Dear (insert congressional representatives name )
As a cabin owner on Mt Hood, I strongly urge your support in the passing of HR 5476 CFA (Cabin Fee Act) dealing with the annual fees assessed for our permits.
Cabin owners and the Forest Service both support passage of the Cabin Fee Act this year to ensure reasonable and predictable fees now and into the future because it understands the current appraisal based system is burdensome, costly, and results in unsustainable fees.
The CFA is non-controversial and has strong bipartisan support in Congress, including support from the leadership of the major committees of jurisdiction in both the House and the Senate.
Cabin owners across the country have worked tirelessly to improve the legislation and address questions and concerns from congressional offices and the Forest Service.
The Recreation Residence Program is a legacy program with a century of history that emphasizes sustainable uses of our national lands; at the same time preserving the natural environment of America’s forests. It is the largest middle class, family-based recreation program operated by the Federal government. It must not be allowed to erode due to unreasonable fees. The clock is ticking for many cabin owners who cannot afford another year of escalating permit fees while the politicians fail to act on a bill that seemingly has no opponents.
Cabin owners provide valuable stewardship as they partner with the Forest Service, help protect the National Forests and introduce subsequent generations to the joys of outdoor recreation and stewardship of these national Lands.
An average cabin contributes approximately $7500 per year to local, rural economies. If Congress does not pass the CFA this year, many family cabin legacies will be lost, along with the economic benefit from the cabin program to rural communities.
“Senator, we need your help to pass the CFA this year! “