Semcac Head Start Professional Development Plan Employee Name:

Professional Development goals are to assist you in developing a plan to grow as a professional. Please remember to list your goals and objectives in a way that is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive).

Develop your goals in at least two of the three areas below.

Professional Development Goals will be reviewed three times throughout the year. Each employee will meet with her/his supervisor to review the progress on the goals previously set. At this time it will be determined as to whether the goals are progressing, finished, or if new goals needs to be set. These meetings will be documented on this form by initialing each review date.

Start a new form each spring with the informal appraisal process. Carry forward any goals still underway.

Supervisors: Please send the Employee’s original IPD Plan in with the formal JPA when completed in the fall. HS Director will review, and analyze for trends in topics to include in TTA Plan for coming year. The original will be returned to Employee. Supervisors can decide to keep a copy or not.

Goal #1 : Professional Goal (What do you need to do to meet the requirements for your position or to grow in the organization?) / How are you going to accomplish this?
Include Timelines and Estimated Cost if any:
Reviewed / Progress / Next Steps and Date to be Completed / Date Completed

Sign below when you first develop this plan.

Employee Signature Date / Supervisor Signature Date

Training and Development/2015-2016

Goal #2 : Performance Goal (Based on job descriptions, classroom observations, and child/family outcomes, what needs are there for improvement?) / How are you going to accomplish this?
Include Timelines and Estimated Cost if any:
Reviewed / Progress / Next Steps and Date to be Completed / Date Completed
Goal #3 : Individual Goal (What area do you want to grow in based on your passions within your position?) / How are you going to accomplish this?
Include Timelines and Estimated Cost if any:
Reviewed / Progress / Next Steps and Date to be Completed / Date Completed

Employee should keep original IPD Plan during the year. Supervisors could decide to keep a copy or not.

Submit your completed form for prior year at the end of the program year.