
Mid-State Meeting

June 21, 2012

A meeting was held at 7:00 PM at Cotija’a Mexican Restaurant in Sheridan with the major topic of discussion to be year end awards.

Board officers present were: DeLaina Harris – President; Paula Wise, V.President; Suzann Harrington – Secretary; Tonya Wallace – Treasurer; Pam Worthen – Points Keeper; Stanley Howard – Parliamentarian.

Clubs representatives were: Lorance – Patsy Barnard & Dara Duck; Saline Co – Brenda Smith; Sheridan – Brooke Spears & D.L. Worthen; Malvern – none present.

The minutes were read from the June 9 meeting. A correction will need to be made as to the T-shirt design selected. The correct design has black for the fill in color with white writing. A motion was made & seconded to make this correction and accept minutes as read. Passed

  • There was more discussion on the T-shirt and a motion was made and seconded that if possible, to let the T-shirt color show through the design instead of having the white lettering. Passed
  • Long sleeve T-shirts are available in the green and orange colors for an additional $3. A motion was made and seconded to sell these shirts for $15. Passed
  • Orders will be taken at the next two shows in hopes of having the shirts ready to hand out at the last show.
  • The Neon pink shirt is not available in youth sizes or long sleeves.

The treasury report was given showing our current balance to be $7934.81 with all monies having been deposited from the first seven shows. A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasury report as read. Passed

The $500 scholarship awarded to Lyndsie McGhee still needs to be paid out of this account. The forecasted revenue from the last three shows is $500 per show which will raise the general fund balance to around $9000. Known expenses to be paid from this balance are empty contestant slots for the state show, printing cost for 2013 entry sheets, start up cost for 2013, and year end awards – including $1000 for high point and officer’s awards, and any banquet expense.

Year End Awards

Options presented in addition to the plaques, jackets and money mentioned at the prior meeting were hoodies & tote bags.

Dara Duck presented an estimate for fleece jackets of $24 + $14 for embroidery of a logo as well as an estimate for tote bags at $15 plus$8 for3 lines of embroidery.

There were two quotes presented by Brenda Smith on behalf of Ernie Flowers for hoodies at a cost of $22 with a design on both front and back or a windbreaker quote of $25 with a design on front only.

A decision was made to take back four options to be voted on by the clubs and should be ranked by each club from first choice to last. The Mid-State board will make a decision for the year end award based on money available closer to the end of the show year. The four choices are:

1.Jackets (windbreaker $25 each or fleece $38 each)

2.hoodies - $22 each

3.tote bags - $23

4.one 11 x 14 plaque with 8 x10 picture slot per person with money being given for additional awards earned.

Other Topics:

Having a warm up show to benefit Mid-State on Aug. 18to start at 10 AM was discussed. The arena has yet to be determined but Brenda will check with SalineCounty about using their arena. A concession stand will be provided with a small menu along with a silent auction. The events are to be mixed with a jackpot barrels offered at the end of the show. Entry fees will be $3 for regular classes, exhibitions $4 each or 3 for $10, 4-D jackpot fees will be $15 + $5 OF and youth fee is $10 + $5 OF. $100 in Added money will be added to open 4D if there are at least 20 entries. Show sponsors can be sold with a gold level being $100 & up, silver will be $50 - $99, bronze will be $15 - $49. Gold sponsors will be displayed at the state show. More details to follow.

Having a come-and-go BBQ potluck on Friday night at the state show with each club providing $50 of supplies, side items, etc. and MS providing the pork butts. The cost to MS would be about $60. The board felt the $60 would be better applied towards the awards banquet. Discussion was dropped.

It was mentioned to have the year end awards banquet dinner go back to the pot luck style or have it catered with everyone paying for their own meals rather than Mid-State paying for everyone which would be a savings of around $1500. No decision was made at this time.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn.

Submitted by,

Suzann Harrington

MS Secretary