Menucha Commission Meeting Minutes
November 15, 2017
Commissioners present: Micah Chu, Jon Nebauer,Melissa Olmsted, Tim Sercombe, Jeff Sievert, Pastor Audrey Schindler, Steve Snodderly, Benjamin Walker, Shelby Walker, Mary Kay West
Commissioners absent: Dustin Coles, Kendra Hilty, Rick Lee, Erik Oliverson, Chris Rasmussen, Andrew Wright
The meeting opened with devotion and prayer led by Spencer Parks.
A quorum was declared.
The September minutes were posted too late for most commissioners to read. A vote will be taken to approve the September and November minutes at the next meeting in February, 2018.
Menucha was officially included as a line item in the FPC capital campaign for the amount of $150K.
This money will fund capital improvements Option Bwhich the Menucha Commission detailed out at their last meeting.
September financials were 39K short of budget.
October financials were 5K short of budget
Wright front door and side lights should be installed by the end of November. The new door matches the original architecture and is much more energy efficient.
Creevey generators: They are being repaired and will be installed by the end of November.
Exterior lighting has been ordered and some has been received.
The new lighting will improve lighting on paths and be an energy savings and pollute the sky less. Energy Trust is giving Menucha 4K for the fixtures.
Beam deck: Steve Snodderly has put together the plan and paperwork to submit to the County Planning department and will meet with them in November.
Staff personal relationship policy has been written and has 2 points.
- Non managerial staff may have relationships with each other.
- Managerial staff are not allowed to have relationships with their subordinates. Violations of this policy can lead to immediate dismissal.
The question of a grievance policy was discussed. Menucha does not have an official grievance process. The committee will write a grievance process.
The FOM board will be strategizing to fund Option Awhich the Menucha Commission detailed at their last meeting. Option A is the hiring of a Development officer who the FOM board hopes to hiretwo years from now.
A report will be given at the next meeting
Exploring the legality of paying volunteers a stipend of $500/month has been a focus for members of the Session. The Session will hear a final report and vote at their next meeting.
The committee has been focused on a 5 year strategy on how the Church and Menucha will work together. They will put together documents in a PDF for distribution and make formal recommendations.
They will also put a team together to continue the FPC/Menucha discussion.
No report.
The initial focus will be on the fork in the road sign as well as the signage at the parking lot. Benjamin Walker reported that the Vancouver Sign company has agreed to do the assessment and proposal for exterior signage for Menucha.
Lauren Deming is working to build Menuchas’ profile, not just locally but internationally as well.
She has contacted Willamette week volunteer guide and the non-profit association of Oregon and will work with them to put Menucha on more people’s radar.
Spencer Parks will be taking his 2nd Sabbatical in 2019.
Tim Kurkinen reported that in the facilities department, he hopes to save 2K a year on rental linens. He is working with Menucha’s linen supplier to tighten inventory and possibly raise the linen rental rate to guests.
Tim reported on his department’s winter project plans. There is a lot of tree work left to do. He estimated that close to 80% of potential hazardous tree problems to buildings and people have been resolved.
Lori Nance reported on upcoming Menucha programs.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.