Daventry Cycling Club
Membership Renewal Form 2018 Season
Title / Choose an item. /First Name
Address / House / Flat Number
Post Code
Telephone Nos / Home Mobile
Email address
Data Protection
The Data Protection Act 1998 ("the Act) sets out certain requirements for the protection of your personal information (i.e. information about you) against unauthorised use or disclosure. The Act also gives you certain rights.
By virtue of yourDaventry Cycling Clubmembership you agree to your personal data being used by the club for the purposes of running the club, subject always to compliance with the Data Protection legislation. This will be usedfor the specific purposes of running the club, including emailing you information about the club.Your data will be stored electronically in a secure area, password protected and accessible only to the club secretary. The club does not share data with any other organisation.
The club may also use other information about you in local press and media reports, on club posts on our Facebook page and other forms of social media, including the club web site.
If you cease to be a member of Daventry Cycling Club, the information will not be held for longer than is necessary, after which time it will be destroyed. You agree to use all reasonable endeavours to keep your clubinformed of any changes to your personal data.
So that we may use the information for the above purpose and on the above terms, we are required under the Act to obtain your consent.Members are therefore requested to sign below to indicate their acceptance.
Club Rides–I understand that if I join any Club Rides (including, but not limited to, Sunday Club Runs, Beginners Rides, Improvers Rides, Mid Week rides) I do so at my own risk and that I am not covered by any insurance through the club. I understand that my safety, and that of other road users, is my responsibility. I will observe the Club Run Protocol and the Highway Code whilst riding.
I have read and understand the Insurance Statement attached to this form
I apply to renew my membership of Daventry Cycling Club.
Membership currently costs £15 per annum for Adults, £5 per annum for Juniors (under 18) or for anyone in full time education. Fees are due on the 1st January each year.
Members joining after the 30th September are deemed to have paid until the end of the following year, they effectively receive their first 3 months membership for free.
Please indicate your method of payment / Cheque (1) / Cash (2) / Bank Transfer (3)1) Please make cheques payable to Daventry Cycling Club.
2) Please do not send cash through the post unless absolutely necessary, we cannot accept responsibility for any cash lost in transit.
3) If you wish to pay by Bank Transfer please contact Mike Walsh for Bank details –
Please return this form to –
Daventry Cycling Club,
C/o Mike Walsh,
49 London Road,
NN11 4DT.
Daventry Cycling Club
Having appropriate insurance cover is important in cycling as well as other walks of life, we believe that some members of Daventry Cycling Club may think that they are covered by insurance as a result of joining the club and consequently do not need to take out their own insurance cover, this is not so and in an attempt to clarify the situation we have produced the following statement -
Daventry Cycling Club is covered for Public Liability Insurance as a benefit of its affiliation to British Cycling. The policy indemnifies the club in respect of its legal liability for loss or damage to third party property or bodily injury or death to third party persons where the club has been negligent.
However, membership of Daventry Cycling Club does not confer any insurance benefit whatsoever to individual members under any circumstances, including participation in Club Runs, Social Runs (ie not organised by Daventry Cycling Club), individual rides, commuting or taking part in any competitive event or Sportives.
Members are strongly advised to ensure that they have Public Liability Insurance for themselves, so that in the event of any claim against them, the individual member is covered. Please note that if you have household insurance you may have a level of Public Liability Insurance included in your policy, but please check that if you do have household insurance, cycling is covered and the level of cover is sufficient.
Other insurances which should be considered are Personal Accident Insurance, Legal Expenses Insurance, Bike and Equipment cover as well as Travel Insurance if travelling abroad. Again, check that cycling is covered and the level of cover is sufficient.
We are not Financial Advisors or Insurance experts and cannot therefore recommend any insurers – there are a lot out there, many of whom can be found by an Internet search.
It is, however, worth noting that individual membership of either British Cycling (Race Gold, Race Silver and Ride Membership), Cycling UK or British Triathlonprovides the benefit of Public Liability Insurance as well as the benefit of Legal advice and support. Race Gold membership of British Cycling also gives Personal Accident Insurance as does membership of British Triathlon. Details of the cover offered varies slightly between these organisations, and it’s therefore important that each person should satisfy themselves that the cover meets their personal requirements before proceeding.
As a member of Daventry Cycling Club you are entitled to a discount when joining British Cycling for the first time, albeit you may have to agree to a Direct Debit to qualify. If you wish to take up this offer the club secretary has forms available.
Booklets are available which cover the club insurance situation in great detail, and which also give details of insurance and legal support for British Cycling members. Again the club secretary has these available.
Please feel free to contact the club secretary if you have any questions on this document.