Kenneth J. Page
Bob Johnson
Dave Cobb
Vermont Principals’ Association
Supporting Learners and LeadersTwo Prospect Street, Suite 3
Montpelier, Vermont 05602-3555
Telephone: 802-229-0547 – Fax: 802-229-4801/ PRESIDENT
June Sargent
Dean Stearns
Madeline Young
To:Service Learning & Leadership Grant Recipients
From:Dave Cobb, Director of Development
Re:Service Learning Sharing Day – May 3, 2013
Date:March 25, 2013
Congratulations on the excellent work that is being done with the VPA Service Learning & Leadership Grant within your schools! At this moment, we have twenty schools with viable and robust projects that are making a difference in school communities!
A requirement of the grant is to attend a day to share with fellow recipients. That date is Friday, May 3, 2013. Sharing Day will take place at the Capital Plaza Hotel on State Street in Montpelier. Registration will start at 9:00 AM so those travelling don’t have to start at Zero Dark Thirty! Lunch will be at 11:45, and members of the VPA Executive Council and Activity Standards Committees will be joining us at 12:00 noon. We’ll make sure to have you back on the road by 1:30 PM.
The sharing format is still in the discussion stages. We have a block of time between 9:30 and 11:45 AM. What we have in mind is establishing each school team to one of two groups. In one session, teams in the first group will present information on their project to teams in the second group. After a break, the roles will reverse, and the second group of teams will present. We are considering a “college fair” style situation, where each team has a table for their display and materials, and would be visited by members of the other group to share information. We don’t see a way for each school team to have sufficient time to share out one-at-a-time. However, if you know of a better way, please let me know! Thoughts and ideas on how to organize this sharing time are welcomed and encouraged!
I’ve enclosed an information sheet on the specifics of the day, and what we’re looking for in the sharing out sessions from each school team. We suggest that each school team of 4 include at least one adult. We had to set this limit because of space, food, and transportation.
Please return the enclosed reservation form as soon as possible. Absolute deadline is Friday, April 12th. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks for all you do on behalf of your students!
The Bay & Paul Foundations