Mr N Humphries (Chair), Ms L Smith,Ms L Cahill,Ms H Dodson, Mr R Thomas, Ms M Peacock, Mrs J Hughes and Miss L Robertson.
In attendance was Mrs S Walker (Secretary)
1.2Apologies for Absence
Resolved:That apologies for lateness be received from Ms H Dodson.(Humphries)
1.3Declaration of Interests
Mr Humphries declared his interest in relation to his wife being a paid member of staff.
1.4Confirmation of Agenda
-Item 3.1 (Social Sciences Department Review) would be taken prior to Item 1.5
-Item 3.6 (Department Reviews from 2017) would be taken prior to Item 1.5
1.5Confirmation of Minutes
Resolved:That Minutes of the Board meeting held on 28/3/2018 be signed as a true and correct record. (Cahill/Humphries)
[Ms Dodson joined the meeting at this stage.]
1.6Correspondence(Refer Agenda P1)
Resolved:That the Inwards Correspondence be received and the Outwards Correspondence endorsed. (Peacock/Thomas)
2.1Report of Meeting of Finance Committee(Refer Agenda P2)
Reference was made to minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 1 May 2018, copies of which were circulated at the meeting. Reference was also made to the financial reports to 31/3/2018,copies of which had been circulated with the agenda. Matters arising were as follows:
2.1.1Financial Position
2.1.2Delegation to Approve 2017 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Resolved:That authority be delegated to the Board Chair and Principal to sign off the 2017 financial statements, following any changes required by the auditor.(Thomas/Peacock)
2.1.3Review Operations Manual – Financial Procedures
Ms Cahill noted that the Finance Committee had reviewed the following sections of the Operations Manual and recommended that they be signed off as reviewed:
-Section 4 – Financial Conditions Procedures
-4.4Credit Cards and Debit Cards
-4.5Sensitive Expenditure
-4.6Separation of Duties
Resolved:That Sections 4.4-4.9 of the Operations Manual be signed off as reviewed. (Cahill/Smith)
2.1.4Capital Budget
Resolved:That $30,000 (ex GST) be released initially for normal capital expenditure. (Cahill/Dodson)
Ms Smith clarified that this relates torequests regarding learning areas, EOTC and routine administration items. In addition to this, capital purchases of around $30,000 had been made in relation to fitting out the Administration Block. This would be offset by income of approximately $18,000 from the Furniture Grant. There were also some additional capital items that the Board had already approved separately (including Library carpet/curtains and theBoard’s contribution to the Turf project) which amounted to a further $30,000.
Resolved:That the Financial Reports to 28/2/2018be adopted. (Cahill/Smith)
3.1Triennial Review (as per Review Cycle) (This item was taken prior to Item 1.5)
Social Sciences
Dr S Peoples (HOD Social Sciences), reviewer Mrs H Newcombe and Assistant Principal Mr N Wilson were welcomed to the meeting. Reference was made to the Social Sciences Triennial Review, copies of which had been previously circulated.
Matters arising from the Triennial Review report discussion included:
-Mrs Newcombe noted that the department performed well in all the areas examined and it was difficult to come up with any specific recommendations.
-One recommendation was around clarifying the processes used to show tracking and progress of students over time.
-It was noted that accessing useful Professional Development was problematic and various new avenues were being explored.
-Dr Peoples was grateful for the opportunity to purchase a set of Chromebooks which had proved very useful to date.
-Dr Peoples noted that more field trips could be offered but cost makes this prohibitive, especially given the increased cost of rental vans. Mr Thomas suggested investigating partnerships with other local businesses.
-In terms of future planning, the department is looking at how Environmental Innovation is delivered within the school.
-Maintenance issues associated with Hut 4 had been highlighted and Ms Smith noted that these were in the 2018 work plan.
-Dr Peoples was congratulated on the positive report.
Dr Peoples and Mrs Newcombe were thanked for their attendance and they then left the meeting.
3.2Student Report
Miss Robertson reported on the following:
-GRIP Leadership Conference – On 3 April most Year 13 students had participated in the GRIP Leadership Conference in Gore. There were excellent speakers and those attending found it highly beneficial.
-AIM – 45 students are taking part in the AIM (Arts in Motion) performance on Fri 11 May in Invercargill.
