
Paul Allen Beck

Academy Professor, The Ohio State University

Department of Political Science, 2189 Derby Hall, 154 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1371

Mershon Center 112B, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201

(614) 292-8521



University of Michigan, Ph.D., 1971; MA, 1968

Indiana University, AB (honors), 1966


Academy Professor, 2016-present

Professor Emeritus, 2012-present

Co-coordinator, Comparative National Elections Project, 1989-present.

Distinguished Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Ohio State University, 2009-2012

Professor, Department of Political Science, The Ohio State University, 19872012

School of Communication, The Ohio State University, 2009-2012

Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University, 2009-2012

Dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Ohio State University, 2004-2008

Chair, Department of Political Science, The Ohio State University, 1991-2004

Chair, Department of Political Science, FloridaStateUniversity, 19811987

Professor, Department of Political Science, FloridaStateUniversity, 19791987

Professor, Policy Sciences Program, Florida State University, 1979-1984

Director, SurveyResearchCenter, Policy Sciences Program, FloridaStateUniversity, 19811984

Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 19751979

Book Review Editor, American Political Science Review, 19761979

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh, 19731976

Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 19701975

Teaching Staff, InterUniversity Consortium for Political Research, Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, University of Michigan, 19681970

Assistant Study Director, SurveyResearchCenter, Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, 19671969


Emeritus Academy, Ohio State University, 2014-

Samuel J. Eldersveld Career Achievement Award for lifetime professional contributions to the field, American Political Science Association, Political Organizations and Parties organized section, 2007

Phi Kappa Phi, 2007

Frank J. Goodnow Award for distinguished service to the profession, American Political Science Association, 2005

Distinguished Scholar Award, OhioStateUniversity, 2004

Phi Beta Kappa, 2004

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award,Department of Political Science, 2004

Outstanding Service Award, Council of Graduate Students, Ohio State University, 2002

Faculty Award for Distinguished University Service, OhioStateUniversity, 2000

Listings inAmerica’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals,Marquis Who’s Who in America, Marquis Who’s Who in the Midwest, Lexington Who’s Who, Montclair Who’s Who, Who’s Who among American Teachers, Who’s Who Award for Achievement, Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals,and International Who’s Who of Public Service


Books and Monographs

Gunther, Beck, Magalhães, and Moreno (eds.), Voting in Old and New Democracies (New York: Routledge, 2016).

Hershey and Beck, Party Politics in America, 10th Edition (New York: Longman, 2003). Earlier editions: 9th by Beck and Hershey (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001), 8th by Beck (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997), 7th by Beck and Sorauf (New York: Harper Collins, 1992), 6th by Sorauf and Beck (Chicago: Scott Foresman/Little, Brown, 1988).

Dalton, Flanagan, and Beck, Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies: Realign-ment or Dealignment? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984). [Concluding chapter reprinted in Kepanides (ed.), Education and the Welfare State (published in Greek)].

Beck, Doctors, and Hammond, Individual Energy Conservation Behaviors (Cambridge, MA: Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, 1980).

Beck, Bruner, and Dobson, Political Socialization across the Generations (Washington, D.C.: American Political Science Association, 1975).

Articles in Refereed Journals

Eveland, Appiah, and Beck, “Americans Are More Exposed to Difference Than We Think” Capturing Hidden Exposure to Political and Racial Difference,” Social Networks, forthcoming.

Eveland, Song, and Beck, “Cultural Variations in the Relationship Among Network Political Agreement, Political Discussion Frequency, and Voting Turnout,” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 10 (2015), 1-20.

Beck and Heidemann, “Changing Strategies in Grassroots Canvassing: 1956-2012,”Party Politics, 20 (March 2014): 261-274.

Beck, “Encouraging Political Defection: The Role of Personal Discussion Networks in Partisan Desertions to the Opposition Party and Perot Votes in 1992,” Political Behavior, 24 (December, 2002), 309-338.

Beck, Dalton, Greene, and Huckfeldt, “The Social Calculus of Voting: Interpersonal, Media, and Organizational Influences on Presidential Choices,” American Political Science Review, 96 (March, 2002), 57-73.

