Minutes of the meeting of the Governing Body of Mellis Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School held at the school at 4.15 pm on 14th November 2013.

Present: / Mr Kevin Bix (Acting Chairman)
Dr Ben Box
Mrs Angela Browne
Mr Richard Cattermole (Headteacher) / Ms Katie Fielder
Mrs Nicola Medwell
Ms Claire Moore
Mr Paul Ryle
In attendance: / Mr Michael Doig (LA Clerk)
1.1 / Apologies for absence were received from Mr Clark, Mr Makowiecki and Ms Pitt.
1.2 / Governors consented to these absences.
2.1 / No declarations of pecuniary or other interests regarding items on the agenda were made.
2.2 / Governors were reminded of the requirement to update their entries in the Register of Pecuniary Interests.
The Acting Chairman confirmed that no action had been taken.
4.1 / Governors noted that Mrs Dobson had decided not to continue as a Foundation Governor at the end of her term of office on 31st October 2013. In addition, Mrs Staples had recently resigned as a Community Governor. Governors expressed their gratitude to Mrs Dobson and Mrs Staples for their efforts in support of the school and the Governing Body (GB).
4.2 / Governors noted that there were therefore vacancies for two Foundation Governors and one Community Governor. Governors agreed that Mr Cattermole should speak to Mrs Wells, Warden at Mellis Church, about the Foundation positions and that an advertisement inviting expressions of interest should be placed in the next parish magazine. / RC
5.1 / The minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2013 (copy in the Minute Book), having previously been circulated, were confirmed and signed by the Acting Chairman.
5.2 / Matters arising from the minutes
Item 10.2: Mr Cattermole noted that the first school on the list of schools with which Mellis was collaborating should have read “Worlingworth” and not Wellingworth”. Mr Bix asked Mr Doig to correct this error on the Minute Book copy of the minutes. / MD
Governors received a written report from the Headteacher (copy in Minute Book) and the Headteacher invited questions or comments.
Governors discussed the implications for Mellis if, as seemed likely, Stoke Ash Primary School was to close this academic year. Mr Cattermole told Governors that some parents of the school’s 29 pupils had already contacted Mellis and other local schools about possible admissions. Mellis’ reputation made it attractive for prospective applicants. But current pupil numbers could mean that it might come under pressure to federate with one or more local schools.
4.45pm Mrs Medwell arrived at this point
Ms Fielder agreed that Mellis was an attractive option for applicants, not least on grounds of its excellent teacher/pupil ratio. Mr Cattermole agreed, highlighting the importance of separate year groups each year and the high quality of teaching. In his view, class sizes should ideally remain at 24. Mr Bix thought the GB needed to be prepared to receive the offer that would emerge from Mr Makowiecki and Mr Cattermole’s meeting with the LA Admissions Team on 22nd November 2013. He suggested the Finance Committee, with input from Mr Cattermole and Mr Ryle, should prepare a document setting out an agreed GB position on admissions/class sizes etc, with supporting data on the educational and financial implications. Governors agreed. / FinCom
7.1 / Committee Minutes or Working Party Reports
No committee minutes were received for discussion.
Governors noted that Mrs Medwell had updated the GB Committee Structure document. Governors approved this document, subject to the amendment of Mr Bix as chairman of the Finance Committee and, in due course, changes relating to the vacant governor positions. / NM
Dr Box updated Governors on recent meetings of the Pre-School Committee, highlighting two main points:
  • Mellis School was seen as a high achiever locally, especially by parents, who saw the Pre-school and Primary School as valuable stepping stones to Hartismere High School; and
  • The Pre-School performed well and perhaps the time was ripe now for another inter-school visit by Governors.
Noting his end of term of office as a Governor in October 2014, Dr Box told Governors that he intended to stand down from both the GB and the Pre-School Committee in March 2014. As Link Governor for the Pre-School, he had fed information between the two over the years and he recommended that this arrangement be continued. Mrs Anne Mallinson, a Pre-School parent, had indicated her willingness to assume this role on Dr Box’s departure. Governors therefore agreed that Mr Bix (or Dr Box) should invite Mrs Mallinson to attend the next GB meeting as an associate member.
7.2 / Governor Visits
Mr Cattermole informed Governors that Mr Clark had attended a careers lesson given by Mr Peter Scott (SCC Careers Adviser) to Year 6 pupils. Governors hoped that Mr Clark could report back on this visit at a subsequent GB meeting. / GC
7.3 / Admissions
Mr Cattermole informed Governors that the planned meeting between Mr Makowiecki, Mr Cattermole and the Local Authority on 19th September 2013 had been postponed until 22nd November 2013. Governors agreed that Mr Makowiecki and he should report back at the next GB meeting. / BM/RC
School DevelopmentPlan
Governors received an update on the School Development Plan (SDP) for the 2013 Summer Term and the SDP for Autumn 2013 to Spring 2014 (copy in Minute Book).After highlighting the main issues, Mr Cattermole invited Governors’ questions or comments.
Assistant Head Teacher: Mr Bix asked if Governors needed to scrutinise Mr Ryle’s revised job description (JD) following his formal appointment as Assistant Head. Mr Cattermole thought it was right for them to do so because of the financing implications of Mr Ryle’s promotion. The document Mr Ryle had produced to justify the appointment of an Assistant Headteacher was effectively a JD. He undertook to agree a formal JD with Mr Ryle which would be circulated to Governors for approval.
OFSTED Inspection: Governors noted Mr Cattermole’s comment that the school could face an OFSTED inspection this academic year or in 2014-15.
Attendance/Absenteeism: Referring to the letters from the LEA and the DfE, Governors agreed that the school policy in this area needed tightening, not least if Mellis was to retain its “outstanding” OFSTED grading. Mr Cattermole undertook to re-circulate the two policy options he had prepared (one quite draconian and the other less stringent) so that it could be discussed further by a sub-group of governors comprising Mr Bix, Mr Cattermole, Ms Fielder and Mr Makowiecki.
Sports/Pupil Premium: Noting the absence of significant SDP focus on cricket and the amount of children who attended matches/events at Mellis Cricket Club, Dr Box wondered if linkages between the two could not be developed further, both on cricket and on other sports, e.g. running. He added that it would be helpful for Mellis CC’s fund-raising efforts to demonstrate use of its facilities by the school but there could also be benefits for the school and its pupils. Mr Cattermole said that both the PPF and the Sports Premium Fund could be used to promote greater access to e.g. sport and music. He noted too that Tim Courage a member of Mellis CC came into the school to coach the children which provided some income and boosted links between school and club. Dr Box also said he was exploring with Hartismere ways to promote girls cricket.
1800 - Ms Fielder left the meeting at this point.
After further discussion, Governors were pleased to adopt the SDP for the 2013/14 academic year (copy in Minute Book). / RC/PR
9.1 / 2013-14 Schools Financial Value Standard
Mr Bix informed Governors that the Finance Committee had reviewed and approved the SFVS and commended the current draft to Governors. Governors agreed the return which was signed off by Mr Bix for despatch to the local authority.
9.2 / Budget Plan 2013/14
Mr Bix informed Governors that this item had been dealt with at the last meeting of the Finance Committee. Going forward, there were a few pressures on the budget but overall the school’s financial position was satisfactory.
9.3 / Benchmarking Results 2012/13
Governors agreed to review the benchmarking data in the Spring term. Mr Doig undertook to add this issue to the agenda for the next meeting. / MD
9.4 / School Fund Account
Governors noted that no action had been taken on this issue since the last GB meeting and agreed to defer it to the first meeting of the spring term. Mr Doig undertook to add to the next agenda. / MD
9.5 / Record of Financial Responsibility (ROFR)
Governors received an update on the ROFR and the draft ROFR document for approval. Mr Bix informed Governors that since the last meeting the return had had been updated and approved in Finance Committee. After brief discussion, Governors approved the document for submission to the Local Authority.
10.1 / Mr Bix informed Governors that some further work was required on the revised Performance Management and Salary Policy, including running the online “Perspective” staff performance management programme (on which Mr Cattermole had already done significant work). Mr Bix undertook to circulate supporting papers and revised text to relevant committee members for review and agreement at the next GB meeting.
6.15pm Ms Fielder re-joined the meeting at this point.
10.2 / Mr Cattermole briefed Governors on the continuity and attainment benefits to the school by moving Kelly Floyd on to a five day contract rather than her existing contract. Richard: Sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t quite follow this item too clearly and wonder if you could kindly expand as necessary, please
This item was discussed earlier in the meeting at Item 8.
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Governors noted that there had been no educational visits since the last meeting of the Governing Body.
13 /


