Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Club

Brazil GSE Team Roster, list of hosts, and Itinerary for April 2-6


Saturday, April 2 10:00 a.m. COL hosts pick up team members in the lobby of the Radisson University Hotel, 615 Washington Ave SE. The remainder of the day is free.

Sunday April 3 The Day is free to spend with their hosts. 6:00 p.m. Potluck Supper at Mary Daniel’s condo, 117 Portland Ave S, Apt 409, in downtown Minneapolis. This is for team members, host families, and City of Lakes Rotary Members and their families. Please bring salad or a dessert to share. COL Rotarians are asked to RSVP by signing up on the COL web site.

Monday, April 4, 9:00 a.m. Team meets at Mary’s condo in downtown Minneapolis and COL hosts the team for a day in St Paul. Sites will include the State Capitol, Como Park and Conservatory, Indian Mounds Park, etc. 5:00 p.m. hosts pick up team members at Mary’s condo. The evening is free.

Tuesday, April 5, 9:00 a.m. Team meets at Mary’s condo. COL hosts the team for a visit to the Mill City Museum. The team will decide upon other museum/s or sites to visit. 5:00 p.m. hosts pick up team members at Mary’s condo. Evening is free with host families.

Wednesday, April 6, 7:00 a.m. The team presents the program for the City of Lakes Rotary Club at their regular Wednesday morning meeting. The team members come to the COL meeting with luggage, and will be picked up after the meeting by their next hosts, Chaska Rotarians.


Nathaniel Klug, 29 years old, graduated in Economics. He works in four different areas: telecommunications, computers, DVD movie rental, and software engineering. He has lived in Larangeiras do Sul-PR for 20 years. He is married to Juliana, and they have a 5 year old son named Murilo. Email:

He will be hosted by Bob Huber & Christine and Patrick and Paula Burns.

Bob & Christine 9217 Yukon Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55438 Email: (Bob) (Chris) Phones: Bob’s work 612-335-1714 Chris’s work 651-696-6087 Bob’s cell 612-961-5845 Chris’s cell 612-812-9334

Patrick & Paula Burns, 4142 Xerxes Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55412, Email: Phones: Patrick cell and work 612-875-1022 Paula cell and home 612-205-0896

Flavia Gagliano is 26 years old. She is a nurse and lives in Ivaipora-PR and has worked in a hospital since 2006. She is an expert in the intensive care unit. She is engaged to Eduardo and lives with her parents and one brother. Email:

She will be hosted by Gary & Jet Stang 2174 Lakebrook Drive, New Brighton, MN 55112

Email: garystang@comcast .net Phones: Gary’s Cell 612 867-1290 Home 651-633-0344

Claudia Keli Goncalves is 28 years old. She is a physiotherapist. She lives in Quedas do Iquacu-PR and works in her own clinic Her parents and 4 brothers and 1 sister live in different cities. She has a boyfriend Marcio, and they have two pet dogs.

She will be hosted by Russ & Jan Michaletz, 5301 Evanswood Lane, Edina, MN 55436

Email for Russ Jan

Home phone: 952 945-9669 Russ’s cell 612-799-4592 Russ’s office 612-397-4741

Jan’s cell 612-719-3403

Mayra Chagas is 29 years old and a graduate in journalism. She works a reporter at a TV Station in Cascavel-PR. She is single and lives alone. Her parents, sister and brother live in another city in the same state. Email:

She will be hosted by Dick and Carol Parrish, 1995 W Farm Rd, Orono, MN 55356

Email: Phones: Home 952-449-0128 preferred, Cell 952-334-5416

Joao Carlos Rodrigues is the team leader. He graduated in law is 53 years old, and the owner of a hotel and restaurant in Francisco Beltrao-PR. He is married to Giovana who is 50 years old. They have one daughter Flavia, 25 years old, and one son, 22 years old. Email:

He will be hosted by John and Darlene Vandermyde, 2514 Benjamin St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418 Email: Phones: Home 612-789-9839, Cell 612-363-4752