-ANZAC Day – Three of the head students participated in the ANZAC Day ceremony on 25 April.
3.3Teaching & Learning Report(Refer Agenda P8)
3.3.1FiNSCoL (Fiordland Northern Southland Community of Learning)
Ms Smith noted that applications for the WST (Within School Teachers) close on 18 May.
3.4Student Support(Refer Agenda P8)
3.4.1GRIP Student Leadership Conference
Ms Smith was very pleased with the turnout at the Conference, despite it being held on Easter Tuesday. A similar event is hoped to be held in Gore in 2019.
3.4.2Visit by John Parsons
Ms Smith noted that a further visit by John Parsons (around ICT safety) would be held on Friday 4 May.
3.5ICT Report(Refer Agenda P9)
3.5.1Digital Passport
Ms Smith has requested that all teaching staff complete the MindLab Digital Passport course as an introduction to Digital Technologies. Tim Harpur from the Ministry of Education’s Connected Learning Advisory, would visit shortly to assist the school to be ready to launch Digital Technologies in 2020.
3.5.2Chrome Cast
Ms Smith noted that the newest teacher laptops do not have an attachment for data projectors so the previous move to chrome casting has been beneficial.
3.5.3Fiordland College Sports Facebook Page
A special sports Facebook page has been set up and can be viewed at Fiordland College – Sports. A Facebook page devoted to the 2018 Japan trip, for families and friends to follow progress, had also been set up for the trip.
3.6Student Achievement/Assessment Report (Refer Agenda P9) (This item was taken prior to Item 1.5)
Department Reviews from 2017
Mr N Wilson circulated copies of the Overview of Department Reviews from 2017. Each department had conducted its own self review to look at all that is going on in each department in teaching and learning, with links to outcomes. The Overview was his analysis of the individual self reviews.
Points highlighted by Mr Wilson included:
-The quality of the reports is improving.
-Some reviews were weaker in detail than others and he would follow this up with appropriate Heads of Department.
-The Arts – There were very good NCEA results and improved quality of reporting now that HOD has settled into their role.
-Science – Assessments are well established and results triangulate very well with MidYIS and Thinking with Evidence standardised data.
-Health & PE – This was a very thorough report, making it clear where changes are required to ensure progress in the department. The department has an issue with “over-assessment” and different options are being explored. The Year 11 NCEA results were very good.
-Technology – Some areas for improvement were noted, although there were some challenges at the junior level.
-Languages – This is a newly constituted department, having been split off from English into a separate department. It was pleasing to see the addition of the Year 11 course in 2018, meaning all Learning Areas have NCEA courses available.
-Mathematics – This report provides strong analysis, with data being used well to review courses and standards within courses. The department would like to offer fewer credits at L1 and L2 in order to try and improve overall quality.
-Social Sciences – This was a thorough report with evidence analysed to look for future department goals. It was pleasing to see an interest in working with the English Department around writing skills. More individualised work will be done to assess achievement levels.
-English – Although the HOD has been in the role for a relatively short period of time, the analysis is very thorough and future focused. The removal of National Standards at Year 7/8 provides the opportunity for some changes and improved linkage from junior to senior levels.
-Transition –The students are motivated within their chosen courses, with high levels of individualisation taking place. This whole area is going very well.
In terms of Board members viewing the detailed department annual review documents, Mr Humphries, Ms Smith and Mr Thomas would prefer them in pdf format, with other Board members preferring to peruse a hard copy. Ms Peacock took the set of hard copies initially. The Secretary and Mr Wilson would liaise to produce pdf versions.
Mr Wilson was thanked for delivering his report and he then left the meeting.
3.7Professional Development (PD) Report(Refer Agenda P9)
3.7.1Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT)
Ms Smith noted that Mrs Jones had found the SCT Symposium in Auckland extremely valuable.
3.7.2Minister of Education’s Summit
Ms Smith had been invited to attend the Minister of Education’s Summit on the Tomorrow’s Schools review, to be held in Christchurch 5-6 May 2018.
3.7.3Teacher Professional Development Study Tour - Finland
As previously agreed, Ms Smith had booked a place on this tour and paid for her flights personally. The cost (excluding airfares) had turned out to be more expensive than anticipated and she requested a slightly higher Board contribution ($3,000 instead of $2,000). As the course is during the holidays she also requested one week’s time in lieu to be taken in Week 1 of Term 4.
