Meeting Minutes

Goal Team 3.2

Invest in Each Other – Career Growth

November 15, 2010, 2:00 p.m.

CJI Room 219

Present: Amy Bosley,Jenni Campbell, Julie Corderman, Ed Frame, Becky Gallup, Margaret Gonzalez, Susan Kelley, Tom Lopez, Carolyn McMorran, Brent Nakagama, Joe Nunes, Carmen Sepulveda, Renee Simpson, Patti Smith

Absent: Jenelle Conner, Jackie Lasch

Roles and Responsibilities

Following introductions, team members volunteered for the following roles:

  • Convener: Joe Nunes
  • Recorder: Becky Gallup
  • Reporter: Joe Nunes
  • Seekers: Carolyn McMorran and Brent Nakagama
  • Questioners: Margaret Gonzalez and Renee Simpson
  • Principles Monitors: Julie Corderman and Tom Lopez

Goal Team Charge and Team Principles

The team reviewed the Charge to the 2010-11 Goal Teams (Attachment B) and the short-term and long-term targets of Objective 3.2 (pgs. 29-30 of Attachment L). Susan noted that while the targets were updated this past summer, there have been lots of institutional changes since then, including the launching of the Office of Organizational Development, who is looking at some of these targets as the foundation of their work. The targets are not written in stone, and we are welcome to make recommendations.

After review of the Draft Principles (Attachment D), the team made a revision to the first bullet regarding meeting locations – for convenience sake, all of our meetings will be held at CJI.

Review of Notes from October 22 Joint Meeting

The team agreed that Attachment E, Notes from the October 22 Organizational Meeting, was accurate as reflected and offered no further changes.

Review of Strategic Issues

Susan noted that last year the goal teams created reports on strategic issues and asked that we look to see if enough changed that we wanted to update them from the lens of our objective or if any new strategic issues had arisen, we could add to the list.

After reviewing the Strategic Issues List from 2008-13 Plan(Attachment F), it was noted that the list in our packet was incomplete and Susan emailed the team the correct list on the following day, November 16. At our next meeting, we will need to decide if Issues 11 and 12 on the modified list relate to 3.2 and/or if other issues on the complete list should be considered.

Working from the list we had at our meeting, the team decided that the following Issues related to Objective 3.2:

  1. How will employees define their learning pathways, and how will we measure an employee’s engagement in the learning process?

The team noted that this issue was clearly relevant to our goal. PDPs have been implemented recently and that there is hope to eventually have an audit of PDPs to see if people are writing good objectives. It was mentioned how helpful it would be to have PDPs in an electronic format in the future.

  1. How do we measure the extent to which we are accessible? How can we describe what it means to “Building Pathways?”

Discussion centered on optimal learning conditions and looking at building pathways through the lens of employees. Online delivery and multiple campuses were mentioned as related to accessibility.

  1. What data model will be used to carry out this work, and how will we organize for data sharing and accountability?
  1. As part of our “culture of evidence,” what do we accept as evidence of progress against our goals and objectives? How do we validate that changes in our proposed key indicators are meaningful and are having the intended effects on achieving our objectives?
  1. What constitutes meaningful data? Should we compare statistics by socioeconomic indicators, rather than by race? What is the usefulness of such a comparison?

Regarding Issues 3, 4, and 5, the team questioned what it is we are looking at and how do we measure, as much of it is qualitative?

Using a template that Susan will provide, Carolyn and Chara will write a paragraph on Issue #2 to provide an update on the building pathways issue. Patti and Renee will write a similar paragraph for Issue #4 on culture of evidence.

The team decided that, at our next meeting in January, we will look at the complete Strategic Issues List and bring it more into focus.

Finalizing the Baseline Data for the Goal

The team reviewed the Baseline Data Needed (Attachment G) and discussed what additional baseline data would be helpful to have. Susan reminded the group that for the purpose of this activity, baseline data is defined as 2008-09 data.

Discussion centered on the following data:

  • List of 08-09 Leadership Valencia workshops (Brent will send Susan an electronic version)
  • Staff & Organizational Development 08-09 Plan of Work (Brent will send Susan an electronic version)
  • Professional development opportunities offered and taken by members of FACC, AAWCC, Professional Staff Association (we currently do not have a way of capturing these types of training opportunities – perhaps if we go to an online PDP system, we can someday)
  • Complaints and reasons for either voluntary or involuntary separation (Joe and Brent will research)
  • SPD data – for instance, how many people are working on a degree? (Joe will ask Vicki Pipkin what data she has and in what format)
  • Data for part-timers – how much do we include them? PDPs are not required for part-timers yet. How do we look at part-time vs. full-time involvement?
  • Multiple versions of evaluations
  • Valencia Enterprises courses (Carolyn will pull transcripts to see how many employees used VE training)

Developing the List of Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects

The team looked at the 2009-10 Initiatives List (Attachment J – pgs. 16-18), the Summary ofReport from Goal Team 3 (Attachment K), the Full Draft Report from Goal Team 3 – 2009-10 (Attachment L – pgs. 29-32) and the Weave Online Report (Attachment M).

The team was reminded that the Weave system is still in its infancy and that Attachment M is a snapshot in time as of October 10, 2010. Our role is not to correct anything that other departments have entered, but to simply see what people are saying and note what major initiatives and projects are missing. It was noted that because the Office of Organizational Development is still in its planning stages, they have not entered their outcomes and objectives yet. Amy provided a quick overview of the needs assessment processes they are working on, which will provide them with data that she will share with our team.

We can view Weave updates by logging in through Atlas – Employee Tab – Institutional Effectiveness. Guest username is Valenciacc and guest password is valencia (both case-sensitive).

After review of the 3.2 activities and indicators of progress during 2009-10 and the 3.2 major activities planned for 2010-11 (pgs. 31-32 of Attachment L), Carolyn offered to work with Amy to update the performance development plan sections and Brent offered to update the Staff & Organizational Development Planning sections.

Review of Assignments and Next Meeting

Joe reviewed the list of assignments, which are recapped below:

  1. Provide electronic list of 08-09 Leadership Valencia Workshops (Brent)
  2. Provide 08-09 Staff & Organizational Development Plan of Work(Brent)
  3. Research complaints and reasons for involuntary and voluntary separation (Joe and Brent)
  4. Work with Vicki Pipkin to see what type of SPD data is available (Joe)
  5. Pull Valencia Enterprises transcripts to see how many people took VE training (Carolyn)
  6. Using Susan’s template, write astrategic issues update paragraph on “build pathways” (Carolyn and Chara)
  7. Using Susan’s template, write astrategic issues update paragraph on “culture of evidence” (Patti and Renee)
  8. Update Performance Development Plan sections on pgs. 31-32 of Attachment L (Carolyn and Amy)
  9. Update Staff & Organizational Development sections on pgs. 31-32 of Attachment L (Brent)

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 24, from 2-4pm at CJI – Room 219. Joe agreed to reserve the room and be the convener again.

Members were reminded to hold Friday, March 18 on their calendars for the Big Meeting, which will be held in the Special Events Center on West Campus.
