Minutes of the

Mid-MO Amateur Radio Club, Inc.

Jefferson City, MO

Meeting of: January 8, 2004

Meeting called to order by: Jack (NØKSF)


Minutes: Minutes from the December 11, 2003 meeting were approved and seconded.

Secretary-Treasurer’s Report

Bank balance: $1,125.78

Dues Received:

KCØJDW, KØEMT, KBØPZR, KAØZIY (received 1/31/04)—Total received $100.00 (to deposit)—Not included in current bank balance.

Old Business:

2 meter Net Report: December 17 Bryan (KCØQWB) 8 (plus 3 NTS messages)

December 24 Bryan (KCØQWB) 4

December 31 Bryan (KØEMT) 6

Januaury 7 Steve (NNØB) 12

2 meter Net Controllers:

This portion of the agenda was overlooked during the meeting. No assignments were made. At the 1/10/04 breakfast Steve (NNØB) and Bryan (KCØQWB) agreed to act as Net Controllers during the month.

January 14

January 21

January 28

February 4

February 11

2 meter Repeater Report:

Tim (KAØOUV) reported no problems. Tim noted that a firmware update will be made.

Digi-peater Report:

No problems noted. There was some discussion of how the digi-peater was used in the past and how it might be used in the future.

Emergency Coordinator’s Report:

Ben (NØOFD) and Kevin (KCØCZI) would like to see the club EC as a consolidated position with the ARES EC position. Ben has agreed to step aside after a number of years of MS-150 coordination. Kevin (KCØCZI) indicated that he had resigned the Cole County ARES EC position after three years. Rich Bennett (KCØPET) has agreed to become the new Cole County ARES EC with Steve Harvey (NNØB) as Assistant EC. There was some discussion of having consolidated EC’s. See New Business for details.

Kevin (KCØCZI) reported that the JCPD names have been submitted and the station is running. He also indicated that the CERT (?) Team will be purchasing radio equipment soon.

Modulated CW:

Bryan (KCØQWB) and Steve (NNØB) reported on the MCW Net on Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm local time on 147.51 MHz. This net takes place after the phone net and everyone is welcome.

Upcoming Hamfests:

The upcoming Winterfest event in Edwardsville, Ill.is on 1/24/04. Tom (NØSS) will be going if anyone wants to car pool. Also, the St. Joseph Hamfest is on 1/17/04.

New Business:

Dues discussion:

There was a discussion of the dues amounts for family members. The Secretary-Treasurer will locate the old minutes and/or bylaws and report back to the club on the dues policy.

Computer discussion:

Kent (K9ZTV) suggested, for future consideration, of having a club lap top computer that would be with the Secretary-Treasurer. The lap top would have the required word processor and spreadsheet. A good discussion resulted including the suggestion of having a packet BBS computer site with club documents on it.


Kent (K9ZTV) and Kevin (KCØCZI) recommended more initiative (write letters) by club members on BPL, Antenna Protection, and Spectrum Defense at the Federal level. Also, it was recommended that club members write their state legislators on the Antenna Protection legislation currently being considered.


Tim (KAØOUV) suggested a club fundraising activities be considered. This could include grant requests and charitable gift requests. Kevin (KCØCZI) reminded everyone that working with the served agencies is the best way to get the ball rolling, get yourself known, and to be in a better position to request grant money when the money is available. Also, there was some discussion of the tax status of MMARC such that charitable gifts could be requested from private corporations who donate to not for profit organizations. This discussion will continue.


It was decided that the club EC would be consolidated into the ARES EC. The meeting minutes and agenda will reflect “ARES Report” instead of “Emergency Coordinator’s Report”. It is expected that the various ARES EC’s/AEC’s/members can report on the activities of their respective counties (e.g. Cole, Moniteau).

Church Help:

Bryan (KØEMT) reported on a church where the pastor had requested ham radio when the church is to be used as a backup shelter facility. It was noted that this would probably be coordinated by the Red Cross.

Chili Cook-off:

Tom (NØSS) reminded everyone of the January 31 chili cook-off. RSVP as soon as possible.

VE exams:

There were exams conducted tonight.


Jack (NØKSF) shared his crystal radio projects with the group. Bryan (KCØQWB) showed his MCW project.

Respectfully submitted: Richard H. Glassner, N0EAX, Secretary-Treasurer.

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