FJ485E: Japanese Film and Society
Fall 2014
Erica Zimmerman (Associate Professor)
Class Schedule: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods, MWF
Office: G063
Phone: x6376
Class Website:
Office Hours and EI: By appointment (I will usually be in the office until 15:30 pm, MWF)
This course explores traditional and contemporary Japanese culture through film. In this course, midshipmen engage in the process of exploring, observing, describing, analyzing, andunderstanding Japanese culture as portrayed in films. A variety of films are explored including films depicting the era of the samurai, World War II and modern Japan. Discussions will highlight cultural patterns that distinguish Japanfrom the United States. Course readings provide historical, cultural, political, and linguistic background information for discussions about the films. This course will be offered in English.
Course objectives:
The course objectives are as follows:
1. To gain a basic understanding of Japanese society, culture and language as constructed through film.
2. To develop the ability to argue and debate, challenge and be challenged in critical discussions.
3. To develop writing and reading skills, and engage in academic research on various topics about Japanese culture and language.
1. Readings to be given out by Dr. Zimmerman.
Requirements and Grading Policy
A:90 – 100% (expected)
B:80 – 89 % (understandable)
C:79 – 79% (acceptable)
D:60 – 69% (unacceptable)
F:59%- (unthinkable)
Preparation and Participation20%
Please read all materials and view films entirely BEFORE coming to class. Participation is your key to success in this class.
Quizzes 10%
Occasionally, there may be a pop quiz on the film and/or reading.
Response papers 25%
The responsive paper is a three page long, typed, doubled-spaced essay on various themes. This is a way for you to reflect critically on a film. Do not summarize the film but analyze it. I will give you specific requirements for each paper.
The 6th and 12thweek Exams:20%
Two Short essay or question--answer format tests will be given (6thand the 12thweeks).
Final paper, presentation, and exam25%
For your final paper for this class, you will select one movie we have watched and analyzed and a film that we have not watched. You may choose one off the list of the movies in the library or one that you know of. (If you pick a movie that is not on the list, if you own it could I borrow it so that I can watch it too.) The paper will be 7-10 pages double spaced. In addition you will give a presentation.
Viewing the films
The films will be V-Brick. I will be sending you a link. I expect that you will watch the films BEFORE coming to class. I will give you some comp-time to do so.
Paper Writing Guide and Grading Criteria
Title / points out your thesis.Topic sentence / indicates your argument
The second sentence / is related to the first sentence.
Sentences / are short and clear. No nonsense.
The structure / is well organized and apparent.
Examples / are specific.
Words / are accurate and not ambiguous.
Thesis / is from your own observation and must be original.
Paragraphs / are generally divided into three.
The last sentence / must reinstate your conclusion.
Proposed Schedule
AY2012 Spring
Monday / Wednesday / FridayWeek 1 / 8-18 / 8-20
Introduction / 8-22
Readings and Discussion
Week 2 / 8-25
Readings and Discussion / 8-27
Readings and Discussion / 8-29
Bushi no Ichibun
Week 3 / 9-2
Tuesday is a Monday / 9-3 / 9-5
Iwojima kara no tegami Viewing
Week 4 / 9-8 / 9-10 / 9-12
Flags of our fathers Viewing
Week 5 / 9-15 / 9-17 / 9-19
Grave of the fireflies
Viewing (Will discuss after exam)
Week 6
Academic Reserve / 9-22 / 9-24
6th Week Exam / 9-26
Week 7 / 9-29 / 10-1 / 10-3
Always Viewing
Week 8 / 10-6 / 10-8 / 10-10
Rhapsody of August
Week 9 / 10-13
Columbus Day / 10-15 / 10-17
Week 10 / 10-20 / 10-22 / 10-24
Spirited Away
Week 11
Academic Reserve / 10-27 / 10-29 / 10-31
Shall we dance?
Viewing (to be discussed after exam)
Week 12 / 11-3
12thWeek Exam / 11-5 / 11-7
Shall we dance?
Eng. version Viewing
Week 13 / 11-10 / 11-12 / 11-14
Swing Girls
Week 14 / 11-17 / 11-19 / 11-21
Week 15 / 11-24
Project Meeting with Sensei / 11-26 / 11-28
Week 16 / 12-1
Projects / 12-3
Projects / 12-5
Week 17 / 12-8
Last day of class
Homeworkand Class Schedule
Note: Prepare for class what is written in the column labeled Homework Assignments for that day. So for example you should read Chapter 7 on verbal communication for F (8-22).
Week / Class / Homework Assignments1 / W (8-20) Introduction
F (8-22) Discussion / Chapter 7: Verbal Interaction Communication
2 / M (8-25) Discussion / Chapter 8: Non-Verbal Communication
W (8-27) Discussion / Chapter 9: The effects of code usage in Intercultural Communication
F (8-29) Bushi no Ichibun
Viewing: NO CLASS
3 / M (9-1) Labor Day
W (9-3) Discussion / McDaniel (2006). Japanese Nonverbal Communication: A reflection of Cultural Themes
F (9-5) Iwojima kara no tegami NO CLASS
4 / M (9-8) Discussion / Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul: Chapter 3 Social Concepts
W (9-10) Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Bushi no Ichibun
F (9-12) Flags of our fathers Viewing: NO CLASS
5 / M (9-15) Discussion / Article from The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus: Gerow, Aaron From Flags of Our Fathers to Letters from Iwo Jima: Clint Eastwood’s Balancing of Japanese and American perspectives
W (9-17) Discussion
F (9-19) Grave of the fireflies
Viewing: NO CLASS
6 / M (9-22) Discussion
W (9-24) 6th Week Exam
F (9-26) Discussion / Via e-mail: Select 2 or 3 movies that you may want to review for your final paper. You will have to select one. However, you may need to watch more than one to decide you topic.
Homeworkand Class Schedule (Part II)
7 / M (9-29) Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Iwojima and Flags
W (10-1) Discussion /
- Ebert, Roger (2000) Film Review
F (10-3) Always ViewingNo Class
8 / M (10-6) Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Grave of the Fireflies
W (10-8) Discussion
F (10-10) Rhapsody of August Viewing: NO CLASS
9 / M (10-13) Columbus Day
W (10-15)Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Always
F(10-17) Discussion / Kurosawa Readings: See packet
10 / M (10-20) Discussion
W (10-22) Discussion / Via e-mail: Summary of the movie you selected. Tentative thesis statement. Begin your cultural and linguistic analysis.
F (10-24) Viewing: Spirited Away No Class
11 / M (10-27) Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Rhapsody of August
W (10-29) Discussion
F (10-31) Discussion Shall we dance? JPN Version Viewing: NO CLASS To be discussed after the exam
12 / M(11-3) 12th Week Exam
W (11-5) Discussion / Shall We Dance Readings: See Packet
F (11-7) Shall we dance? Eng. Version Viewing: NO CLASS / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Spirited Away
13 / M (11-10) Discussion
W (11-12) Discussion
F (11-14) Viewing: Swing Girls No Class / Via e-mail: Outline of your paper
14 / M (11-17) Discussion / Via Email: Response Paper Due for Shall we dance?
W (11-19) Discussion
F (11-21) Discussion
15 / M(11-24) Meeting with Sensei / Be prepared to discuss concerns or issues with your paper.
Via Email: Response Paper Due for Swing Girls
W (11-26)
F (11-28) Thanksgiving: No class
16 / M (12-1) Projects
W (12-3) Projects
F (12-5) Projects
17 / M (12-8) Last Day of Class / Via email: Final paper due today.
Presentations are on the reading day.