The Crowning of Mary 2009
Prepared by Pauline Krupa
For the Ontario Provincial Convention
Gathering Song Let there be Peace on Earth
One person will start the singing…..
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me
A handful of members will stand and sing
Let there be peace on earth the peace that was meant to be
Everyone now stands and sings….
With God as our Father, we are family,
Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now
With every step I take let this be my solemn bow.
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally,
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. (Repeat)
As women rooted in faith, let us pray together our National Prayer
Women of Hope and Peace
O Lord our God, You are the source of peace.
Inspire the women of the League to live in peace by acting justly,
loving tenderly and walking humbly with You, our God.
We pray that You enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we may see
what hope Your call holds for us. May we be firm in the hope we profess
and always be ready to give the reason for the hope we have.
Explanation of the Symbols
Already at the feet of Mary is a vase containing a single dark rose. It represents the women who live in fear and despair.
As the executive come forward to the statue each will carry symbols of who we are as The Catholic Women’s League of Canada.
Leading the procession is The Bible, symbol of our rootedness….we are rooted in faith.
The white blossom and butterfly suggest the transformations in life that can lead to peace.
The gift bags stand for hope. With these gifts it is our hope that those who receive them will know our connection to them not only with the items found in each of the bags, but with our prayers as well.
The crown which we place on Mary’s head embodies our love for Our Blessed Mother and in turn her love for each one of us.
Finally the candles that will be lit symbolize Christ within us, for without Christ nothing is possible.
In turn the flowers are placed into the vase around the rose to symbolize the peace that we as The League bring to women who suffer with daily abuses. The gift bags are placed around the statue or on the floor to symbolize the hope that a new day brings.
Song House of Peace (Steven Bell CD)
While the song is being played, members of the Provincial executive will begin to process to the statue of Mary.
Shari will lead the group carrying the Bible over her head. (symbol of faith)
Following behind her, each of the executive members carry the symbol of peace (apple blossom and butterfly) and beside her each Arch/Diocesan president will carry the symbol of hope. (gift bag)
Margaret Ann carries the crown.
Once Mary is crowned, everyone will sing and Margaret Ann and Shari light the candles that are beside the statue.
Hymn to Our Lady of Good Counsel
Most glorious Lady of Good Counsel we, your children sing your praise
You, God’s chosen heaven’s treasure, you the glory of our race.
Temple of the Holy Spirit. Mother of the Word Divine!
Be our couns’lor intercessor. Lead us to your Son Divine.
O Blessed Mary.
Most glorious Lady of Good Counsel we, your children ask of thee
Be our guide, our strength, our refuge. Be our hope, our victory.
Constant is the love you give us, Constant is your care sublime!
Be our couns’lor intercessor. Lead us to your Son Divine.
O Blessed Mary
Closing Prayer
We thank you, Lord our God, for the peace that dwells within us. You have given us Mary to be our heavenly mother and counsellor. May we always follow her example to be symbols of hope for all. Help us to imitate Mary’s humbleness in our concern for those who live in despair. Give us the grace to be worthy followers of her Son, our Lord and Saviour. We ask this through the Holy Spirit within us. Amen.
Please bow your heads for a special blessing.
May Jesus, Son of God, and born of Mary, bless you with gentleness and lead you in the ways of compassion and love. Amen.
With Mary, may you be open to hear God’s words in your life: to be happy that God has called you by name. Amen.
May Mary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, patroness of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada, support you as you journey. May you walk forward with hope and with peace, rooted in faith so as to live the Good News of Jesus. Amen.
And may God bless each one of you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Closing Song Take the Word of God with You
Take the word of God with you as you go
Take the seeds of God’s word and make them grow
Go in peace to serve the world, in peace to serve the world,
Take the love of God, the love of God with you as you go.
Verses 2, 3, 4 replace word with peace, hope, faith,