the Psychological Evaluation and the Oxford Background Check Form) will be sent directly to the Bishop’s office from the professionals who complete that work.The cost to complete this packet is the responsibility of the Nominee.If the Nominee is unable to cover all the cost and the Vestry is unable to make up the difference, the Nominee should contact the Bishop’s Canon to inform him or her of the situation.
13.When all materials have been received and reviewed by the Bishop, and if it there are factors suggesting alternatives to ordained ministry might better serve God’s mission, the Bishop will discuss those options with the Nominee.If not, the Bishop’s Canon will ask the Chair of COOL to schedule the Nominee to meet with COOL at the next available meeting time.
14.The Chair of COOL will request a meeting with the Nominee and the COOL.The type of meeting will be determined by the time of year and the COOL meeting schedule.The COOL will meet with the Nominee, and receive a report from the IDG.Following the interview with the Nominee and report from the IDG, the COOL will make a recommendation to the Bishop regarding advancement to Postulancy.
15.Discernment by Bishop.After the Bishop receives the recommendation from the COOL, the Bishop may send the Nominee a letter of Postulancy.The Bishop has sole discretion to designate a Nominee as a Postulant.
16. The Bishop’s Canon then meets with the Postulant to discuss the education/formation requirements.The Bishop’s Canon will shepherd the Postulant throughout the time they are completing their requirements.Upon becoming a Postulant, all licensed lay ministries of the church may be engaged.
17.When all education/formation requirements have been met, the Bishop’s Canon will inform the Bishop, the Chair of COOL, and the sponsoring priest, using the form Completion of Education/Formation Requirements for Candidacy [FORM ‘G’].The Bishop’s Canon will also schedule the Postulant to meet with a member of the Standing Committee for an interview.
18.The Standing Committeewill have the opportunity to review documentation and to interview the Postulant.Following the interview, the Standing Committee will vote to approve or not approve the Postulant for Candidacy.The Standing Committee informs the Bishop and the COOL of their decision in writing using the Candidacy Approval Form for Standing Committee [FORM ‘H’].
19.With an approval from the Standing Committee, the sponsoring priest and Vestry may nominate the Postulant to Candidacy by submitting a Letter of Support of Priest and Vestry for Candidacy[FORM ‘I’], along with the signed Application for Candidacy [FORM ‘J’] form to both the Chair of COOL and to the Bishop’s Canon.
20.The COOL, after examining the submitted materials, and receiving a report from the Bishop’s Canon about the formation the Postulant has received [FORM ‘K’], attests to the Postulant’s continuing formation.
21.The Bishop, upon review of materials including the approval from the Standing Committee and the attestation of continuing formation from the COOL may designate the Postulant as a Candidate for ordination. A letter of designation should go to the new Candidate, the Sponsoring Priest, and the Chair of COOL.
22.Once declared a Candidate by the Bishop, registration must be made to take the Graduate Ordination Exam (GOE) at the next available opportunity.Upon completion of the GOE, the Bishop shall determine further study to be completed before Ordination to the Priesthood may occur.
23.The sponsoring priest and Vestry thereafter submit a Letter of Support of Priest and Vestry for Ordination to the Diaconate [FORM ‘L’], along with the signed Application for Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons [FORM ‘M’]form to both the Chair of COOL and to the Bishop.The candidate’s seminary dean or in the case of local formation the Bishop’s Canon will certify to the Bishop the scholastic record of the Candidate [FORM ‘N’]. Upon receipt of these forms, the COOL will make a recommendation to the Bishop regarding ordination. The candidate’s seminary dean or in the case of local formation the Bishop’s Canon will certify to the Bishop the scholastic record of the Candidate.
24. The Standing Committee shall then certify that the canonical requirements for ordination to the diaconate have been met and there is no sufficient objection on medical, psychological, moral, or spiritual grounds and that they recommend ordination by a testimonial addressed to the bishop in the form Certification from Standing Committee for Advancement to the Diaconate [FORM ‘O’].The Bishop determines if and when the Candidate is to be Ordained to the Diaconate.Upon the Bishop’s approval, the Ordination service may be set.
25. For those deacons seeking ordination to the priesthood, a minimum of six months must first be served as a transitional deacon prior to ordination to the priesthood. After the transitional deacon’s ordination to the diaconate, and 18 months have elapsed since the Acceptance of Nomination for Postulancy was signed, the Sponsoring Priest and Vestry will submit a Letter of Support of Priest and Vestry for Ordination to the Priesthood [FORM ‘P’] along with the signed Application for Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests [FORM ‘Q’]form to both the Chair of COOL and to the Bishop. Upon receipt of these forms, the COOL will vote at their next scheduled meeting as to whether or not to recommend to the Bishop the ordination of the Deacon to Priesthood.The candidate’s seminary dean or in the case of local formation the Bishop’s Canon will certify to the Bishop the scholastic record of the Candidate [FORM ‘R’].
26.The Standing Committee shall then certify that the canonical requirements for ordination to the priesthood have been met and there is no sufficient objection on medical, psychological, moral, or spiritual grounds and that they recommend ordination by a testimonial addressed to the bishop in the form Certification from Standing Committee for Advancement to the Priesthood [FORM ‘S’].The Bishop determines if and when the Candidate is to be Ordained to the Priesthood.Upon the Bishop’s approval, the Ordination service may be set.
27. Upon discernment that the ordination should go forward, the Bishop will determine if and when to ordain the deacon to the priesthood.