Rules and Regulations
1. Schooling on the flat will be allowed the morning of show 7:30 am to
8:45. There will be ticketed warm ups before each jumping division.
2. Championship and Reserve ribbons will be awarded in all divisions with 3 or
more entries. Champion prizes awarded with 3 or more entries.
3. The management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally,
or to cancel any entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit
entries and cancel award prizes without claims for damages; to cancel,
divide or combine classes, or to reschedule classes after due notice to
exhibitors; to change rings, vary the officials, including the judges, if
necessary and to change or vary the courses at their discretion.
4. All competitors must be wearing boots or shoes with a heel.
ASTM/SEI hard hats must be worn while mounted at all times while on
the premises.
5. FCF Shows are run in accordance with USEF rules. In the event of a dispute, USAE rules shall be used to settle all disputes.
6. Boots not allowed on horses in hunter classes.
7. Champion Series awards for all divisions for riders competing in 2 of 3 shows.
Regular Classes $15.00
Jumper stake classes $25.00
Office Fee $10.00
Warm up tickets $5.00 for jumping classes .
No charge for Flat warm ups.
Great courses - Welcoming Staff
No post entry fee!
Early entries appreciated!
Email entries to:
or text entries to 860-798-1749
Day of show phone 860-798-7249
Full Circle Farm
Open Horse Show
April 23, 2017
May 14, 2017
June 18, 2017
Start Time 9:00 AM
April 23, 2017 Judge: Robin Vinson
May 14, 2017 Judge: Cara Brown
June 18, 2017 Judge: Karen von Bachelle
Manager and Course Designer
Kristen Guadagnino
Dianne Kuzmickas 860-798-1749
Announcer Beth Bracken
To be held in the Outdoor Ring weather permitting
Day of show phone 860-798-7249
Sponsored by Neptune Feed & Saddlery
Full Circle Farm Open Horse Show
Jumper Warm Up A
47. Puddle Jumpers (2’) Table II Section 1
48. Puddle Jumpers (2’) Table II Section 2(c)
49. Puddle Jumpers $100 Stake (2’) Table II Section 2(b)
50. Open Jumpers ( 2’6”-2’9”)Table II Section 1
51. Open Jumpers ( 2’6”-2’9”)Table II Section 2(c)
52. Open Jumpers $100 Stake ( 2’6”-2’9”) Table II Section 2(b)
Flat Warm Up
1. Open Walk Trot Equitation (Ages 0-99)
2. Open Walk Trot Pleasure
3. Open Walk Trot Hunter Under Saddle
4. Open Walk Trot Ground Rails
5 .Green Hunter Flat Equitation W/T
6. Green Hunter Flat Pleasure W/T
7. Green Hunter Under Saddle WTC
8. Green Hunter Flat Discipline Rail WTC
9. Intermediate Walk Trot Canter Equitation (All Ages)
10. Intermediate Walk Trot Canter Pleasure
11. Intermediate Walk Trot Canter Hunter
12. Intermediate Walk Trot Canter Discipline Rail
13. Open Hunter Flat Equitation
14. Open Hunter Flat Pleasure
15. Open Hunter Under Saddle
16. Open Hunter Flat Discipline Rail
Cross Rail Warm Up B
(Short Stirrup and Long Stirrup will be combined if entries warrant)
17. Short Stirrup Equitation FLAT (Ages 14 and under)
18. Short Stirrup Equitation Cross Rails
19. Short Stirrup Equitation Cross Rails
20. Short Stirrup Hunter Cross Rails (18”) (Ages 14 and under)
21. Short Stirrup Hunter Cross Rails (18”)
22. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S
23. Long Stirrup Equitation (Ages 15-99)
24. Long Stirrup Hunter U/S
25. Long Stirrup Equitation Cross Rails (18”)
26. Long Stirrup Hunter Cross Rails (18”)
(Lead Line at noon)
27. Lead Line Equitation
28. Lead Line Pleasure
29. Lead Line Ground Poles
2’’ Warm Up C
30. Evergreen Hunter O/F (2’)
31. Evergreen Hunter O/F (2’)
32. Evergreen Hunter O/F (2’)
33. Evergreen Hunter U/S
34. Intermediate Equitation Flat
35. Intermediate Equitation O/F (2’
36. Intermediate Equitation O/F (2’)
37. Intermediate Equitation O/F (2’)
Warm Up D 2’3-2’ 6”
38. Open Equitation Flat
39. Open Equitation O/F (2’3”-2’6
40. Open Equitation O/F (2’3”-2’6”)
41. Open Equitation O/F (2’3”-2’6”)
Top 4 riders will test
43. Low Hunter O/F (2’3”-2’6”)
44. Low Hunter O/F (2’3”-2’6”)
45. Low Hunter O/F (2’3”-2’6”)
46. Low Hunter U/S
Class Descriptions
1-4 Open W/T division – Open to all ages. May not canter in any class at this show.
To be divided by age if entries warrant (17 and under -18 and over).
5-8 Green Horse Flat Division - Horses in their first or second year of showing
9-12 Intermediate Walk Trot Canter – Open to all riders
13-16 Open Hunter Flat Division - Shown at W/T/C
17-19 Short Stirrup Equitation Division - Open to riders 14 years of age and under.
Shown at W/T/C. Cross rails not to exceed 18”.
May not jump higher than 18” in this show.
20-22 Short Stirrup Hunter Division - Open to riders 14 years of age and under.
Shown at W/T/C. Cross rails not to exceed 18”. May not jump higher than 18”
in this show.
23-26 Long Stirrup Division Open to riders 15 and over to show at W/T/C.
May not jump higher than 18” in this show.
27-29 Lead Line Children under 8 accompanied by an adult at the walk and trot
To be held at noon
30-33 Evergreen Hunter 2'. Open to all horses and riders.
34-37 Intermediate Equitation Division 2’ Open to all riders
38-41 Open Equitation Division 2’6” Open to all riders
42 FCF MEDAL Equitation on the flat - Open to all riders
43-46 Low Hunter
47-49 Puddle Jumpers - 2’ (Stake 1st $40 2nd $30 3rd $20 4th $10 )
Must have 4 entries for payout
50-52 Open Jumpers 2’6”to 2’9”( Stake 1st $40 2nd $30 3rd $20 4th $10
Must have 4 entries for payout