Richfield Summer Fastpitch Board Meeting - June 8, 2016
Attendees: Kim Niederluecke, Tina Lavin, Joy Jurewicz, Matt Jurewicz, Bob Klepsa, Colin Mertes, Jay Garey, Jodi Nickell, Steve McPherson, Adam Fleitman
Welcome to Steve McPherson and Jodi Nickell – our newest board members
- Steve’s daughter Darlene is on our 16U summer team and was on RHS JV softball team
- Jodi is in her 2nd season of coaching 10U. She has two daughters – one on 10U and one on 8U.
Organizational notes from Kim
- We can use the dragger this summer for league games, but we have to baby it. It is an old machine and needs TLC.
- Kim, Matt and Joy will show designated people how to use
- Always have the hydraulics lowered when not in use. We will burn out the transmission if this is not done.
- No children can use the dragger – it is a liability issue if they get injured
Stakes from temporary fences
- These need to be removed
- August 15 has been set as the date for their removal
- We probably won’t use the temp fences for Fall Ball League play
Financial Update from Amy Cochran-Starr
- We are solvent after bills to Suburban League, field maintenance, and other expenses
- Large Outstanding expenses for summer are BIFFs, Umpires and coaches
League Info from Joy Jurewicz
- Richfield will host 10U C Qualifiers
- 41 Teams will play at least 81 games June 24, 25 and 26
- Using Sign Up Genius to schedule volunteers – everyone needs to help – holding parents accountable for $50 volunteer deposit
- There was talk to hire RBI players for field maintenance as a back-up plan
- 4th Of July Parade – will send out email to families – low key, walk the parade handing out candy and business cards promoting FALL BALL
- 4th of July Family Night – host a table to get our name out to community, have temp tattoos with RFP logo
- Fall Ball sign up August 8th - MMFL meeting in Hopkins VFW
Fundraising info from Tina
- Adrenaline Fundraiser for Mobile App not as successful as last year’s coupon cards
- Looking to do a Parent Survey to get better ideas
- Ideas included fundraiser at local eateries (Chipotle, Potbelly, Pizza Rev, etc). Tina will explore ideas
- Other ideas included a plant fundraiser through Wagner’s or Bachman’s – lots of logistics
- Twins game is tough – need to go through training for slots
Field Maintenance from Steve McPherson
- Steve has stepped up as our field guy and has been busy cleaning dug outs on all fields as well as removing the piles of leaves in the batting cages
- Concerns were raised about getting more dirt for the fields – many holes need to be filled in pitching circles on all fields as well as backstop
Concession Stand
- Will get volunteers for week night games to run stand
- Amy will get money box ready and drop off at concession stand
- Joy purchased remaining items from RHS Softball Boosters – mostly water and Sprite along with some candy – all dry goods.
- Will only sell beverages, popcorn and dry goods during week nights – no hotdogs or burgers
Next meeting TBD
Will follow State Tournament in July to prep for FALL BALL
Joy to send out email
Thanks everyone!