Midland High School 2016-2017 Curriculum Guide
Midland CUSD #7
Midland Graduation Requirements...... 7
Midland Grading Scale...... 8
Semester Grading...... 9
English Department...... 10
Mathematics Department...... 12
Science Department...... 16
Social Studies Department...... 20
Foreign Language Department...... 22
Art Department...... 24
Business Department...... 26
Music Department...... 28
Health Education……………………………………………………………………………………...... 28
Driver Education...... 29
Physical Education...... 29
Family and Consumer Sciences...... 30
Agricultural Department...... 33
Cooperative Education...... 41
Special Education Department...... 42
Dual Credit Classes/Guidelines...... 43
ICC Fast Start Program………………………………………………………………………………...43
MHS Tentative Four Year Plan Guide and Yearly Registration Forms……………………...... 44
As a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma, each student must successfully complete the following courses and acquire the following required number of credits.
Required courses:
English- 4 credits
Mathematics - 3 credits(3 years at H.S.)
Science - 3 credits
Social Studies- 2 credits (one unit of United States History, ½ unit of
Civics, and another ½ unit is required)
Consumer Education- ½ credit
Health Education- ½ credit
Physical Education- 3 ½ credits
Vocation, Fine Arts, F. Lan - 3 credits
Enrichment- 4 credits
Elective- 4 ½ credits--chosen from Music, Art, Foreign Language, and
______Vocational Education
28 credits required
*A total of 24 credits are required for classes 2016 and 2017.
Generally, classes which meet for 2 semesters earn 1 unit of credit. Classes that meet for 1 semester earn ½ unit of credit. Classes that meet for a quarter, receive ¼ credit.
Required Credits
21 credits – required courses
07credits – additional elective courses
28 credits – total(starting for class of 2018)
All students must take 4 academic credits plus P.E. each year.
In addition, all students must complete community service hours before graduating.
- All graduates must have 24 hours of community service total – earning 6 service hours a year.
- Transfer student’s service hours will be accumulated by the number of years in attendance – equaling 6 service hours per year of attendance or 3 service hours per semester.
- No student may be paid monetarily or by any other means for their community service hours.
- Students may volunteer for any community service organization such as but not limited to: the food pantry, shelter, library, church, etc.
- All community service must be pre-approved by the School Counselor.
- A volunteer form must be turned in on completion of the service.
- If a service form is unavailable, the following information must be presented to the service provider and the School Counselor: Student name, grade, name of supervising adult, contact phone and address, number of hours completed, description of objective/activity, supervisor signature and date, and overall student performance.
- All community service is subject to explanation or verification by the School Counselor.
- It is the School Counselor’s final decision to accept or not accept community service hours.
- The School Counselor will keep a running total of service hours for each student in the Guidance Office.
Recommended For College by the Board of Higher Education and the IllinoisCommunity College Board
- Four credits of Language Arts
- Three credits of mathematics (Algebra 1 and higher levels of mathematics)
- Three credits of laboratory science
- Three credits of social studies (emphasizing history and government)
- Two credits of electives in foreign language, music, art, or career and technical education
Midland Grading Scale
B +87-89
C +77-79
D +69
F64 and below
Grade Point Average Weighting
Each student’s G.P.A. will be calculated on the following scale:
A = 5
B = 4
C = 3
D = 2
F = 0
Honors courses will be weighted as follows:
Advanced Mathematics76540
AP European History76540
AP Calculus76540
Anatomy & Physiology76540
AP Biology76540
AP English 476540
English 3 CP, 4 CP65430
Algebra 2 CP65430
Spanish 3 & 465430
Jr. College 4-yr. transferable credit classes are double weighted (numbers 110 and above). All other classes will be weighted as normal.
Semester Grading
A semester grade is composed of two 9-week grades and a final exam grade. Each 9-week grade will count for 40% of the semester grade, while the semester exam will count for 20% of the semester grade. Thus, the computation will be as followed:
40% + 40% + 20% = 100%
If any two of the three grades, which comprise the semester grade, are F’s, the student will automatically fail the semester. If a student has a B+ for one 9 weeks grade, an F for the next 9 weeks grade, and an F for the semester exam, the student will fail the semester. A semester grade is the only grade entered onto a student’s permanent record.
The following scale is used to compute honor roll status:
A+ …………………………………………………. 5.25
A…………………………………………………. 5.00
A - …………………………………………………. 4.75
B+ …………………………………………………. 4.25
B…………………………………………………. 4.00
B - …………………………………………………. 3.75
C+…………………………………………………. 3.25
C…………………………………………………. 3.00
C -…………………………………………………. 2.75
D +…………………………………………………. 2.25
D…………………………………………………. 2.00
D - …………………………………………………. 1.75
F0.99 and below ………………………………. 0.00
(Four (4) credits/years of English are required for graduation)
If a student failsfirst semester of an English course, they will be allowed to continue on to second semester. However, they will then be required to “recover” first semester through credit recovery options. If they pass first semester and fail second semester, again they will be required to “recover” second semester before moving on to the next level English. If a student fails an entire year, they must recover the year before moving on. “Doubling up” on English courses is not allowed.