Dalton, Beck, and Huckfeldt, “Partisan Cues and the Media: Information Flows in the 1992 Presidential Election,” American Political Science Review, 92 (March, 1998), 111-26.

Huckfeldt, Beck, Dalton, Levine, and Morgan, “Ambiguity, Distorted Messages, and Nested Environmental Effects on Political Communication,” Journal of Politics, 60 (November, 1998), 996-1031.

Dalton, Beck, Huckfeldt, and Koetzle, “A Test of Media-Centered Agenda Setting: Newspaper Content and Public Interests in a Presidential Election,” Political Communication, 15 (1998), 463-81.

Beck, Dalton, Haynes, and Huckfeldt, “Presidential Campaigning at the Grass Roots,” Journal of Politics, 59 (November, 1997), 1264-75.

Huckfeldt, Beck, Dalton, and Levine, “Political Environments, Cohesive Social Groups, and the Communication of Public Opinion,” American Journal of Political Science, 39 (November, 1995), 1025-54.

Beck, Baum, Clausen, and Smith, “Patterns and Sources of Split-Ticket Voting,” American Political Science Review, 86 (December, 1992), 916-28.

Beck and Jennings, “Family Traditions, Political Periods, and the Development of Partisan Orientations,” Journal of Politics, 53 (August, 1991), 742-63.

Beck, “Voters' Intermediation Environments in the 1988 Presidential Contest,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 55 (Fall, 1991), 371-94.

Beck, Rainey, and Traut, “Disadvantage, Disaffection, and Race as Divergent Bases for Citizen Fiscal Policy Preferences,” Journal of Politics, 52 (February, 1990), 7193.

Beck, Rainey, Nicholls, and Traut, “Citizen Views of Taxes and Services: A Tale of Three Cities,” Social Science Quarterly, 68 (June, 1987), 22343.

Beck, “Micropolitics in Macro Perspective: The Political History of Walter Dean Burnham,” Social Science History, 10 (Fall, 1986), 22144.

Beck and Parker, “Consistency in Policy Thinking,” Political Behavior, 7 (1, 1985), 3756.

Beck, “Realignment Begins? The Republican Surge in Florida,” American Politics Quarterly, 10 (October, 1982), 42138. [Reprinted in MacManus (ed.), Reapportionment and Representation in Florida (Tampa, FL: Interbay Innovation Institute, 1991)].

Beck and Jennings, “Pathways to Participation,” American Political Science Review, 76 (March, 1982), 95108 [Reprinted in Hoover, The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992)].

Beck and Dye, “Sources of Public Opinion on Taxes: The Florida Case,” Journal of Politics, 44 (February, 1982), 17282.

Beck, “Correlates of Energy Conservation,” Public Policy, 28 (Fall, 1980), 4517.

Beck and Jennings, “Political Periods and Political Participation, 1956 1976,” American Political Science Review, 73 (September, 1979), 73750. [Reprinted in Rhodes, Arrington, and Mundt (eds.), Applied Political Inquiry (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1983)].

Beck, “The Electoral Cycle and Patterns of American Politics,” British Journal of Political Science, 9 (April, 1979), 12956. [Reprinted in Niemi and Weisberg, Controversies in Voting Behavior (Washington: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1984), 519-44].

Beck, “Partisan Dealignment in the PostWar South,” American Political Science Review, 71 (June, 1977), 47796.

Beck and Jennings, “Parents as 'Middlepersons' in Political Socialization,” Journal of Politics, 37 (February, 1975), 83107.

Beck, “Models for Analyzing Panel Data,” Political Methodology, 2 (no. 4, 1975), 35780.

Beck, “Environment and Party: The Impact of Political and Demographic CountyCharacteristics on Party Behavior,” American Political Science Review, 68 (September, 1975), 122944.

Beck and Jennings, “Lowering the Voting Age: The Case of the Reluctant Electorate,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 33 (Fall, 1969), 37079.

Chapters in Books and Monographs

Santoro and Beck, “Social Networks and Vote Choice,” in Victor, Montgomery, and Lubell (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Networks (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016).

Beck, “The Ground Game from the Voter’s Perspective, 2012 and Before,” in Coffey, Cohen, and Green (eds.), The State of the Parties(Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014), pp. 251-270.

Beck, ”Parties in the American Political Environment,” in Marjorie Hershey, Barry Burden, and Christina Wolbrecht (eds.), CQ Press Guide to U.S. Political Parties(Los Angeles: Sage, 2014), pp. 66-76.

Beck, “Third Parties,” in David Coates, Kathy Smith, and Will Walldorf (eds.), The Oxford Companion to American Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 369-372.

Beck, “From Lazarsfeld to CNEP: The Return and Integration of a Research Tradition,” in Richard Gunther, José Ramón Montero, and Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation, and Voting on Four Continents (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), pp. xi-xv.

Richardson and Beck, “The Flow of Political Information: Personal Discussants, the Media, and Partisanship,” in Richard Gunther, José Ramón Montero, and Hans-Jürgen Puhle (eds.), Democracy, Intermediation, and Voting on Four Continents (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), 183-207.

Beck, “Opinion and Action in Post-War America: Additional Perspectives,” in Mansfield and Sisson (eds.), The Evolution of Political Knowledge: Theory and Inquiry in American Politics (Columbus, OH: The OhioStateUniversity Press, 2004), pp. 148-52.

Beck, “A Tale of Two Electorates: The Changing American Party Coalitions, 1952-2000,” in Green and Farmer (eds.), The State of the Parties (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003), 38-53.

Beck, Dalton, Haynes, and Huckfeldt, “Local Party Organizations and Presidential Politics,” in Yesilada (ed.), Comparative Political Parties and Party Elites (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999), 55-79.

Beck, “The Changing American Party Coalitions,” in Green and Shea (eds.), The State of the Parties (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 1999), 28-49.

Nichols, Kimball, and Beck, “Resuming the Downward Spiral? Voter Turnout in the 1996 Election” in Weisberg and Box-Steffensmeier (eds.), Re-election: Elections in America, 1996 (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1998), 23-44.

Nichols and Beck, “Reversing the Decline: Voter Turnout in the 1992 Election,” in Weisberg (ed.), Democracy's Feast (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1995), 29-71.

Huckfeldt and Beck, “Contexts, Intermediaries, and Political Activity,” in Dodd and Jillson (eds.), The Dynamics of American Politics: Approaches and Interpretations (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994), 252-76.

Beck, “Party Realignment in America: The View from the States,” in Moakley (ed.), Party Realignment in the American States (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 1992), 259-78

Beck, “Incomplete Realignment: The Reagan Legacy for Parties and Elections,” in Jones (ed.), The Reagan Legacy (Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1988), 14571. [Reprinted in Woll, American Politics: Readings and Cases (Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman/ Little, Brown, 1990), 253-61].

Beck, “Choice, Context, and Consequence,” in Weisberg (ed.), Political Science: The Science of Politics (New York: Agathon Press, 1986), 24183.

Beck, “Dealignment of the American Electorate,” in Dalton, Flanagan, and Beck (eds.), Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984), 24066.

Beck, “Prelude to Proposition 1: Florida Public Opinion on Taxes, 19791983,” in Policy Sciences Annual (Tallahassee, FL: Policy Sciences Program, 1983), 118.

Beck and Lopatto, “The End of Southern Distinctiveness,” in Baker, Moreland, and Steed (eds.), Studies in Contemporary Southern Political Attitudes and Behavior (New York: Praeger, 1982), 16082.

Beck, “The Role of Agents in Political Socialization,” in Renshon (ed.), Handbook of Political Socialization: Theory and Research (New York: Free Press, 1977), 11541.

Beck, “Youth and the Politics of Realignment,” in Dreyer and Rosenbaum (eds.), Political Opinion and Behavior (North Scituate, MA: Duxbury, 1976), 36673.

Beck, “A Socialization Theory of Partisan Realignment,” in Niemi (ed.), The Politics of Future Citizens: New Dimensions in Socialization (San Francisco: JosseyBass, 1974), 199219 [Reprinted in Niemi and Weisberg, Controversies in American Voting Behavior (San Francisco: Freeman, 1976), 396411; and in Niemi and Weisberg, Classics in Voting Behavior (Washington: CQ Press, 1993), 331-45.].

Research Notes, Commentaries, Amicus Briefs, and Book Reviews

Beck, “Ohio in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Contest,” in English at and in German in JPG Journal.

Beck, Book Review of Popular Efficacy in the Democratic Era: A Reexamination of Electoral Accountability in the United States, 1828-2000 by Nardulli, Perspectives on Politics 4 (December, 2006), 781-82.

Beck, Box-Steffensmeier, Epstein, Gierzynski, Green, Hernnson, Jones, Katznelson, Larson, Magleby, Mann, Schultz, Shea, and Sorauf, Amici Curiae Brief in Federal Election Commission v. Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Supreme Court of the United States, 2000.

Beck, Beyle, Box-Steffensmeier, Epstein, Green, Jones, Katznelson, Krasno, Magleby, Malbin, Mann, Marshall, Sorauf, and Wolfinger, Amici Curiae Brief in Missouri v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC, Supreme Court of the United States, 1998.

Beck, “M. Kent Jennings: An Intellectual Profile,” PS: Political Science and Politics, 30 (September, 1997).

Beck, Book Review of Electoral Change in Western Democracies by Crewe and Denver, American Political Science Review, 80 (December, 1986), 136364.

Beck, Book Review of Uninformed Choice by Keeter and Zukin, American Political Science Review, 79 (March, 1985), 211.

Beck, “Reply,” PS: Political Science and Politics, 18 (Spring, 1985), 20204.

Beck and Jennings, “Political Periods and Political Participation: An Update,” American Political Science Review, 78 (March, 1984), 198201 [with M. Kent Jennings].

Beck, “Young vs. Old in 1984: Generations and Life Stages in Presidential Nomination Politics,” PS: Political Science and Politics, 17 (Summer, 1984), 51524.

Beck, Book Review of The Creation of a Democratic Majority by Andersen, American Political Science Review, 74 (March, 1980), 18586.

Beck, “Critical Elections and the Supreme Court: Putting the Horse before the Cart,” American Political Science Review, 70 (September, 1976), 93032.

Recent Convention and Conference Papers and Presentations (Last 5 Years)

Eveland, Appiah, and Beck, “Scratching Below the Core Network Surface:Capturing Hidden Exposure to Political Disagreement and Difference,” 9th Annual Political Networks Workshops and Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 11, 2016.

Beck and Gunther, “Voting in Old and New Democracies,” Conference of the Comparative National Elections Project, Marrakech, Morocco, March 14-16, 2014.

Eveland, Song, and Beck, “Cultural Variations in Political Discussion and Agreement – and Their Relation with Voting Turnout,” Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January, 2014.

Beck and Heidemann, “The Ground Game from the Voter’s Perspective, 2012 and Before,” Conference on the State of the Parties, Bliss Institute, University of Akron, November, 2013.

Beck, “How Much an ‘Echo Chamber’? Network Partisanship and Partisan Polarization in US Presidential Elections,” European Consortium for Political Research, Bordeaux, France, September, 2013.

Beck and Gunther, “Global Patterns of Political Intermediation,” Conference of the Comparative National Election Project, Berlin, Germany, South Africa, July, 2012.

Beck and Sokhey, “Partisan Similarity among Intimate Discussants: The Role of Core Social Networks in Partisan Polarization,” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April, 2012.


A Changing Electoral Politics in Western Democracies: Comparing the 2017 British Electin to France, Germany, the United States and Southern Europe within the Comparative National Elections Project, National Science Foundation (SES-1744626), 2017-18, $54,188 (Co-PI with Erik Nisbet, Richard Gunther, and Anthony Mughan).

Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Social Roots of Political Decision-Making (to support Ph.D. candidate Lauren Ratliff Santoro), National Science Foundation, 2016-17, $28.644.

Doctoral Dissertation Research: Motivation and the Social Information Search (to support Ph.D. Candidate Anand Sokhey),National Science Foundation, 2008-09, $7,376.

Comparative National Election Study Conference, Juan March Foundation, Madrid, Spain, 1996, $10,000.

Chile and Uruguay in the Comparative National Election Project, North-SouthCenter, University of Miami, 1994-95, $35,000 [Co-PI with Dick Gunther and Felipe Agüero].

Collaborative Research on the Intermediation Process and Political Decision-Making, National Science Foundation (SES-9123578), 1992-1994, $257,000 ($93,000 to OSU) [Co-PI with Russell J. Dalton and Robert Huckfeldt; PI for OSU part].

Organizational Activities in the 1992 Presidential Campaign, Center for Labor Research, The OhioStateUniversity, $19,956.

Voting Behavior in Subpresidential Elections, National Science Foundation (SES9010956), 19901991, $114,660 [Co-PI with Lawrence Baum and Aage Clausen].

Improving Citizen Information about Costs and Quality of Urban Services, Florida Institute of Government, 19841985, $35,000 [Co-PI with Hal Rainey].

Project Monitor: A Study of Individual Energy Conservation, U.S. Department of Energy, 19771979, $150,000 [Co-PI with Samuel I. Doctors and Paul Y. Hammond].


Selected Professional Service

Officer for Professional Associations: Chair, American Political Science Organized Section on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior (1998-2000); Vice President, Midwest Political Science Association (1996-98); Chair, Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research Council (1993-94)

Major Professional Association Committee Chairmanships: Nominating Committee, Midwest Political Science Association (2003-04); Strategic Planning Committee, American Political Science Association (1999-2000)

Department Reviews: University of North Carolina, Chair of Review Team (1997); University of British Columbia (2005)

National Science Foundation Panels: Political Science Program (198889), Young Investigators Project, Division of Applied Research (1980)

Editorial Boards: American Journal of Political Science (19881990), American Political Science Review (Book Review, 19791981), American Politics Quarterly (1983-88), Journal of Politics (198388), Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Journal of Politics(2002-06), Political Behavior (19841989), Youth and Society (19781993)

Manuscript/Proposal Referee: American Journal of Political Science, American Journal of Sociology, American Politics Research, American Politics Quarterly, American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Politics, Electoral Studies, Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Legislative Studies Quarterly, National Endowment for Humanities, National Science Foundation, Policy Studies Journal, Political Behavior, Political Communication, Political Geography, Political Psychology, Political Research Quarterly, Polity, Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Policy, Social Science Quarterly, Western Political Quarterly, Youth and Society

Professional Executive Committees: Pi Sigma Alpha (2002-06), American Political Science Association (198182, Administrative Committee, 1982) and (1993-94); Midwest Political Science Association (19871990); Social Science History Association (19881991); InterUniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (199194); and Network of State Polls, (198182).

Award Committees: Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association, 2008-09 (Chair); Eldersveld Career Achievement Award, American Political Science Association division organized section on Political Organizations and Parties, 2010-11, 2007-08, and 2001-02; Converse Book Award Committee, American Political Science Association Organized Section on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior, 1998; Pi Sigma Alpha Award Committee, Midwest Political Science Association (19891990); Heinz Eulau Award Committee, American Political Science Association (Chair, 198788); V.O. Key Award, Southern Political Science Association (1987); Pi Sigma Alpha Award, Southern Political Science Association (Chair, 1981)

Other Committees: Awards Implementation Committee, American Political Science Association (2009-10); Annual Meeting Committee, American Political Science Association (2006-07); Nominating Committee, Midwest Political Science Association, 2003-04 (Chair, 2004); Executive Committee, The Centennial Campaign, American Political Science Association (1997-2002); Board of Advisors, Annenberg School for Communication Project on Civic Education (2000); American Political Science Association Task Force on the Annual Meeting (1996-99); Pre/Post Election Study Planning Committee, American National Election Study, 1992; Education Committee, American Political Science Association (Chair, 1992-94); CIC Political Science Chairs (Chair, 1991-93); Professional Ethics, Rights, and Freedoms Committee, American Political Science Association (19891991); Nominating Committee, Southern Political Science Association (198788); Summer Program Advisory Committee, InterUniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research (198185)