Governors undertook to review training needs when the current vacancies on the GB and its committees had been filled.
14.1 / Mr Bix informed Governors that the GB was required to decide on which two parent governors they supported for membership of SCC’s Education Scrutiny Committee. Dr Box read out the personal statements submitted by the six nominees in support of their candidature. After discussion, Governors agreed to support the following candidates:
  • Rachel Gooch, Thurston Community College
  • Tony Cooper, Leiston Primary School
Mr Bix undertook to confirm this decision to the Local Authority in writing. / KB
Governors confirmed that the next meeting would be held at 4.15pm on Thursday 16th January 2014.

The meeting closed at 6.45pm.


Record of Committee Membership and Delegation to Individuals

School Name –Mellis Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary

Date Revised –14th November 2013

Name of Governor / G/AM* / Hearings / Appeals / Pupil Discipline / Pre-School / OFSTED / Finance / Buildings HS / Personnel / Curriculum / Head's Perf Mgmt Review / Individual Responsibility
Mr Kevin Bix (LEA) / G / XC / X / XC / XC
Dr Ben Box (COM) / G / XC / XC / Safeguarding
Mrs Angela Browne (STN) / G / X / SEN
Mr Richard Cattermole (HEA) / G / X / X / X / X / LAC
Mr Gordon Clark (PAR) / G / XC / XC / X
Ms Katie Fielder (PAR) / G / X / X / X / XC
Mr Ben Makowiecki(PAR) / G / XC
Mrs Nicola Medwell(PAR) / G / X / X / X / X
Ms Clare Moore (PAR) / G / X / X / X
Ms Jo Pitt (FOU) / G / X / X / X / X
Mr Paul Ryle (STT) / G / XC
Vacant (COM) / G / X / X / X / X
Vacant (FOU) / G / X / X / X
Vacant (FOU) / G
*Governor or Associate Member

X = member of Committee

C = Chair of Committee


Autumn 13