Resolved:That the school’s contribution towards Ms Smith’s participation in the Finland Tour be increased to $3,000 and that she be granted one week’s time in lieu in Week 1 of Term 4 2018. (Humphries/Hughes)
Resolved:That the Curriculum, Student Support, Achievement and Assessment Reports be accepted. (Peacock/Robertson)
4.1Position Analysis(Refer Agenda P10)
4.2 Annual Targets(Refer Agenda P10)
4.2.1Progress to Date
Ms Smith referred to the report on progress made on the Annual Goals, as discussed by the Senior Leadership Team. Most areas were tracking well although there is a lot to do around digital technologies and ICT. This will require a more cross-curricular approach which will pose some challenges.
There was discussion around Target 8, particularly around increasing the number of credits at merit and excellence levels and the detrimental impact that external work has in this regard. It appeared that many students are working 20-30 hours per week. This was particularly of concern in Term 4 when students should be studying for externals but find it easy to get employment.
Board members agreed that this is a significant issue. Mr Humphries would write to both Destination Fiordland and to the National Hospitality Industry Board voicing concern. Ms Dodson would mention the issue at the next Destination Fiordland meeting.
Ms Peacock queried progress with Target 3 around raising achievement of students at identified Transition points in terms of giving caregivers tools to assist. Ms Smith noted that this is an area that will be addressed through the CoL in due course.
4.3Develop Environmental Strategic Plan
4.3.1Environmental Excellence Strategic Plan
Ms Peacock tabled an updated version of the Environmental Excellence Strategic Plan. She had made several additions which were approved. Two changes were highlighted for Ms Peacock to change:
-4. Change to “…FC adjacent to Te Wahi Pounamu …”
-6. Change comment about transport to “Look at the way we use transport as a way to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.”
Ms Peacock was thanked for her work and it was agreed that this simplified Strategic Plan fits the purpose.
4.3.2Environmental Audit
Mr Thomas had made some enquiries around an audit of power, paper usage etc which could identify areas for improvement and had identified some websites which calculate environmental footprints. (He would provide details of these to Ms Smith). However, it was agreed that this approach would not necessarily identify any issues; it would just identify where improvements could be made in certain areas
Accordingly it was agreed that the environmental audit was around identifying problem areas so the Board can then prioritise these. Mr Thomas would ask a work colleague with expertise in this area to give him her private consultancy rate and would bring this back to Lynlee so the project could be scoped out in detail.
4.3.3Provide/Consider Templates for the $10,000 Environmental School Council Project
It was agreed that, rather than proceed down the line of a Dragon’s Denapproach driven by the Board, it would be better for the school to drive this, under Ms Smith’s direction. She would talk to the Senior Leadership Team and Mr Filmer around how best to pitch it, with a view to finalising terms of reference by the next Board meeting. There was still an opportunity for a presentation to be made to the Board. It was agreed that keeping it simple was important.
Mr Thomas would still forward the Dragon’s Den template to Ms Smith, for future reference.
4.3.4Zayed Application
Ms Smith would meet Dr Peoples to discuss progress with the application process.
4.4Phone Tree Survey July/early August 2018
Resolved:That the Strategy Reports be accepted. (Thomas/Cahill)
5.1Reporting to Parents(Refer Agenda P12)
5.2Reporting to Community(Refer Agenda P12)
5.3Marketing Report(Refer Agenda P12)
Resolved: That the External Communication/Marketing Reports be accepted. (Peacock/Robertson)
6.1Health and Safety Report
6.1.1Health and Safety Report(Refer Agenda P13)
6.1.2Health and Safety Committee
Reference was made to minutes of the Health & Safety Committee meeting held on 1 May 2018, copies of which were circulated at the meeting. Ms Dodson highlighted the following:
-There had been a large number of accidents, but the period concerned was longer than usual (3/11/2017 – 29/3/2018).
-The Committee had discussed a better system of assessing the severity of accidents and what should trigger an investigation. A simple matrix would be added to the accident form to assist with this.
-Reference was made to the updated Emergency Procedures which are contained in a flip chart format.