English 1
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To:Grade 9
Description: This course begins your expedition into English. The class begins with short stories and literary terms and progresses to full length novels Of Mice and Men and To Kill a Mockingbird. Second semester is an exploration into Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, poetry, and the Business project, as well as a focus on grammar. Various writing types are examined and practiced as well as speaking skills.
Language Arts 1
Duration: 1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To: Grade 9
Description: Freshmen scoring at or below the 30th percentile on MAP test and/or recommended by a teacher will be considered for this course. This grade 9 English course is designed to develop reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and basic writing skills necessary to be successful in reading and writing.
English 2
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To:Grade 10
Prerequisite:English 1
Description: Your expedition into English continues with more short stories, plus novels like Lord of the Flies and Fahrenheit 451. Second semester will explore Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, novels such as Things FallApart and The Chocolate War, and the visual text of The Prisoner television show. Writing is required every week - thesis research-based writing of your own topics prepares for the junior-level research paper.
Language Arts 2
Duration: 1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To: Grade 10
Prerequisite:English 1 or Language Arts 1
Description: Sophomores scoring at or below the 30th percentile on MAP test and/or recommended by a teacher will be considered for this course. This grade 10 English course is a continuation of Language Arts 1 focusing on basic reading and writing skills.
English 3
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To:Grade 11
Prerequisite:English 2
Description: This class focuses on writing skills. Throughout the semester students will be asked to complete a weekly writing assignment. Throughout the year, students will be asked to write two essays in which the primary focuses will include paying special attention to voice, audience, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, and format. Likewise, during second semester students will write a research paper that focuses on research skills, citations, and MLA guidelines. Aside from writing, students will be reading, analyzing, and interpreting texts from American Literature to The Great Gatsby.
English 4
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 12
Prerequisite:English 3
Description: English 4 focuses on college level literary analysis. First semester students will be reading and interpreting British literature. Second semester focuses on dystopian literature. Students will be reading and analyzing essential themes in1984, The Handmaids Tale, and The Hunger Games.Students will then write an analysis paper comparing similar themes between two of the novels.
Advanced Composition
Duration: 1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 11
Prerequisite:Must score in the 80th percentile or above on most recent MAP reading scores and have earned a “B” or above in the last four semesters of English.
Description: This course is designed to expose advanced students to a wide array of writing styles. There will be a strong emphasis on writing structured and well-supported essays, along with more creative-based composition. Students will expected to create work of their own, and analyze, respond to, and edit the work of others. Both formal and informal writing will occur, and students will be exposed to a number of pre-writing and post-writing strategies. The goal is for students to learn how to write and edit several forms of composition and then use this knowledge and apply it to text in Advanced Literature.
Advanced Literature
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 12
Prerequisite:Must score in the 80th percentile or above on most recent MAP reading scores and have earned a “B” or above in the last four semesters of English.
Description: Advanced Literature is an accelerated class that reads and absorbs more fiction and non-fiction than other classes and engages in writing over the subject matter on a consistent and regular basis. With a focus on interpretation and analysis, this class utilizes higher learning skills. Many different types of readings will be analyzed, and writing about the reading is a central requirement.
(Three (3) credits/years of math at the high schoolare required for graduation)
Once a student is placed into a math class, changes will only occur if: 1. They have an F after the 1st or 3rd nine weeks and a meeting takes place with the math teachers, administration, student, and parents, 2. They have a D as their 1st semester grade and approval from teachers, administration, and parents. Once you move from a CP class to the regular track, you cannot move back to the CP track. Switching teachers within the same class will only be allowed at semester if seats are available and after a meeting withmath teachers, administration, student, and parents. No meeting is required for changes made due to a scheduling necessity (ex. A class is failed first semester and the schedule must be re-worked to fit in a different class).
Algebra 1 CP
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 9
Description: Algebra 1 CP is a two semester college preparatory course intended to introduce students to such areas as: operations with real numbers, writing and solving equations, operations with polynomials, factoring polynomials, using fractions in percent and ratio problems, rules of exponents, solving systems of equations, working with lines, working with rational and irrational numbers and graphing. Students should have a strong understanding of basic math skills since a calculator is used minimally throughout the course. Upon completion it is expected the student will enroll in Geometry CP.
Algebra 1
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 9
Description: Algebra 1 is a two-semester course intended to introduce students to the same content covered in Algebra 1 CP, but at a slower rate. Upon completion it is expected the student will enroll in Geometry.
