Grade 7th-Texas History

Mr. Randy Takaoka

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana (1863 - 1952)

Program Description/ Objectives

Texas history examines from the early Native American tribes, early explorations, frontier pioneer life, Texas Revolution, Annexation to U.S., and Civil War into the 20th century. This includes the political, physical, and societal aspect of this great state. Additional units on Texas cultures, symbols, and current events in Texas are also planned. Basic social studies skills include map reading, graphing, writing, researching, critical thinking skills, and developing concepts will be taught and utilize with a real-life application.


Textbook: Texas and Texans: Glencoe, McGraw, and Hill 2003

Multimedia, alterative texts, and authentic resources


Spiral notebook, binder with cover insert, paper, writing materials and planner

Grading Policy: Graded Categories Weight

Tests/ Projects 40%

Class work-Spiral notebook 30%

Homework 10%

Presentations, projects, performances 20%

Grades, assignments, and student information are posted online for student and parent support. HISD Parent Login for Gradespeed

Late work policies: (see planner): 50% off earned grade=1 day late

Zero for 2+ days late If absent, students are responsible to check with teacher concerning missing assignments

Classroom Norms- consistent and efficient patterns of behavior to create a safe and productive classroom learning environment.

¨ Arrive in time and with required materials\

¨ Follow classroom expectations

¨ Compliance with Rogers and HISD policies

¨ Work and study hard to be successful

Classroom Procedures-Follow these daily procedures

¨ Maintain spiral notebook and binder

¨ Take effective notes

¨ Write objectives and homework in planner\spiral as directed

¨ Complete assignments as instructed

¨ Ask questions for clarifications

Classroom management: See Student Handbook and Planner for information and infractions

Contact Information: Conference period: 2nd period

¨ E-mail:

¨ Website: Takaoka Social Studies

¨ School: Phone: 713 917-3565