IAF Global Board of Directors 2015 Elections

Candidate Information Form

Dear IAF Member,

Thank you for your willingness to stand in the IAF Global Board’s 2015 elections.

Please take a moment to review BOTH the general role description for all Directors, as well as the specific description that applies to the position to which you are nominated. The descriptions are available at: https://www.iaf-world.org/site/pages/2015-elections-board-0

To confirm your candidacy, please provide the Nominations Committee with the following:

Þ  Your completed Candidate Information Form

Þ  Your current résumé or CV

Þ  A link to a one-minute video addressed to IAF members, in support of your candidacy (optional)

Please send this information to the Nominating Committee at . You can expect to receive a confirmation of receipt within 24 hours.

The deadline for completed nominations is September 27, 2015. Upon receipt of your materials, the Committee will review your information to ensure it meets the essential criteria described in the relevant role description. In the event that further information is required to assess your candidacy, the committee will contact you no later than October 8, 2014.

The Nominations Committee is here to support your candidacy. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information or have questions about the election process or your work on the Board.

The online election among IAF members in good standing will take place from October 25 to November 5.

Again, thank you for your interest in serving the IAF!

Good luck!

Do you know someone in the Association that has great leadership potential and skills that are well-alignedto the positionsbeing recruited for this year? Take a moment to encourage them to step forward. Pleasesend this Candidate Information Form to them, along with your message of support!

1) Please indicate the role for which you are confirming your nomination:

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q  Secretary

q  Director of Conferences

q  Director of Communications

q  Director of Marketing and Partnerships

q  Regional Director for Asia

q  Regional Director for Canada

q  Regional Director for Europe, Middle East
and North Africa, (EMENA)

q  Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean

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2) Please provide complete contact information as follows:


MAILING ADDRESS – please be complete:





SKYPE ID (if available):

3) Please complete the following information regarding your involvement with the IAF:

I am an IAF member in good standing since / Year: Membership last renewed in month: ______
I hold a valid Certified Professional Facilitator designation / 1.  Yes/No
2.  If Yes
a.  Year and location of initial certification event
b.  Recertified in years: ______
I have attended the following IAF conferences / a)  As participant:
b)  As presenter:
Other activities I have undertaken with IAF include:

4) Please briefly describe, in 300 words or less, how you apply and promote facilitation in your work in accordance with the IAF Code of Ethics and Statement of Values.

5) Please provide a brief explanation, in 500 words or less, of how you meet the essential qualities that are described in the role description for the specific role on the Board in which you are interested. You may address the desired qualities if you wish. Please choose a format that works best for you, e.g. you may wish to use bullet point format or to copy and paste the “screening criteria” list from the role description, adding a column with your comments/input.

6) Please provide a brief statement of 300 words or less to demonstrate why you are interested in the position and present your goals and strengths that you would bring to the Board in this role. Your Statement will facilitate IAF members' choice of candidates.

NOTE: This statement will be posted on the IAF website and the online election platform.

7) Please indicate if you are able to provide a 1-minute video in which you will introduce yourself.


NOTE: Please upload your video to either YouTube or Vimeo and provide the link to the Nominations Committee no later than October 12, 2015. It will be made available to IAF member's via the election's platform.

8) Please complete the following information regarding your personal commitment to serving on the IAF Board. I confirm my personal commitment as a Board Member:

I understand the time commitment for the board and am able to devote sufficient time both to my portfolio and to the work of the Board as a whole. / YES/NO
I have read the general and specific role descriptions, the 2013 IRS 990 and the Insurance Coverage documents and understand my responsibilities as a board member. / YES/NO
I have read and concur with the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Association
I am willing and able to travel to one face-to-face Board Meeting per year.
I am available to attend at least 75% of the monthly Board Meetings via conference call and to collaborate remotely throughout the year to fulfill my role. / YES/NO

9) Please provide the names, email addresses and phone numbers of at least two IAF members who are in support of your candidacy. These people will be contacted by the Nominations & Elections Committee to attest to some of the main qualities and principles of public life that are described in the Directors Role Description (i.e. selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and integrity).

1.  Reference name and contact details

2.  Reference name and contact details


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