International Forum on Transitional Justice in post-Yugoslav Societies
June 27, 2011
Congress Hall
Sarajevo, BiH
Hotel Holiday Inn
Draft Agenda
Alija Behmen, SarajevoCity Major, BH
Dženana Karup Druško, Association BH Journalists, BH
Nataša Kandić, Humanitarian Law Center, Serbia
10:00-11:30Satisfaction of Justice from the Point of View of Victims
- War Crimes Trials
- Financial Compensation
- Memorials, Public Apologies
- Social and Health Protection
Amir Kulaglić, Srebrenica, BH
Ivan Pšenica, Alliance of Associations of Families of Detained and Missing Homeland Veterans, Croatia
Lush Krasniqi, Victim Family Member, Đakovica/Gjakovë, Kosovo
Munira Subašić, Association Movement of Mothers of Srebrenica and Žepa Enclaves, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nedeljko Mitrović, Republic Organization of Families of Detained and Killed Fighters and Civilians of Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moderator: Nataša Kandić
11:30-12:30Serving Justice from the Point of View of Domestic Transitional Justice Institutions
Frederick Swinnen, International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, Special Adviser to the Prosecutor
(representative),The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, Bosnia and Herzegovina
(representative),State Attorney’s Office, Croatia
Snežana Stanojković, Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutor, Serbia
Bariša Čolak, Ministry of Justice, Minister, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sadik Ahmetović, Ministry of Security, Minister, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Moderator: Nerma Jelačić, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
12:30-13:00 Break
13:00-14:00Transitional Justice from the Point of View of Epistemological Community
Christian Axboe Nielsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Diane F. Orentlicher, US Department of State, Office of War Crimes Issues, USA
Drino Galičić, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, BiH
Elena Wasylew, Amnesty International
Eric Gordy, UCLSchool of Slavonic and East European Studies, UK
Florence Hartmann, Journalist, France
Jasna Dragović Soso, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Lazar Stojanović, film maker, Serbia
Mladen Ostojić, University of London, Queen Mary, UK
Nebojša Petrović, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Svetlana Slapšak, Institutefor Balkanand Mediterranean Studiesand CultureLjubljana, Slovenia
Vera Kržišnik Bukić, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Slovenia
Moderator: Dražen Lalić, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
15:00-16:00Transitional Justice from the point of view of International Transitional JusticeOrganizations
Eduardo Gonzales, InternationalCenter for Transitional Justice
Ivan Jovanović, OSCE Mission to Serbia
John Hocking, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
Klaudia Kuljuh, International Commission on Missing Persons
Nebojša Paunović, OSCE Mission in Croatia
16:00-17:00Debate on the results, lessons learnt and strategiesemployed
Moderator: Dženana Karup-Druško