Methods of Bible Study

By Rick Warren


  1. Definition: A character study involves finding what the Bible has to say about a particular characteristic with heavy emphasis upon personal application. A combination of three different study methods is used in a simplified form. The three methods used in this study are Simple Word Study, Simple Cross-reference, and Simple Character Study.
  1. Purpose: A major goal of Christian living is to develop Christ like character in our lives. We want to daily become more and more like Christ by replacing bad character qualities with good ones. But before you can work on a quality in your life, you must be able to recognize it. This study is designed to help you identify negative and positive character qualities and understand them.
  1. Advantages of this study in a disciple relationship: This is a simple but very

useful method to do with a “Timothy”. It is a good way to give him a simple introduction to some methods that will be discussed more fully later on. Also it helps your Timothy practice writing out personal, practical applications. Finally, it is a practical tool you can use in encouraging character development.

  1. Tools you’ll need:
  2. An Exhaustive Concordance (Young’s or Strong’s)
  3. Nave’s Topical Bible
  4. Thompson Chain Reference Bible (if possible)
  5. English dictionary
  6. Bible dictionary and/or word study books
  1. Simple steps to a good character quality study:
  2. On paper, name the quality and give the Webster’s definition of the word. List any synonyms.
  3. Name the opposite quality (antonym) and give the dictionary definition for it.
  4. Simple Word Study: Look up the Bible definition of the quality. Look for ways it is used in the context and check a Bible dictionary or word study book for the way it was used in biblical times. How many times is it used? By whom?
  1. Cross Reference Study: (Insights from Scripture) Using your concordance and topical Bible, find all the Scriptures about this quality. Write them down. You might ask yourself these questions:
  2. What are the benefits or bad consequences this trait can bring to you?
  3. What are the benefits or bad consequences this trait can bring to others?
  4. Is there any promise related to this trait?
  5. Is there any warning or judgment related to this trait?
  6. Is there any command related to this trait?
  7. What factors produce this trait?
  8. Did Jesus have anything to say about this quality? What did he say?
  9. What author talked about this quality the most?
  10. Is this trait symbolized by anything? (A tree, etc.?) Is it significant?
  11. Is this trait listed with a group of qualities? What is the relationship between them? Does it suggest that God views them alike?
  12. What Scriptures tell us directly what God thinks of this trait?