Geometry CP
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 9, 10
Prerequisite:Algebra 1 CP or 8th Grade Algebra 1
Description: Geometry is a two-semester college preparatory course geared to help students think deductively and apply thought processes to solving problems. Topics covered are: points, lines, planes, angels, parallel lines and planes, if-then statements, basic logic, congruent triangles, geometric inequalities, ratios, proportions, similarities, the Pythagorean Theorem, right triangles, basic trigonometry, tangents, arcs and chords of circles, constructions, areas, solids, distance and midpoint formulas and proofs. Algebraic principles are used throughout the book. Upon completion, it is expected the student will enroll in Algebra 2 CP.
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 10
Prerequisite:Algebra 1 or students who have failed Geometry CP
Description: Geometry is a two-semester course intended to introduce students to the same content covered in Geometry CP, but at a slower rate. Upon completion, it is expected the student will enroll in Algebra 2.
Algebra 2 CP
Duration:1 year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite:Geometry CP
Description: Algebra 2 CP is a two-semester college preparatory course, which extends the topics studied in Algebra 1. Content includes: Linear functions, systems of linear functions, linear inequalities and systems of linear inequalities; Quadratic functions, Conic sections, Quadratic systems; Exponential and logarithmic functions; Irrational algebraic functions; Higher degree functions; Series and sequences; Probability; and Intro to Trigonometry. Grades in this class are weighted as an Honors course—(single weighted). Upon completion, it is expected the student will take Advanced Mathematics.
Algebra 2
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 11, 12
Description: Algebra 2 is a two-semester course intended to introduce students to the same content covered in the Algebra 2 CP, but at a slower rate. Students will not be permitted to take Advanced Math or Calculus after this course. Upon completion, the student is expected to enroll in Algebra 3or Stats and Trig. This course is not weighted.
Advanced Mathematics
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 11, 12
Prerequisite:Algebra 2 CP
Description: Advanced Mathematics is a two-semester college preparatory course in Pre-Calculus mathematics. Content includes: Review of linear, quadratic and higher degree functions, their solutions and graphs; complete course of Trigonometry; Vectors; Polar coordinates and complex numbers; Exponential and logarithmic functions; and Statistics and probability. Grades in this class are weighted as an Honors course—(double weighted). Upon completion of this course, it is expected the student will take AP Calculus. This course can be taken concurrently with AP Calculus.
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open To:Grade 11, 12
Prerequisite:Advanced Math or take Advanced Math concurrently with AP Calculus.
Description: AP Calculus is a yearlong course which consists of the equivalent of a first semester calculus course at the university level. The course allows students to receive high school credit and, upon the successful completion of the AP exam, college credit at most higher learning institutions. Students taking AP Calculus must be strongly motivated and have a thorough knowledge of Algebra and Geometry. Course topics include: Properties of Functions, Limits, Derivatives, Applications of Derivatives, Integration, and Application of Integrals. Grades in this course are weighted as an Honors course—(double weighted) class. All students must have taken Advanced Math or must take Advanced Math concurrently with AP Calculus.
Algebra 3
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 12
Prerequisite:Algebra 2
Description: Algebra 3 is a two-semester course intended to review and extend algebraic concepts already learned in Algebra 2. Course topics include operations with rational and irrational expressions, factoring, linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, systems of linear and quadratic equations, and operations with rational and irrational exponents. This course will also introduce topics such as basic statistics, basic probability, matrices, and determinants.
Duration: 1 Semester
Credits Earned:1/2 Credit
Open to:Grade 12
Prerequisite:Algebra 2 CP
Description: Statistics is a one-semester course intended to introduce students to the study of likely events and the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative data. Course topics will include basic probability and statistics such as discrete probability theory, odds and probabilities, probability trees, populations and samples, frequency tables, measures of central tendency, and presentation of data including graphs. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to enroll in Trigonometry.
Duration:1 Semester
Credits Earned:1/2 Credit
Open to:Grade 12
Prerequisite:Algebra 2 CP
Description: Trigonometry is a one-semester course intended to prepare students for eventual work in calculus. Topics included include trigonometric and circular functions; their inverses and graphs; relations among the parts of a triangle; trigonometric identities and equations; solutions of right and oblique triangles; and complex numbers. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to enroll in Statistics.
Math Flow Chart
(Three (3) credits/years of science are required for graduation)
Earth Science
Duration: 1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
Description: Earth Science is the study of the Earth and the processes that form Earth. Students will be introduced to the four categories of Earth science; geology, meteorology, astronomy, and oceanography. Within each major study, students will conduct labs or projects associated with the processes of Earth formation. An emphasis of the environment and how human interactions have affected the environment will be included in this class.
Duration:1 Year
Credits Earned:1 Credit
Open to:Grade 9, 10, 11
Description: Students are introduced to the characteristics and classifications of animals and plants. Basic life structure including physiology, reproduction and chemical nature of life is presented. It will cover a wide variety of living organisms beginning with biological lab techniques and the cell and working up to the interaction of life forms in the area of ecology. Major unit areas include … biological principles, cells, genetics, evolution, microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, human biology, and ecology. The class will include dissections of small vertebrates and a lab to be performed in each chapter area.