Daryl Carr / BacchusMarshSecondaryCollege / 5367 2955Rachel Williams / CarolineSpringsCollege / 9390 0678
Michael McGonegal / CatholicRegionalCollege / 9743 6522
Carmen Calvitto / Djerriwarrh Employment & Education Services / 8746 1000
Michael Monahan
/ KurunjangSecondaryCollege / 9743 9211Peter Cram / MeltonChristianCollege / 9743 8193
Joanne Galea
/ 9743 3322Jerome Cole
/ 9743 4622Diane Bouras / MowbrayCollege / 8361 2511
Zlatko Pear
/ StaughtonCollege / 9743 4622February 2009
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
All students have now commenced their VET programs and from all reports the start of the 2009VET year has been a smooth one.
With students attending different schools, TAFE and work, some problems relating to attendance, uniform, behaviour etc may occur. Students were notified of these policies last year, but could you discuss these matters again with your child, to reinforce them.
- All students attending a VET program in a school mustwear their school uniform unless special arrangements have been made. Speak to the VET coordinator for clarification.
- If you are required to wear protective clothing / overalls / chef uniforms etc, please carry separately and change once in the school. Your classroom teacher will discuss this matter with you. Once you have changed the school may issue you with a visitors pass to identify you as a visitor to the rest of the school community.
- If you are attending TAFE or work and are in normal clothes, do not visit your school during lunchtime.
- Attendance at all classes is recorded.
- Notification is made to the student’s school of enrolment if a student is absent.
- All absences must be accounted for with a letter from parents.
- Students must carry their school ID card/some form of other ID when travelling between venues
School Policy and Procedure
- All students participating in a VET program outside their school of enrolment are expected to follow the school rules at the VET delivery school. For example; lunchtime policy, if the school does not allow leaving the school grounds, you are expected to comply with the rule. If you are unsure of the school’s policy then please ask your teacher.
No student should be smoking
Notification is made to the student’s school of enrolment if a student is not adhering to this policy. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact any of the teachers above.
Ms Tania Sacco
Vocational Cluster Facilitator
T Sacco VCF
Western Edge Melton – appendix 1a