Resolved:That the updated Emergency Procedures be adopted. (Dodson/Peacock)
-It was noted that Tool 22 of the Guide to Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 had been reviewed by the Committee.
-The new Health & Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations had been considered by Ms Smith and Mrs Robertson and any necessary matters requiring attention had been followed up.
-A further meeting of the Health & Safety Committee would be held during Term 2.
6.2Personnel Reports(Refer Agenda P13)
Ms Smith noted that the appointment of Joe Slade (Kapa Haka tutor) will be organised differently than originally planned. He was likely to work at the school on Fridays during the lunch hour (with self-selected students interested in forming a Kapa Haka group) and in Period 5 with the Year 7/8 Māori class.
6.2.2Employee Appraisals(Refer Agenda P13)
6.3Property Report
6.3.1Property Report(Refer Agenda P14)
Hut 5
Ms Smith referred to a letter from Nick Robertson (PGG Wrightson Real Estate) regarding options for the disposal of Hut 5. This was included with the agenda.
He had offered to undertake a tender process for the Board at no cost, on behalf of PGG Wrightson, but requested a small contribution towards advertising the building (a maximum of $500 plus GST).
Miss Robertson declared an interest in this discussion as Mr Robertson is her father, and took no part in decision-making.
Resolved:That Mr Robertson be asked to undertake the tender process on behalf of the Board and that up to $500.00 ex GST be approved towards advertising the building. (Humphries/Cahill)
Administration Project
Ms Smith noted that the schist for the reception desk has now been installed. Furniture and shelving requirements in the new areas were being finalised.
The temporary boiler is in operation. The final heating report is still awaited.
6.4Other Compliance Issues(Refer Agenda P14)
6.4.1EOTC Sign-Off
Date / Students Involved / Destination / Staff in Charge3 April / 15 Year 13 Students / GRIP Leadership - Gore / Lynlee Smith, Fiona Humphries, Cheryl Ralley
4-5 April / 12 Year 12 Rec Students / Lake Manapouri - Kayak / Vaughn Filmer
6 April / 8 Y9-13 Internationals / Invercargill / Katie Jones
6-7 April / 8 Year 12/13 / SISS Adventure Race / Suzanne Carruthers
7 April / 7 Year 7/8 students / Southland Primary Athletics Invercargill / Suzanne Carruthers
8 April / Sthld Primary Swimming / Invercargill / Suzanne Carruthers
10-26 April / 24 Students Year 10-13 / Japan / Rebecca Wilson, Jennah Hughes, Lynlee Smith
7 May / Year 13 Students / Dunedin (Tertiary Open Day) / Fiona Humphries
9 May / 4 Year 12 Geo Students / Queenstown Field Trip / Sue Peoples
18 May / 6 Year 13 Geo Students / Milford Sound / Sue Peoples
22 May / 4 Students / Invercargill Hospital / Parents, Tina Perry
9 May – 27 June / 22 Y7-13 students / Invercargill – Sthld Football League / Rebecca Straker-Cunningham
9 May – 11 July / 10 Y9-13 Netball / Varied SSS Netball League / Jackie Mc Duff, Linda Pawsey
Resolved:That the Audit/Compliance Reports be accepted. (Thomas/Humphries)
7.1Significant Events / Achievements(Refer Agenda P14)
7.1.1Japan 2018 Trip
Ms Smith noted that, despite some flight problems due to stormy conditions in Auckland, the trip was a major success. Some additional costs were incurred around the flight disruptions but should be covered by insurance.
Copies of the detailed report from trip organiser Mrs Wilson were circulated at the meeting.
A reciprocal visit by Tako School is planned for March 2019.
The Board’s thanks would be extended in writing to the teachers accompanying the trip (Ms Smith and Mrs Hughes) and especially to Mrs Wilson, who provided outstanding overall organisation.
7.2ERO Review
7.2.1The initial meeting with ERO was scheduled for Monday 14 May at 7.00 pm. [Note: This was subsequently changed to 5.30 pm]
7.2.2The follow-up meeting is scheduled for Monday 21 May at 7.00 pm.
7.3Time Spent by Board Members
7.3.1Board members completed the schedule to confirm hours spent on Board matters during March 2018.
7.4Self-Review (from Governance Manual)
The following sections of the Governance Manual were reviewed: