PRETEST (version 4)

Name: ______School: ______

Answer the following questions with T for True or F for False

1.  ____ The tobacco plant is the source of the drug nicotine.

2.  ____ Used properly, drugs can cure disease and ease suffering.

3.  ____ Quitting smoking can be as hard as quitting heroin or cocaine.

4.  ____ Today’s pot (marijuana) is much stronger than the pot of the 1960’s.

5.  ____ People can’t get addicted to marijuana the way they would using other types of drugs.

6.  ____ Peer pressure is always a negative influence.

7.  ____ Since there is no smoke, chewing tobacco and snuff can’t cause cancer.

8.  ____ Drug “tolerance” means that users must take bigger doses in order to get the same effect.

9.  ____ Drug abuse affects only the drug user.

10.  ____ In Minnesota, and adult (over 21) is legally drunk when their blood alcohol reaches 0.08%

Circle the best answer(s) for each of the following questions.

11.  Which of the following substances are considered drugs? (circle all that apply)

A.  marijuana

B.  tobacco

C.  alcohol

D.  cocaine

E.  paint solvent

F.  all of the above

12.  Which drink contains the most alcohol? (choose one)

A.  12 ounce can of beer

B.  5 ounce glass of wine

C.  1 ½ ounce shot of whiskey

D.  all of these drinks are about the same

13.  About how many different chemicals have scientists detected in cigarette smoke? (choose one)

A. 40

B. 400

C. 4000

D. 40000



14.  The drug methamphetamine is classed as a:

A.  Stimulant

B.  Narcotic

C.  Depressant

D.  Inhalant

E.  Hallucinogen

15.  Alcohol is involved in over 40% of the following (circle all that apply):

A.  auto accidents

B.  murders

C.  rapes

D.  airplane crashes

E.  child abuse cases

16.  What drug kills the most people each year in the United States? (choose one)

A.  cocaine

B.  methamphetamine

C.  alcohol

D.  marijuana

E.  tobacco

17.  What way(s) can someone use to “sober-up” faster after drinking alcohol? (circle all that apply)

A.  drink lots of coffee

B.  take a cold shower

C.  eat lots of food

D.  go for a run

E.  none of the above

18.  What systems in the body are damaged by long-term marijuana use? (circle all that apply)

A.  respiratory system (breathing)

B.  immune system (fighting illness)

C.  reproductive system (fertility)

D.  central nervous system (thinking/learning/memory/overall body-function control)

E.  none of the above

19.  What’s the most abused drug in the United States? (choose one)

A.  Tobacco

B.  Alcohol

C.  Marijuana

D.  Methamphetamine

20.  Which vital organs of the body does alcohol hurt the most? (circle all that apply)

A.  heart

B.  brain

C.  liver

D.  none of the above