January 8, 2013
The meeting was called to order by John Kossler, president, at 6:00 pm. Deb Wood, Dave Abbot and John Longhill were all present as well as Bonnie Koblitz and Mark Volt.
The minutes from the December meeting were approved.
Bonnie gave the financial report and John Kossler signed checks. The balance in the checking account as of January 8, 2013 is $54,546.61. The balance in ColoTrust fund is $57,236.64.
There was a brief discussion on how to use some of the ColoTrust or “Emergency Funds” monies. The discussion strayed to how the District could become more visible and then on to our signs. Bonnie will get articles in the newspaper on the Conservation District. Bonnie will send a photo of the sign to John Longhill and he will contact a landowner right along I-70 as a possible first place to put one. Use of “Emergency Funds” and signs will continue to be on agendas.
Old Business
It was agreed that Bonnie would contact the Stock Growers and tell them, because the dinner meeting is a joint activity and the District is paying half the costs, the District would give its report and Conservationist of the Year presentation at the dinner—not at the Stock Growers business meeting the day before.
It was moved and seconded to adopt the same criteria that were used in 2007, for cost-share irrigation projects. The motion carried. Bonnie will include the criteria in all announcements regarding the funds being available for projects.
Approval of 2 policies was tabled until the next meeting.
John Kossler signed the credit card application. Bonnie will take it to the Bank right away.
John Longhill looked over the information on the liability insurance and John Kossler took it home to read it over. It was agreed that he should read “the fine print” before a motion was made to send the money for the premium.
New Business
It was moved and seconded to present Bock Construction with the Conservationist if the Year award. The motion carried. Bonnie will make sure a plaque gets made to present at the Annual Dinner Meeting. It was suggested that Bonnie put something on the website, soliciting nominations for outstanding conservationists for the future.
There was a long discussion of staff supervision. Bonnie suggested that the Board follow the policy that they have written. John Longhill suggested that the job description be updated. The Board was made aware that they would most likely have to hire a new District Manager within the year. A new person would need more supervision in the beginning. The Board asked for as much notice as it can possibly get. Bonnie is to find an “At Will” contract on the internet.
It was moved and seconded that the District pays $250 of dues to NACD. The motion carried. The Board did refer to the 2013 Budget to help make their decision.
Mark Volt presented the NRCS report. NRCS has been involved with EQIP planning for 4 landowners, spring and sprinkler development plans, and seeding and stock tank projects. NRCS has been talking with Summit County Open Space about a grazing plan for their easement property, Cow Camp, along Highway 9. NRCS has also been very help to the District in applying for funding for the aerial clover seeding project. Mark reported that the statewide snowpack is at 68% of average and that new snow surveys will begin at the end of January.
The next board meeting is scheduled for February 5.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm. Bonnie will send by email the application for Direct Assistance for Board members to review. If anyone thinks of more activities to include, please contact Bonnie.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Koblitz, District Manager