MHC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Page No. 2
Sunday, October 4, 2015 – Kendade 305, 7– 8 p.m.
MHC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Page No. 2
Kelly Stewart, Basketball
Mia Barnes, Cross Country
Elizabeth De Leon, Cross Country
Hannah Gershone, Cross Country
Jessica Taylor, Field Hockey
Katherine Guinee, Field Hockey
Nicole Perkins, Lacrosse
Taylor Hough, Lacrosse
Alyssa Tabrisky, Lacrosse
Lily Rosenburg, Soccer
Jessica Schiller, Soccer
Anna Hartman, Squash
Allison Shilling, Squash
Cathleen Pruden, Swimming
Claire Beckett, Swimming
Katie Tyler, Swimming
Meghan Ryan, Rowing
Chen Lu, Rowing
Kelly Stevens, Track & Field
Julia Criscione, Track & Field
Corina Willner, Volleyball
Natalie Lyon, Volleyball
Clarissa Leight, SGA Liaison
Summer Hutcheson, Athletics Admin.
Alan Bloomgarden, CBL
MHC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Page No. 2
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. eastern time by the chair, Cathleen Pruden. The members noted above were present.
1. Welcome and Announcements
¨ Ms. Pruden brought the meeting to order.
¨ Each in-season team gave a brief update about their season. Each team had successful competitions over the week.
2. Approval of Minutes (Nicole Perkins)
¨ It was voted that the minutes of the September 27, 2015 meeting be approved as written.
3. Alan Bloomgarden – CBL (Alan Bloomgarden)
¨ Mr. Bloomgarden informed the SAAC of the history of collaboration between Mount Holyoke and the Holyoke Public Schools. He is interested in community service programs to the schools, like the Peck Program, that are consistently helping the community, rather than short term programs. Corina Willner and Cam Carter are working together this year on our SAAC Peck School program.
4. Peck Update (Corina Willner)
¨ Ms. Willner announced this year’s Peck School schedule for teams. The schedule for this year will be similar to the schedule for next year, for the sake of consistency. Teams are expected to create a lesson plan prior to their program date and should have five team members present at the program.
5. Budget Update and Fundraising (Claire Beckett)
¨ Ms. Beckett informed the SAAC that the SAAC has received $300 from the SGA. The SAAC must fundraise $30. The funds will be raised by a bottle and can drive. Each team is expected to bring 40-60 bottles and cans to the next meeting.
6. Annual Review of the Bylaws Approval (Nicole Perkins)
¨ The new bylaws were approved.
7. NCAA Legislation Update (Summer Hutcheson)
¨ Ms. Hutcheson informed the SAAC that legislation will be discussed at the next meeting. Team representatives are expected to schedule times with their teams to discuss the legislation between 10/18 and 10/25.
8. SGA Update (Clarissa Leight)
¨ Marcella Hall’s office hours are on Fridays from 1-3pm.
9. Support the Arts Event (Anna Hartman)
¨ Ms. Hartman reminded the SAAC of the interest link sent out in emails and asked the SAAC for a point person for the event. Corina Willner volunteered as the point person.
10. Break into Subcommittees
¨ New SAAC members were placed into subcommittees. Subcommittees discussed their missions and goals for the year.
11. Announcements (EBoard)
¨ Next Game of the Week is Field Hockey vs Babson, hosted by Equestrian, on October 17, 2015.
¨ NEWMAC SAAC is December 6 and MHC needs to send three to four people.
¨ SAAC members should retrieve their SAAC shirts from Summer’s office this week.
12. Next Meeting: Sunday, October 18th, 2015 from 7-8 p.m. (Kendade 305)
13. Adjourn.
¨ The meeting was adjourned by Ms. Pruden at 7:57 p.m.
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Oct 16, 2015 NAP/SLH