To match Discoverer Report with Account Transaction Report, use the Transaction Date not the Transfer Date from the Discoverer Report. The information listed below will help you to understand the report.
Class of Mail
1C First Class/Priority Mail
1W First Class-Auto AADC Letter
(Presort DISCOUNT)
PC First Class Post Card
1M Priority Mail
WL Global Priority-Large Envelope
WS Global Priority-Small Envelope
EA Express Mail
XD Int Express Mail
IM Int Air Mail Letter
IP Int Airmail Parcel Post
Description Class
- all mail weighing over 4 oz
- mail weighing over 13 oz qualifies as priority mail
- all handwritten mail
- all mail missing key elements of the address
- all mail not meeting automation standards
- 1 oz, 2 oz and some 3 oz mail with typewritten addresses
- qualify for a discount
- mail piece meets the requirements/dimensions of a post card
- 2-3 day delivery service (not guaranteed)
- domestic use only
- priority mail sent to international countries
- receives expedited handling
- up to 4 lbs
- guaranteed next day delivery
- delivered 365 days a year
- no extra charge for Sat/Sun or holiday delivery
- exception – certain zip codes have second day delivery
- express mail sent to international countries
- first class letters and postcards sent to international countries
- 4-7 days
- parcels sent equivalent of first class service to international countries
- 4-10 days
4B Media Mail
4N Parcel Post
4S Bound Printed Matter
4X Library Rate
SB Int Books and Sheet Music
SP Int Economy Parcel Post
G- General Mail Service
- special postage rate for books, films, sound and video recordings, printed music, manuscripts and printed educational reference charts and test materials
- postage is determined by weight
- generally used for shipping merchandise
- postage based on pound increments with a 1 lb minimum rate
- mail that weighs no more than 15 lbs
- consists of 90% printed sheets
- advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial matter in any combination
- securely bound by permanent fastening such as staples, spiral binding, glue or stitching
- special postage rate for books, sound recordings, printed music, and museum materials that can be sent using this rate
- library rate is essentially reserved for the exchange of items between schools, libraries, museums, and certain nonprofit organizations
- mail sent economy surface rate
- slow delivery
- mail must be books – eight or more pages, contain no advertising, consist wholly of reading matter or scholarly bibliography
- printed sheet music
- sending parcels at a reduced rate to international countries
- 4-6 week delivery time
- flats, bound printed matter and media mail sent using a mail vendor – Drop Ship Express
- provides discounts (savings) on large mailings
- international mail sent using a vendor – Deutsche Post Global Mail
- provides first class service at discounted rates (savings) over the USPS
- postal charges for departments using Business Reply Mail Permit #98
- Postage Due –mail charges to depts. where the sender failed to put the proper amount of postage on the mail piece or the dept. is using an Ancillary Service Endorsement in conjunction with a First Class or Bulk mailing
- departments receiving PS Form 3547, Change of Address
- mail returned because it is not deliverable as addressed
- postal charges for departments using Permit # 164 (Bulk Mailings)
- preparation/processing charges associated with a bulk mailing
- department charges for stamps purchased at the McKim Stamp Window, using a PTAO
- hospital use only – postal charges for Patient Notices sent by MSV